Unlock Arc II - Chapter Seventeen

Apr 24, 2012 13:59

Title: Unlock Arc II
renichifreak and
Chapter: 17/?
Fandom: SS501, cameos by KARA, U-KISS, Super Junior and BEAST
Pairings: KyuSaeng, HyunMin, SooBum (may be other pairings in the future)
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Angst, AU, Fluff
Summary: Not everything is as it seems, and for those who are as far from normal as you can get, life is a bleak existence.  The only ones who can truly understand what these individuals go through are those...just like them.
A/N:  YoungSaeng and HyunJoong are played by
renichifreak and KyuJong and JungMin are played by me.

YoungSaeng sat on the bed in JungMin and HyunJoong's room, just looking around. He was still pretty nervous about the idea of practicing since he didn't know exactly what it would entail with him.

"So Min ah, what exactly are we going to be doing?" he asked.

JungMin kicked his feet back and forth a little. He'd enlisted HyunJoong's help in getting rid of YoungSaeng's over-protective boyfriend for the afternoon, so he'd have some time just with YoungSaeng.

"Well, we'll start out easy first," he said, carefully getting to his feet. "I want to walk, and you get to make sure I stay on my feet," the redhead grinned at his best friend. "Then, once you're okay with that, we'll step it up a little. What do you say?"

Listening to the plan, YoungSaeng nodded before getting to his feet as well and padding over to JungMin to make sure he didn't fall. "I'd say I'm a bit worried about the stepping it up part, but okay."

He was still nervous about being close to people, but he was getting a little better about JungMin.

"It's normal to be worried. After a while though you'll remember there's nothing to be worried about," JungMin smiled widely at his friend before holding on lightly to YoungSaeng's arm. "This good? Just to warn you, if you purposely let me fall, I'm so dragging you down with me."

Smiling, YoungSaeng adjusted to make it easier on them both. "It's fine," he replied. He couldn't help the initial jump at the contact, but knowing that it was JungMin helped ease his mind.

"Okay, then let's get started," JungMin grinned, taking a shaky step forward. "Bet you I can make it to the other end of the room without-GWAH!" Three steps later his legs gave out, landing him firmly on the ground. "...Doing that."

The suddenness of the fall caught YoungSaeng completely off guard and he was dragged to the ground with a yelp. Pushing himself up, he helped JungMin as well. "That wasn't fun," he remarked rhetorically.

"I know, try doing that five times while walking from one end of the hallway to the other," JungMin snorted, carefully getting back to his feet and holding on to YoungSaeng as he tried to stabilize himself. "I manage not to do it most of the time now."

"That's good," YoungSaeng said with a smile as he was able to steady himself and JungMin both. "You're improving so much, Min." He hoped that he could do the same eventually.

"Still a lot more to go, but yeah, I guess so," the redhead quirked a smile. The shaking in his legs stopped enough for him to take another step forward, then another. "You just have to remember to keep getting back up."

"Get back up," YoungSaeng murmured as he helped JungMin down the hall. Why did it all sound so simple coming from JungMin? He would have to remember that.

"Yep." JungMin puffed his cheeks out determinedly, going one step at a time. One leg gave out more often than the other, which was why he always walked on the same side of whoever helped him. Stumbling slightly, he paused to get his bearings before continuing on. "See, it's not that bad, is it?"

Blinking, YoungSaeng found himself shaking his head. "You're doing amazing, Min," he remarked before pausing. "And it's easier since we're so close," he added.

JungMin flashed a grin at YoungSaeng. "I suppose so, huh. Well, walking is going to get harder for me as I go, so we're going to be stepping it up for you a little too." He continued down the hallway, appearing to be actually going somewhere rather than just walking for the sake of walking.

"How do you mean?" YoungSaeng asked curiously before looking down the hallway. "And where are you going?" he added, noticing that JungMin seemed to have a specific destination in mind.

"We're going to pay someone a visit," JungMin chirped. He kept on going until he reached a certain door, knocking.

The door swung open, and DongHae floated down from the ceiling in front of their faces, upside-down. "Hello!"

YoungSaeng let out a surprised squeak and jumped, pinwheeling to keep himself steady. He was just thankful that JungMin was leaning against the wall or he would have definitely taken the redhead down. Blinking, he shyly waved at DongHae. "Um, hi."

JungMin steadied YoungSaeng this time, grinning a little at DongHae. "I heard you were on house arrest?"

"Yes, gravity's on the fritz again," DongHae gave a woeful sigh. "I can't even make it down the hallway."

