Unlock Arc II - Chapter Twenty

Jun 19, 2012 11:00

Title: Unlock Arc II
renichifreak and
Chapter: 20/?
Fandom: SS501, cameos by KARA, U-KISS, Super Junior and BEAST
Pairings: KyuSaeng, HyunMin, SooBum (may be other pairings in the future)
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Angst, AU, Fluff
Summary: Not everything is as it seems, and for those who are as far from normal as you can get, life is a bleak existence.  The only ones who can truly understand what these individuals go through are those...just like them.
A/N:  YoungSaeng and HyunJoong are played by
renichifreak and KyuJong and JungMin are played by me.

The birds had just started waking up outside, light cheeps audible through the ground, when the coughing started up again. There had been a few quiet sniffles and coughs throughout the night, but nothing major; the usual 'tickle in the throat' coughs.

This time though, something was very different.

The coughs weren't stopping...and it didn't sound like KyuJong could breathe.

Normally a heavy sleeper, especially when in KyuJong's presence, something pulled YoungSaeng awake.  Looking around, his eyes fell on KyuJong before they widened, realizing that something was very wrong.  "Kyu?  KyuJong, what is it?" he asked, panic beginning to show.

Not knowing what to do, he pulled KyuJong into a seated position, trying to make sure that he wouldn't choke.  When nothing helped, YoungSaeng jumped to his feet and ran out of the room, heading straight for HaRa's room and pounding frantically on the door.

The loud noise jolted the healer from her sleep. Climbing out of bed and stumbling over to the door, she pulled it open and had to duck to avoid being hit. "YoungSaeng oppa?" she asked, waking up more at the expression on YoungSaeng's face. "What's wrong?"

The second the door opened, YoungSaeng grabbed the girl by the wrist and dragged her across the hall and into his room, too distressed to explain and make any sense.  Once inside, he managed to blurt out that KyuJong couldn't breathe.

"Oppa, what-" HaRa's eyes widened at both YoungSaeng's words and the continuous, painful coughs that rang through the room. KyuJong had fallen back onto his side, curled up a little with one hand over his mouth.

Hurrying to the bed, HaRa's hands glowed white as she hovered them over KyuJong's form. Whatever she felt made her eyes widen in alarm. "YoungSaeng oppa, I need you to go wake up Wookie, HyunJoong oppa, and SooHyun oppa," she said before bearing down with her healing. Slowly the coughing eased up enough so that KyuJong could breathe.

YoungSaeng couldn't move at first, fear for KyuJong freezing him to the spot.  When the coughs eased just slightly, he finally snapped out of it and ran out of the room again.

It was only a minute before HyunJoong ran in, followed by SooHyun and RyeoWook, JungMin the last to enter as he was trying to calm his best friend who was all but clinging to him.

"HaRa, what's going on?" HyunJoong asked.

HaRa was helping KyuJong back to a lying down position on the bed, hand pressed lightly against his forehead and still glowing white. He was breathing now, but very roughly, and didn't appear entirely awake.

She looked up at him with wide eyes. "We never gave Kyu the vaccine, oppa," she said, voice shaking. "When he came back, no one remembered to give him the vaccine."

At HaRa's explanation, the color completely drained from HyunJoong's face, leaving him lightheaded.  "Oh God..." he murmured, turning toward YoungSaeng who had just figured out what that had meant.

"No..." YoungSaeng murmured, legs giving out as he fell to the ground.  He had seen what the virus did to a person who was unvaccinated.  "No, no no no no...."

He couldn't lose KyuJong now.  He just couldn't.

Still holding on to YoungSaeng, JungMin yelped as he went down as well, eyes just as wide. "Wait...what does that mean? He was fine yesterday!"

"It's almost undetectable at first," RyeoWook whispered, frozen in place for a moment. "Until it gets lethal..." He hurried to the bed, setting up a healing circle around it. "How's his condition?"

"Not good, it must have been building all night," HaRa shook her head, blinking back tears before looking up. "We still haven't received those new vaccine shipments after using up all of ours on the patients...SooHyun oppa, please check with the other cells, see if any have some to spare. Wake up whoever you need to."

With a quick look to HyunJoong, SooHyun nodded.  "On it.  Tell KiBum I'll be back."  A moment later, he was gone.

