Pokedex Log #001: Cave-in

May 01, 2012 18:26

Title: Cave-in
Length: 1119 words
Fandom: SS501
Characters: YoungSaeng, ?
Rating: PG
Warning: AU
Summary: YoungSaeng finds himself in a dangerous situation.
A/N: Part of the Pokemon!AU I'm starting =D Expect drabbles every other day, from many different fandoms.

This is what happens when you go in caves without a backup plan.

Though it was hard to plan for a cave-in. Coughing as he slowly returned to consciousness, YoungSaeng opened his eyes onto darkness. Well, not complete darkness. Light was coming from somewhere, but when he craned his neck to see where, stabbing pain made him put his head back down on the cool ground with a groan. What a migraine. He must have been hit good when the ceiling came down.

Well, he wasn't dead yet. He was sure death wasn't supposed to hurt this much. His entire lower body was stuck under the rocks. When he realized this, waves of pain forced him to bite down on his sleeve to muffle a scream. Not good. One leg didn't feel right, not at all. Was it broken? Was the circulation cut off so he would have to get it amputated?


Head swimming as he tried to remain conscious, YoungSaeng became aware of a noise from not far away.

"Ee...vee...eevee eevee!"

"Eevee?" he croaked, coughing. "Where are you?" Where was his flashlight? That light wasn't coming from it...

Now he remembered; he'd been near the cave entrance when the ceiling came down. The ground had been soft from an abundance of rain, something must have caused the cave mouth to close over...while he'd been standing right underneath. So that light...was it from outside?

So was Eevee's voice, and when he could hear over his own heavy breathing, the scratching of small paws on rock caught his attention.

"Eevee?" YoungSaeng tried again. The answering call was from just in front of him...behind the rocks blocking the front of the cave. Eevee must have made it outside before the cave entrance was blocked. Had he waited there for YoungSaeng to regain consciousness? How long had he been out?

There was scratching at the rocks again. Eevee was trying to get him out, but his friend was too tiny, he'd never be able to move the rocks. And if the cave collapsed further...

"Eevee, listen to me," YoungSaeng coughed. The scratching stopped. "Get help." He couldn't reach the pokeballs strapped to his backpack, the pack twisted at an odd angle above him and his arms unable to reach that far. "Head to Acacia City, you know where that is?"

"Eevee!" was the confirmation. YoungSaeng blinked back the shadows at the corners of his eyes. He was starting to black out.

"Go, hurry," he croaked. There was no reply from outside; Eevee had gone.

Pain made it hard to think. YoungSaeng swallowed past the sandpaper feeling in his throat as he laid his head down again. The rock around him was groaning. If Eevee didn't get someone soon, there wouldn't be anything of him left to rescue. Shuddering, YoungSaeng curled his hand around a pebble beside him as he lost consciousness.


"...ropes secure.....ready..."

YoungSaeng coughed on dust as the voice floated to him from outside. Who...who was that? He couldn't open his eyes, he felt sick to his stomach.

"Okay, pull!"

Rocks groaned and moved around him, YoungSaeng too out of it to even scream. He was going to be crushed. The pressure on his legs was getting worse.

Sunlight broke through in front of him.

"Scyther, come on!"

The pressure on his back and legs lifted as something pushed up beside him. Cracking his eyes open, YoungSaeng saw a flash of green before closing them again against the dust that rained down. As the rocks were lifted off of him, hands gripped him by under the arms and he was dragged out from underneath.

The rough rock of the cave was replaced by grass. Coughing repeatedly, YoungSaeng tried to move, a scream coming out as a choked whimper. His legs...

"Hey, it's okay, you're going to be okay." That soothing voice was back. Something was sprayed onto his legs, the pain numbing. "Scyther, help me lift him."

Next thing YoungSaeng knew he was being lifted up off the ground and onto something large and feathery. It shifted slightly and he realized it must be a Pokemon. Cracking his eyes open, he got a view of beige feathers and a pant leg before the sudden sunlight sent stabbing pain through his head. Ropes were securing him to the Pokemon beneath him so he wouldn't fall.

"Vee?" That was his little friend's voice.

"It's okay, your trainer will be fine," the stranger who'd rescued him replied. "Let's get him to a hospital. Pidgeot, you okay to carry him?"

"Pidgeeeot." The Pokemon YoungSaeng was on replied, shifting from foot to foot.

He had to see what was going on. Groaning and coughing, YoungSaeng cracked his eyes open and looked to the side, fighting back the darkness that tried to take him again.

A strange young man his age was kneeling next to him, eyes soft. The hand that brushed hair out of YoungSaeng's eyes was even softer. "You're going to be okay."

That was the last thing YoungSaeng saw before his world went black again.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

...What was that? YoungSaeng slowly opened his eyes, wincing at even the dim light in the room. He felt like he'd fought his way out of a desert...

"Vee!" Weight on his chest made YoungSaeng grunt and start coughing again.

"Easy there," a female voice admonished, and the weight was removed. YoungSaeng blinked, a figure above him coming into focus. A nurse stood by the bed, holding onto Eevee.

"...Where am I?" he whispered, voice as scratchy as sandpaper.

"Acacia Hospital," she replied, smiling. "You're a very lucky man to be alive."

YoungSaeng tried to sit up and winced, looking down at his legs. One was in a cast. "What...what happened? How'd I get here?"

"You were brought in a few days ago," the nurse replied, placing Eevee down on the bed so she could held YoungSaeng sit up. Eevee sniffed at YoungSaeng's arm and burrowed himself against the trainer's side. "Your leg's broken, but it was a clean break and we were able to prevent infection from setting in. You'll be stuck with a cast and crutches for a while, but with our team of Chanseys here you'll be as good as new before long."

YoungSaeng nodded. "The guy who saved me?"

"Oh, him? He left after you came out of the ER."

YoungSaeng nodded again, petting Eevee as the nurse continued to fill him in on what he'd missed. Left...without even giving him a chance to say thank you.

Who had that guy been?

"Eevee!" His little friend jumped up and licked his nose, making YoungSaeng smile.

"Thanks," he chuckled, holding Eevee close. At least someone had stayed by his side.

length: drabble, fanfic: pokemon!au, fandom: ss501, writing: fanfiction

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