"Well, we're going towards the training room," JungMin grinned, looking at YoungSaeng. "Want a tow line?"

At JungMin's suggestion, YoungSaeng just stared at him before looking back at DongHae floating. Focusing on his hand, YoungSaeng began worrying his lower lip. After a moment, he hesitantly reached out and took hold of the hand, startled when he felt virtually no weight attached to the limb.

"That would be great!" DongHae beamed at YoungSaeng happily. "Just be careful not to pull too hard, I can't control which direction I float and I don't want to hit you off the head."

"If you feel yourself about to crash, make sure you don't land on him," JungMin snorted, carefully shuffling out of the way so YoungSaeng could get DongHae out of the room. "So, to the training room?"

"How are you going to get down the stairs?" DongHae asked him, blinking at them both upside-down.

"I'll figure that out when I get there," JungMin shrugged.

"Talk to HyunJoong about putting in an elevator for you," YoungSaeng joked quietly, moving DongHae carefully to his other hand so he could continue to help JungMin down the hall. YoungSaeng listened as DongHae and JungMin chatted about whatever came to mind as they walked.

It took far longer than normal to reach the stairs, but that was to be expected. DongHae floated into the wall when they took the corner, and nearly rebounded into YoungSaeng, but other than that it was a smooth walk.

Stopping at the stairs, JungMin eyed it for a moment before moving away from YoungSaeng to hold onto the railing with both hands. "You might want to stay behind me, no sense in taking all three of us down if I'm gonna fall."

YoungSaeng watched JungMin closely as they walked down. He chose to walk beside JungMin just in case he could catch him if he fell. It was slow going, but everyone managed to make it downstairs in one piece. "You okay, Min ah?" YoungSaeng asked, looking on with concern.

"Y-yeah," JungMin panted, leaning heavily against the wall. "I think I'm gonna have to sit down though."

"There's chairs over there," DongHae pointed. "Thanks Saengie, you can let me go now," he grinned at the younger man.

JongWoon looked up from where he was sitting in the corner. "Oh, hey guys!" He waved at them, seeming surprised to see any of them down in the training room.

Nodding his head, YoungSaeng let go of DongHae as he asked and went to help JungMin to the chair so he could take a seat. Once he was okay, YoungSaeng took a seat himself. "You did good, Min ah," he said with a small smile after saying hello to JongWoon.

JungMin relaxed into the chair with a sigh, wincing at the pain in his legs. Looking over at YoungSaeng, he grinned a little. "You did good too Saengie," he smiled widely, one hand lightly on YoungSaeng's shoulder. "See, it wasn't that bad, was it?" DongHae was happily bouncing around the ceiling now, JongWoon laughing at him.

"It was still a bit nerve-wracking, but no, it wasn't too bad," YoungSaeng agreed as he watched the two others pick on each other. "How do your legs feel?" he asked.

"Like I was run over by a car," JungMin grinned, dropping his head to the side to rest on YoungSaeng's shoulder. "I don't know how I'm getting all the way back up there, but I'll figure something out."

Jumping slightly, YoungSaeng relaxed and shrugged with one shoulder. "I'm sure one or more of us'll get you up there. Unless SooHyun shows up, and we can ask him to teleport you," he suggested as he ran his fingers through the red hair.

"Yup," JungMin grinned, closing his eyes. "Or we can always wait for Hyun and Kyu to get back, Hyun will only be able to keep boyfriend away for so long."

YoungSaeng snickered at the last comment. "Not like Hyun can stay away himself, of course," he returned.

"So we'll see how long that lasts for, and then see what happens when they see we're not in the room anymore," JungMin chuckled, yawning a little. "At least I didn't fall down the stairs, Hyun would kill me if the fall didn't."

"I hope HyunJoong has more patience than Kyu does," YoungSaeng said with a smile before turning a bit toward JungMin. "If you want to take a small nap, we have time," he offered with a smile.

"I think I might," JungMin yawned again. "Once my legs stop feeling like they're on fire. Make sure DongHae doesn't try and drop JongWoon from the ceiling again."

"Hey, I'm being good," DongHae whined.

Snorting in amusement, JungMin happily dropped himself down to half-sprawl over YoungSaeng's lap, closing his eyes.

"I can do that," YoungSaeng told him, chuckling slightly as JungMin all but draped himself across his lap, falling asleep soon after.