YoungSaeng continued to cling to JungMin as the others spoke of KyuJong's condition.  A few others had gathered in the room as well after hearing the early morning commotion, but no one spoke, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"What are we trying to do?" RyeoWook asked HaRa quietly, helping her in her attempt to keep KyuJong's fever down.

"We'll inject him with the vaccine, and I'll give it my best boost," HaRa said, eyes closed and hands shaking. "If the boost takes effect, it will slowly flush the virus out of his system...we just have to keep him h-here until it takes effect."

Which was easier said than done. Even with both of them with their healing cranked up to max, there was no visible improvement. KyuJong's chest rose and fell shallowly, the occasional weak cough escaping. The virus was eating at him from the inside.

"Saeng?" JungMin kept his arms around his best friend, swallowing. "He'll be fine, they can still save him..."

HyunJoong watched, feeling completely helpless under the circumstances.  He had very little medical knowledge, so he let the two medics speak.  Looking at the door, he spotted HyunSeung, which gave him an idea.

"HyunSeung ah, can you get JunHyung in here?"  he asked.

Blinking, the blond boy nodded his head before turning and heading to JunHyung's room to retrieve him.

"Not sure if it'll do much, but I'm willing to try."

"What are you planning, Hyun?" JungMin asked, rubbing YoungSaeng's back slowly. He didn't know what to do either, just keeping his friend company and trying to reassure him that it would be fine.

"I'm not sure if you know, but JunHyung can boost abilities.  Maybe he can help HaRa and Wook keep Kyu stabilized until we can get the vaccine," HyunJoong explained.  He crouched down in front of JungMin and YoungSaeng and tugged lightly on his hair.  "We're not gonna let anything happen to him, Saeng," HyunJoong stated with conviction, smiling slightly when YoungSaeng turned to look at him with glassy eyes.


Movement by the bed drew JungMin's attention. KyuJong was trying to sit up, and it wasn't clear if he couldn't because of the healers keeping him down or if he just didn't have the strength. "He's awake Saeng," he said, nudging his friend.

"Oppa, please stay still," HaRa pleaded. KyuJong seemed dazed and unable to focus on anything, eyes glassy with fever as he started coughing again.

YoungSaeng's head shot up at that as he turned back to the bed to see HaRa trying to keep KyuJong still.  Getting to his feet with the help of HyunJoong, YoungSaeng moved to settle on the bed beside his boyfriend.  "Kyu, it's okay.  Please just stay still and rest," YoungSaeng murmured, curling up against his boyfriend.

"Since it's not contagious, it should be fine to have Saeng stay with Kyu to keep him calm," HyunJoong replied, more to reassure himself than anyone else.

It took a moment for KyuJong to focus on YoungSaeng, vision blurry and head swimming. Recognizing the white glow around him for healing, he could tell something was wrong when the pain just kept coming. "Saeng?" he whispered, voice hoarse. "What's going on?" He started coughing again when he tried to turn his body towards the older man.

YoungSaeng was silent as he tried to think of how to explain.  "During the two years you were gone, a virus began attacking those of us with powers.  We were all vaccinated before we were affected, but we never thought-"  He choked up, but forced himself to continue.  "We never thought about the fact that you wouldn't have the vaccination, and without it..."

HyunJoong continued, knowing there was no way that YoungSaeng could speak.  "There's an almost 100% fatality rate. SooHyun's out looking for the vaccine right now.  You'll be fine, Kyu."

It took a moment for that to sink in, KyuJong not sure if he'd heard them right. Then it reached him that he could die from this, and was most likely going to die. But he'd felt fine before...just a little feverish...

Swallowing thickly, he found YoungSaeng's hand and squeezed it tightly, trying to reassure his boyfriend. But his grip was weak and he had to close his eyes again as dizziness swamped him.

HyunSeung and JunHyung came in, the latter looking confused and alarmed.

It took a lot to stop from crying at the weak grip on his hand, but YoungSaeng managed to pull it off.  It was almost like the last time KyuJong had fallen sick nearly three years ago.  He had tried reassuring him then, too.

This time, however, it was his turn.

"If I have to strap your spirit down, I'll do it, Kyu.  You're not leaving me," he whispered.