It was around an hour later before footsteps came down the stairs. JongWoon and DongHae stopped their roughhousing when HyunJoong and KyuJong appeared, the younger man sighing in relief to see YoungSaeng and JungMin here.

"Hey, we were wondering where you went." He walked over, quietening when he saw JungMin was asleep.

YoungSaeng smiled a bit wider when he saw KyuJong. Waving him over, he shrugged his shoulders. "Min wanted to walk," he told him before turning toward HyunJoong. "Made it all the way and only faceplanted once. I was impressed."

Smiling, HyunJoong walked over and crouched down, running a hand through JungMin's hair. "So stubborn, this one," he chuckled affectionately.

JungMin mumbled something at the hand in his hair, burying his face against YoungSaeng's leg and continuing to sleep.

Sitting down on YoungSaeng's other side, KyuJong smiled gently at his boyfriend. "When did you guys get down here?"

"We came down an hour ago," DongHae piped up, flailing a little in the middle of the room. "YoungSaengie was my tow line."

KyuJong's eyes widened slightly at that, realizing what DongHae meant, and his lips curled upwards a little more despite himself. "Really?"

Blinking in surprise at the look on KyuJong's face, YoungSaeng had to smile. Maybe he hadn't lost all of his faith in him getting better. "It was like carrying a balloon, except he kept floating into the wall."

"It's a little hard to steer," DongHae whined.

Chuckling quietly, KyuJong wrapped one arm around YoungSaeng's waist, kissing his temple. "A giant, human-shaped balloon." JungMin had woken up, blinking blearily at them all.

Seeing JungMin awake, HyunJoong grinned. "Hey, love. Have a good walk?" he asked, pulling him into a seated position.

Groaning a little, JungMin leaned against HyunJoong, blinking as he tried to wake up. "Yup," he grinned after a moment. "Didn't fall down the stairs. I don't think I can get back up them though." His legs felt rather numb.

"Well then, when you're ready to head back up, I guess I can let you hitch a ride," HyunJoong said, sighing in mock annoyance.

"You better or you're sleeping alone tonight," JungMin sniffed, hitting HyunJoong's leg lightly.

KyuJong chuckled at them both, nuzzling against his boyfriend a little. Something in him had relaxed upon hearing how YoungSaeng had brought DongHae down here himself, and had been here with JongWoon, DongHae and a sleeping JungMin for a while.

Curling up against KyuJong, YoungSaeng relaxed even further, as he always did with KyuJong.

"Well that's no fun. I like you sleeping beside me," HyunJoong pouted, poking JungMin's cheek lightly.

"I can't do that if I'm stuck at the bottom of the stairs, can I," JungMin grinned at HyunJoong, trying to bite the attacking finger.

Rolling his eyes, HyunJoong moved onto the couch and tugged JungMin's legs up into his lap, massaging his calves gently. "Well we can't have that, now can we?"

Wincing a little as his legs were moved, JungMin held on to HyunJoong's arm to avoid falling over. After a moment he sighed in relief. "Nope. One day I'll be able to get from the room to here and back again," he grinned at his boyfriend.

"I don't doubt that for a second," HyunJoong replied, returning the grin. "How does this feel, by the way? Is it helping any?" he asked as he continued to knead the skin.

"Yeah," JungMin quirked a smile, sighing. "Helps a lot. With the pain anyways, still don't think I'm going anywhere." He glanced towards KyuJong and YoungSaeng. "Looks like it's their turn to fall asleep." KyuJong cracked one eye open at him, lips curling into a smile.

Hearing, YoungSaeng let out a sound that he heard JungMin, but refused to move, quite content with staying as he was against KyuJong.

Footsteps came down the stairs again, and a moment later, RyeoWook poked his head into the room. Seeing them, he smiled softly. "Hey hyungdeul," he stepped in, walking over to them.

"Hey Wookie!" JongWoon waved, and yelped as DongHae floated down enough to tug him backwards, nearly making him fall over.

Chuckling at them, RyeoWook went to HyunJoong. "We just got back from releasing the papers to the media," he said softly. JungMin looked over at him at that.

Not stopping in his actions, HyunJoong looked at RyeoWook. "You weren't seen, were you?" he asked. "And how did it go?" he added as an afterthought.

"We weren't seen," RyeoWook shook his head. "It went fine, the papers were picked up. Now we just wait and see what happens. We have some of the others as well as KyuJong hyung's parents watching the news for any sign of the release."

"Good job, Wookie. Keep me up to date on things, okay?" HyunJoong said, casting a glance at JungMin and YoungSaeng to see how they were. He knew just how difficult everything was on the pair.