Watching the two, HyunJoong spoke to JunHyung, who had just arrived.  "I know you're still learning endurance with your power, but can you lend Wook and HaRa your ability to try to stave off the virus?"

Looking from HyunJoong to the healers, JunHyung nodded. "I can give it a try." He moved closer to the bed and leaned against the wall out of the way, drawing in a breath as he focused on the two healers. The glow around the bed was strengthened, HaRa pressing her hand lightly against KyuJong's chest.

"I'm not going anywhere," KyuJong got out, shaking his head slowly and eyelashes fluttering as he opened his eyes halfway, holding on to YoungSaeng's hand.

JungMin watched the bed, slowly standing back up. "How long does he have?" he whispered to HyunJoong, not wanting YoungSaeng to hear.

"At most?" HyunJoong asked, turning to look at JungMin.  "With JunHyung's help, evening."

That said, he prayed for SooHyun to hurry.

JungMin drew in a slow breath, hand finding HyunJoong's. They couldn't lose KyuJong. "We...should tell his parents," he said quietly, looking up at his boyfriend.

"Not here, though," HyunJoong said quietly as he got to his feet, helping JungMin up as well.  "Why don't we leave them alone for now and go there?  This isn't something that should be told over the phone."

Nodding, JungMin swallowed and looked back over at the bed. "They'll be fine here?" he whispered, thinking about YoungSaeng.

Pausing to think, HyunJoong closed his eyes.  "Maybe you should stay.  Having you here would probably help him," he replied.  He wasn't sure if he could handle speaking to the couple by himself, but JungMin would be of more help to YoungSaeng.

Looking up at HyunJoong, JungMin bit his lower lip. "If you think you'll be okay...I don't know how helpful I would be right now," he admitted, sighing softly as he looked back at the bed again.

HyunJoong smiled softly.  "I don't know if you've noticed, but just being by you helps.  I'll be okay, but it's your call.  I don't mind if you want to stay here to support YoungSaeng."

JungMin slowly nodded after a moment. "I probably should." He squeezed HyunJoong's hand lightly before letting go. A small group of curious and worried people had gathered around the doorway by then.

Nodding, HyunJoong rested a hand on the back of JungMin's neck and pulled him into a kiss.  "Take care of him while I'm gone, Min," he said with a smile before kissing him once more and walking out of the room, shooing everyone away.

Watching him go, JungMin sighed and walked closer to the bed, staying out of the healers' ways as he watched them. KyuJong was curled up slightly against YoungSaeng, eyes closed and breathing shallow. His condition appeared to be stable...for now. But it was obvious that the healers were using up a lot of energy to keep him that way, slowing down the rate the virus ate at his body.

YoungSaeng simply lay there, curled up against KyuJong with his face buried in the younger boy's shoulder.  He had no idea what to do as the fear of losing KyuJong once more was all he could think about.  He was certain that he would never survive losing him.  Sniffing quietly, he pressed a bit closer and tried desperately not to cry.  He needed to be strong.

After a few minutes, KyuJong managed to crack one eye open. He kept drifting in and out of consciousness, the feeling of YoungSaeng pressed against him bringing him back again.

"I miss your singing," he whispered finally, his own voice hoarse and in no condition for the simplest of notes.

Hearing the soft whisper, YoungSaeng froze.  It had been years since he had last sang, and he was still afraid that after everything that had been done to him, he would never be able to again.

However, if it was for KyuJong...

He was silent for a moment before he readjusted his position to uncover his face.  Taking a deep breath, he finally opened his mouth, a very quiet song falling from his lips.

As YoungSaeng started to sing, KyuJong felt a tired smile curl his lips. YoungSaeng's voice was just as amazing as it had always been. He didn't let go of the older man's hand, thumb slowly stroking along the back of his hand. His eyes closed again as he just listened, letting the song relax him. He knew that song.

YoungSaeng continued to sing, voice evening out shortly after starting.  It felt good to sing again, and if it calmed KyuJong, then he would continue doing so.

As the song finally drew to a close a few minutes later, KyuJong smiled softly. "Beautiful," he whispered, feverish eyes slowly opening again.

"Just for you," YoungSaeng murmured, bringing a hand up to brush KyuJong's hair from his eyes, frowning at just how hot KyuJong really was.  "Anything for you."

Smiling tiredly, KyuJong shifted a little closer. "Love you," he whispered softly. He could barely remember they weren't alone, the two healers next to him quiet as they worked, though HaRa was continuously wiping away tears.

"Love you more," YoungSaeng said, voice breaking as he spoke.  He missed the times he and KyuJong would have that argument.  Not wanting to worry KyuJong, who even while sick was always sensitive to him, YoungSaeng reached behind him, searching for JungMin's hand.  He had heard his best friend approach and was sure he was close.

Seeing the hand reach out, JungMin stepped closer to the bed and took it, squeezing lightly. He couldn't do more than be silent support now, throat closed as he took in the two on the bed.

"I'm really proud of you, you know that Saeng?" KyuJong said quietly, smiling a little at him. He hadn't even noticed JungMin approach, it took so much energy to just focus on YoungSaeng.

He tightened the hold on JungMin's hand as he smiled shakily at KyuJong.  "Why is that?" he asked softly, stroking his hair.

"Yesterday," KyuJong whispered to him, gaze warm. "Seeing you like that, it was like nothing had ever happened. You are so strong, so much stronger than anyone else I know."

"I wish I saw what you see sometimes," YoungSaeng murmured, resting his head against his shoulder once more.  "You should rest and save your energy."

"But I want to talk now," KyuJong mumbled. "I said right from day one, that you're strong...and I'm right, even if you don't see the same." He kissed the top of YoungSaeng's head. "And you're going to keep on getting stronger, right?"

JungMin swallowed thickly, keeping his grip on YoungSaeng's hand. He realized what was bugging him about the way KyuJong was talking. Asking to hear YoungSaeng sing, telling him he loved him, saying he had to keep being strong...he was talking as if he was going to die.

YoungSaeng realized it at the same moment as JungMin.  "Stop...please, Kyu...please stop.  If I get stronger, it's because you're here to push me.  I'm stronger because of you and your faith in me.."  He had to pause, choking on the words he was speaking.

KyuJong hugged YoungSaeng closer, smiling softly. "You always have my faith in you, Saeng. I'll never stop believing in you." He kissed the older man's forehead again. "I'd try singing something for you, but it probably wouldn't be very pretty," he chuckled hoarsely.

YoungSaeng wanted nothing more than to yell and scream at KyuJong.  He wanted him to stop talking nonsense and rest so he could get better, but he couldn't.  His voice just wouldn't work, so all he was able to do was tighten his hold on his boyfriend and pray to whatever god would listen that KyuJong would survive.

Sighing softly, KyuJong coughed a little before closing his eyes again. He seemed to drift off a little, breathing uneven as the fever continued to mount.

A bead of sweat ran down HaRa's temple, the healer swiping it away. The virus was strong, even delaying it was taking up all her and RyeoWook's strength, even with JunHyung's help. They wouldn't be able to keep it up if it kept getting stronger.

"He'll be okay Saeng," JungMin whispered, though he wasn't sure of what he was saying anymore.

Not moving for a moment so as to not wake KyuJong, YoungSaeng nodded slightly.  "He can't die, Min," he whispered, too shaky for his voice to go any louder.  "He just can't..."

"We're not letting him go oppa," HaRa said softly, her eyes closed. "Not without a fight."

JungMin looked up as his boyfriend reappeared, with KyuJong's parents and EunAh. EunAh started crying the second she saw her older brother, their parents stepping up to the bed. "How is he?" KyuJong's mother asked, and there was an audible tremor in her voice as HaRa explained KyuJong's state.

The looks on everyone's faces as well as just how tightly YoungSaeng was holding on told HyunJoong just how bad KyuJong was.  "Has there been any word from SooHyun?" he asked quietly as he walked over to JungMin and wrapped his arms around the redhead.

"Nothing," JungMin shook his head, leaning against HyunJoong lightly. "Would he have...trouble bringing the vaccine?"

"He might have to bash a few heads in," RyeoWook said, swallowing nervously. "The cells are...usually protective about their vaccine supplies. Just...just in case."

KyuJong's mother ran her fingers gently through KyuJong's sweat-matted hair, eyes teary.