"I will," RyeoWook nodded, smiling.

JungMin looked back at HyunJoong and gave a small smile, leaning back against the couch. "So now we just wait?" he murmured. KyuJong was looking at them as well, running one hand along YoungSaeng's side soothingly.

"Now we wait," YoungSaeng confirmed, taking KyuJong's free hand in his own. It was odd to think that so many strangers were going to be seeing all of that information, but if it would help, then he would deal with it.

"You okay?" KyuJong murmured, squeezing YoungSaeng's hand lightly and kissing his temple. He knew it hadn't been the easiest thing to decide to release those records to the public.

YoungSaeng smiled slightly. "I'll be okay, Kyu. Just need to get used to the idea of everything being out in the open."

"Anything I can do to help?" KyuJong asked softly, meeting his eyes with a gentle smile.

Leaning forward, YoungSaeng kissed him lightly. "Just keep doing what you're doing," he told him.

"That's a given," KyuJong whispered, kissing him back softly and enjoying the rare moment of intimacy. "I love you so much, Saeng."

"I love you, too, Kyu yah. More than you know," YoungSaeng murmured against his lips. He missed the simple intimacy of just sharing kisses.

HyunJoong watched the two out of the corner of his eye, smiling softly at the couple.


"The rain finally stopped," KyuJong smiled, peeking out from the trap door to make sure the sky was clear. Once he felt no rain falling, he pushed the trap door completely open and stepped out into the clearing. The grass squished under his feet as he turned around to help YoungSaeng up as well.

Waiting for KyuJong to give the all clear, YoungSaeng shifted from one foot to the other. A moment later, he managed a smile when KyuJong climbed out and reached in to help him out. He took the offered hand and climbed out as well.

YoungSaeng enjoyed being outside after it rained. The smell was something that he loved.

Closing the trap door after them, KyuJong smiled at YoungSaeng and swung their joined hands slowly. "Let's go see what umma and appa are up to?" They'd been stuck underground for two days now thanks to the rain, KyuJong needing to help clean up the mess a few times when the trap door was opened and mud spilled down the stairs.

YoungSaeng nodded his head with a smile and followed after KyuJong, enjoying the feel of the hand holding his. It brought back many good memories when KyuJong began to swing their hands back and forth.

It didn't take very long to reach the house, save for the three times either YoungSaeng or KyuJong slipped and nearly fell taking the other down as well, but when they did, they walked inside and slipped their muddy shoes off before stepping further into the house.

"Hey kiddos," KyuJong's father called from the front of the house. He looked like he'd just come in himself, and unlike the two boys, hadn't managed to avoid getting covered in the mud thanks to his job. "Finally braved the weather?"

"Dear you're getting mud all over the furniture," KyuJong's mother chided, shooing the man twice her height upstairs to shower. "Good morning sweeties, sleep well?" she smiled at YoungSaeng and KyuJong.

Watching the man practically hang his head as he did what his wife told him pulled a small laugh from YoungSaeng. It amused him how despite the man's size, he did anything the petite woman said.

"We did umma," KyuJong's smile widened into a light grin at the small laugh he heard from his boyfriend. "Can we hang out here today, some of the new kids started a mini-war with JongWoon and DongHae hyungdeul. The halls look like a paintball explosion."

"Then it was wise to clear out before you're dragged into cleaning it all up," she laughed softly. Stepping over to them, she gave first KyuJong, then YoungSaeng a hug. "Either of you hungry?"

It took a moment to relax into the hug, but once he did, it took an extra minute for YoungSaeng to let go, soaking up the motherly affection. "I could eat," YoungSaeng replied before laughing quietly. "It was exhausting watching Kyu yah clean up all that mud," he teased.

"Someone had to do it, and no one else does," KyuJong gave an exhausted sigh, though he was smiling at the interaction.

"Don't worry, I understand," his mother laughed softly. "Your father keeps forgetting to take off his work boots." She pet YoungSaeng's hair gently. "I'll start cooking something you like, why don't you both relax for a while?"

Smiling and relaxing even further, YoungSaeng nodded his head, liking the idea of both relaxing and KyuJong's mother's cooking. "Can't wait."

Returning YoungSaeng's smile, she pulled back and headed into the kitchen to start cooking.

"Want to head to my room?" KyuJong asked YoungSaeng, smiling when EunAh ran by with a "Hi oppadeul, bye oppadeul!" Clearly bound to find her boyfriend.