Considering what RyeoWook said, HyunJoong reached into his pocket, pulling out his cell.  "He'll have no problems if it's the last thing I do," he stated before he began calling other cell leaders, praying that he would be able to grease a few metaphorical wheels.

JungMin watched what HyunJoong was doing, holding onto the older man's arm lightly.

"What can we do?" EunAh asked tearily, sniffling. KyuJong's father held his wife gently, looking down at their son.

"Nothing much can be done that we aren't already doing," HaRa said quietly.

"How are you holding up, sweetie?" KyuJong's mother asked, hugging her husband tight before gingerly sitting down next to YoungSaeng.

"EunAh yah, if you can, call Xander and have him call his contacts, okay?" HyunJoong murmured softly before turning his attention back to the person he was speaking with.

Hearing the woman speak, YoungSaeng slowly turned around and opened his eyes, revealing the pure blackness of his activated power.  It would be the first time since he had been rescued that he would be using it outside of the rare practice.

"He's not going to die.  I refuse to let it happen," he said quietly, determination that had been absent for so long clear in his eyes.

Meeting YoungSaeng's pitch black eyes, the woman gave a shaky smile and ran her fingers through YoungSaeng's hair gently. "Be careful, sweetie..." EunAh hurried out of the room at HyunJoong's words, rushing to find Xander. HyungJoon went with her.

The clock seemed to tick on slowly, no sign of SooHyun still. Around noon, KyuJong's mother made everyone eat something, especially the two healers and JunHyung who were pushing themselves to the limit to keep KyuJong's condition stable. The time traveler hadn't woken up since; barely moved except for racking coughs.

With every cough, YoungSaeng found himself tightening his grip.  The forceful activation of his power for so long had helped his endurance, and he was glad for that.  His ability allowed him to monitor KyuJong's own spirit as he kept a close eye on the fluctuating aura surrounding the younger.

It was getting considerably dim, and that scared him more than anything.

Changing the damp cloth on KyuJong's forehead, his mother brushed YoungSaeng's hair out of his face gently. She and her husband hadn't left the room, EunAh coming back in a bit before and sitting in the corner with HyungJoon, crying softly.

HyungJoon held his girlfriend close, stroking her hair and whispering soothing words into her ear, even though he was just as worried.

It wasn't long before SooHyun reappeared, wavering slightly before handing HaRa one of the two vials he had managed to bring back.  "We got very, very lucky.  Xander managed to get ahold of Eli just as I arrived," he explained, dropping into a chair before he fell over, having overexerted himself from the constant teleportation over such distances.

HaRa wasted no time, rolling up one of KyuJong's sleeves. As RyeoWook prepared a spot for the injection, she set up a syringe from the kit beside her with the vaccine. KyuJong didn't even twitch as he was injected with the vaccine, HaRa giving it her best boost to make it take effect faster.

"I'll give him the second injection in half an hour," she said, cleaning the puncture mark. "It will still take a bit of time to take effect..."

The question was, had it come too late? KyuJong's breathing was even more shallow than before, even with the healers efforts.

YoungSaeng watched closely as the medic injected KyuJong with the vaccine.  There was a slight shift in KyuJong's aura, but it seemed to simply be KyuJong acknowledging the vaccine.  HyunJoong watched on as well, noticing that HaRa had added a bit more energy to the shot, helped along by JunHyung, who seemed about ready to pass out from the strain.

"JunHyung, are you okay?  Thank you for trying so hard, but don't overdo it, okay?"

JunHyung gave the older man a strained smile, sitting down in a chair near the bed. "It's fine," he murmured, waving one hand slowly before closing his eyes again and focusing on what he was doing.

It didn't take long for it to not be 'fine' anymore though. JunHyung slumped over his legs just as HaRa was finally injecting the second vaccine, passed out after the long hours of pushing his gift to the max. And with that, the two healers were alone in delaying the virus.

HyunJoong went to JunHyung's side when the boy passed out to check on him.  Seeing that he was only sleeping, he scooped him up and with a quick 'I'll be back', he left to return him to his room where he was sure that HyunSeung was waiting.  When he returned, he frowned, seeing no change at all.  It wasn't entirely unusual, but they were all on edge as they prayed that they had made it in time.

"Any change?" JungMin asked a bit later, seeing the two healers were running out of energy.

"Nothing, it hasn't taken effect yet," HaRa shook her head, swallowing. "H-he's...We don't have enough energy to hold him like this for long." RyeoWook in particular was an ashen, sickly gray; his ability was supposed to be used over a large area, not concentrated on one person like this.

Biting his lower lip in thought as he weighed his options, HyunJoong sighed.  "We just have to pray that we got the vaccine in time.  You two have done well, but from this point on, it's up to Kyu."

"He's strong, he'll be fine," EunAh sniffled, but it was slowly becoming obvious that KyuJong's body was failing. He hadn't woken up once since this morning.

It was only fifteen minutes later when the situation took the turn for the worst.

KyuJong stopped breathing.

"No...no no no!" HaRa's depleting stream of healing energy was strengthened as she forced out everything she could.

The second KyuJong stopped breathing, YoungSaeng shot up, staring wide eyed as both medics went to work on trying to bring him back.  He watched as KyuJong's aura vanished but he completely froze when something began rising from the body.

Taking a deep breath once he realized that it was KyuJong's spirit, YoungSaeng pushed his ability to wrap around himself and pressed down harshly on KyuJong's shoulders, effectively stopping the spirit from leaving the body.

Having never done such a thing before, he didn't know if it would last long, the veins around his eyes growing more pronounced.

He would be damned if he lost KyuJong after everything they'd been through.

KyuJong's mother was crying, holding onto her husband's hand tightly as they gave the healers and YoungSaeng room. They couldn't do anything but watch.

"Come on, come on," RyeoWook was trying to get KyuJong's heart to start again, pressing down on his chest over and over. His heart would just give a few feeble beats before giving up again. "We need a defibrillator!"

"We don't have one here!" HaRa shook her head, pushing harder.

At the back of the room, tears streaming down his cheeks, JungMin looked down at his shaking hands.

Feeling JungMin shaking beside him, HyunJoong looked over just in time to see the redhead look at his hands.  It took no time at all to figure out what he was thinking.

"Maybe we do," he murmured as he met JungMin's eyes.  "Min, do you think you could do it if you use me as a filter?" he asked quietly, panic settling in his eyes as they mirrored JungMin's.  "You know your power better than anyone.  Tell me how much you need and I'll give it to you."

He spoke quietly just in case he was wrong and it wouldn't work, not wanting to give false hope.

JungMin looked up at HyunJoong, eyes wide with fear. This was more than just practice they were talking about. "I-I think...I might be able to, but Hyun, if I mess up...if I mess it up, I'll kill him." He swallowed thickly, looking from HyunJoong to the bed.

HyunJoong was silent for a moment before he spoke again.  "Min, if we don't do something, he'll die anyway.  I don't know how long Saeng can hold on, not with the lack of practice and amount of force he's exerting."

Looking up at his boyfriend, JungMin drew in a shaky breath and nodded. And if he didn't try and let KyuJong die, he'd never forgive himself. "HaRa, how much voltage does a defibrillator have?"

HaRa looked up at him through teary eyes. "I-It ranges...usually around 700 volts."

Doing a mental calculation, JungMin swallowed and looked at HyunJoong. "I need 30% of my power," he said before pushing past people to get to the bed. He stopped RyeoWook and unbuttoned KyuJong's shirt quickly, pushing the material out of the way as he looked up at YoungSaeng with wide eyes. "Keep holding him Saeng."

Grip tightening and vision slowly darkening, YoungSaeng heard what was said and did as asked, trusting JungMin implicitly.

"You got it," HyunJoong replied as he locked down JungMin's power save for the requested 30%.  "You can do it, JungMin.  Don't doubt yourself."

Shutting his eyes tightly, JungMin gathered up all the electricity left at his disposal into a tight ball just beyond his hands. Placing his hands against KyuJong's chest, he made sure YoungSaeng wasn't touching KyuJong physically and only the spirit he was trying to keep down before releasing the electricity in a quick jolt.

KyuJong's body jumped slightly on the bed like a limp doll. Monitoring his condition, HaRa's eyes snapped open as she felt KyuJong's heart start and then stop. "Again!"

Gathering up the electricity again, JungMin gave one more shock, KyuJong's body jumping again...and this time he could feel it, the beating heart under his fingertips.

He quickly got back out of the way as both healers went back to work, panting harshly and shaking.

YoungSaeng let out a sharp gasp when JungMin shocked KyuJong.  While he wasn't touching him physically, there was enough of a connection to feel a bit of the shock.  It was nothing worse than shocking himself on a cart, however; it just surprised him.

The second he saw JungMin back away and the healers go to work, YoungSaeng very slowly let up on his hold on KyuJong's spirit, seeing that it was slowly beginning to settle back within the body.  He didn't remove his hands, though, still afraid to let go.

By this point, YoungSaeng was having difficulties seeing due to the stress on his optic nerves and his arms were trembling from fatigue, but he didn't care.  He just needed to make sure that his boyfriend was okay.

Long minutes passed in fear, everyone's eyes on the bed. But finally, HaRa leaned back a little, sighing as she wiped her eyes. "He's...he's okay," she gave them a shaky smile. "The vaccine is starting to work...he was too weak to handle it, but it's okay now. He's going to be okay."

"Oh thank God," KyuJong's mother was crying in her husband’s arms, EunAh practically wailing in HyungJoon's. JungMin had to sit down, overcome by relief.

YoungSaeng didn't move, too afraid that if he did, everything would take a turn for the worse.  Slowly, though, he let up until he had completely released him.  Not wanting to disturb KyuJong, YoungSaeng fumbled around before using the wall to ease himself to his feet.

He was unprepared for the massive dizzy spell and exhaustion that hit as his legs suddenly gave out and he fell over, losing consciousness.

KyuJong's father was close enough to grab him before he could crack his head on something. Letting go of his wife for a moment, he carefully picked the young man up and laid him down gently on the bed again, the others clearing a spot for him.

HaRa looked at RyeoWook beside her. "We should take turns watching him for the rest of the day and night, just in case. Go get some sleep before you pass out too."

"But..." RyeoWook protested, though he didn't look too far from following JunHyung and YoungSaeng.

"I may not have extensive knowledge, but I believe that I'm capable enough to watch him and get one of you if needed," HyunJoong spoke up.  "You both need rest, if just to replenish your energy.  You'll be of little help in your conditions," he added.  "Don't make me make it an order, you two, now shoo."

As expected, both healers put up an argument at that, but they all knew how badly they needed to rest in case they were needed again. Reluctantly the two left, friends helping them walk when they nearly fell over.

KyuJong's parents stayed near the bed, his mother still crying softly. "Thank you, thank you for saving my boy..."

HyunJoong smiled softly as he hugged the woman he considered a second mother.  "That is one stubborn guy," he chuckled, though there was a slight hitch to his voice.  "I have never seen someone survive the virus before," he said with a shake of his head.

She hugged him back tightly, running fingers lightly through his hair. "He didn't do it alone. Thank you." She kissed his head, and then turned around to hug JungMin as well. Surprised, JungMin smiled through the tears still misting over his eyes before hugging her back lightly.

HyunJoong watched as JungMin returned the hug with a small smile as he reached out and ran a hand soothingly over his back.  Looking back at the bed, he got the others' attention and directed it toward the bed.

YoungSaeng, completely unconscious, had managed to roll over, practically clinging to KyuJong.

KyuJong's father chuckled, pulling the blanket up over both of them. "I've never seen two more attached to each other than these ones."

JungMin shook his head too, smiling up at HyunJoong. He tugged lightly for the older man to sit down in his lap, seeing no reason to keep standing. They were going to be here a while, watching over the pair.

Letting JungMin pull him down, HyunJoong settled in JungMin's lap and leaned back.  "You have a comfortable lap," he remarked with a smile.

"Kyu and Saeng aren't the only couple attacked at the hip," HyungJoon said with a grin.

"And your point is?" KyuJong's mother chuckled, pointing at her daughter who was still clinging to HyungJoon for dear life.

The couple settled down to talk with them quietly as they waited, everyone still rattled by the near loss.

((Show of hands, who still reads this? I feel a little stupid posting things that no one reads, and if interest isn't there I'm debating stopping >< ))

pairing: kyujong/youngsaeng, roleplay: unlock, fandom: ss501, pairing: hyunjoong/jungmin, writing: roleplay

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