YoungSaeng moved to wave but decided against it since the girl wouldn't see anyway. "Your room sounds perfect," he replied, taking his hand and leading KyuJong upstairs. He knew the way to KyuJong's room even if blindfolded.

Following after YoungSaeng, KyuJong's smile only drew wider as they reached the top of the stairs and headed into his room. "A lot quieter than our other room," he laughed, going over to the window.

"Reminds me of the dorm room, actually," YoungSaeng replied, moving to lay on the bed. "Lots of banging and running around." His smile dimmed a bit as he thought about the dorm room and their school, missing the normalcy of their days and complaining about being interrupted to go to class.

"It does," KyuJong smiled softly, turning to look at him. After a moment he walked over, climbing onto the bed and kissing the corner of YoungSaeng's lips softly. "Complete with people who don't watch where they're running."

Closing his eyes at the feel of KyuJong's lips, YoungSaeng sighed happily. It was so rare for KyuJong to show him such intimate attention, and he sorely missed it. He did, however, appreciate the concern that KyuJong had for him in the case of physical contact of that nature.

Smiling, YoungSaeng turned slightly and brushed his lips lightly over KyuJong's, hand resting on the other's shoulder.

Blinking at the light brush over his lips, KyuJong looked at YoungSaeng for a moment before smiling softly, gaze warming before he closed his eyes. He kissed YoungSaeng back softly, careful not to press too hard in an effort not to alarm his skittish boyfriend.

Trailing his hand down to rest against KyuJong's heart, YoungSaeng slowly added just a bit more pressure, making the kiss more substantial. He'd missed this desperately.

The hand trailing down his chest made KyuJong shiver, breath hitching in his throat as he felt YoungSaeng's mouth press more firmly against his own. Even that small bit more was so much more than any contact they'd had in the last two years.

After a moment, KyuJong broke the kiss a little to breathe, opening his eyes to look at YoungSaeng in slight confusion, hoping beyond hope. "...Saeng...?"

When KyuJong pulled away to breathe, YoungSaeng had to do the same. It had been so long... When KyuJong looked at him like that, YoungSaeng blushed lightly and averted his eyes for a moment before looking back at his boyfriend. "I-I miss you," he finally answered quietly. "I miss kissing you like before, and I miss being with you..."

KyuJong smiled softly, cupping YoungSaeng's face lightly and stroking his thumb over the older man's cheek. "I miss you too Saeng," he whispered, swallowing. "I miss you so much...I don't want to push you into anything."

"And I can't thank you enough for that," YoungSaeng murmured quietly, tilting his head into the caress. "I know how hard it is, but I want to be me again, Kyu," he said, remembering the tearful conversation with JungMin. "And I'm not me without you."

Eyes widening slightly, KyuJong felt a small smile curl his lips, tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. "I'll always be here with you, Saeng," he whispered, resting their foreheads together lightly. "Always, that's a promise."

Tears began running down YoungSaeng's cheeks at the confirmation. While KyuJong was always quick to remind him, something about this time just seemed to hit a bit harder. "Maybe this is just another thing that will take practice," he murmured suddenly, the thought just coming to him.

KyuJong brushed the tears slowly off of YoungSaeng's cheeks, kissing him softly before pulling back again. "Practice?" he murmured, searching YoungSaeng's eyes for any hint of what he was thinking.

"Well, Min's helping me with regular contact, like holding DongHae Hyung's hand. Maybe the same principles apply here. I can't move past anything by myself, but perhaps you can help me. I'm okay to hug and kiss you, but I don't know about anything else," YoungSaeng explained softly, taking KyuJong's hand in both of his.

Meeting YoungSaeng's gaze, KyuJong bit on his lower lip lightly. "And if it's too much?" he whispered. It was his fear that he would accidentally get carried away and scare YoungSaeng; he didn't want to do anything that would make his boyfriend uncomfortable. It was a thin, thin line, and he didn't know exactly where it was.

"I trust you," YoungSaeng stated immediately before pausing. "Yes, there's a possibility - a good possibility - that you'll trigger something, but we can't move on if we don't know what my limits are..." He averted his eyes, unable to meet KyuJong's knowing the concern he would see. "...I'm scared. I'm really, really scared, but we need this. I need this..."

Listening to YoungSaeng, KyuJong's eyes tightened in worry for his boyfriend. He was silent for a moment before wrapping his arms around YoungSaeng, hugging him close.

"We'll take it slow, okay?" he said softly to him, rubbing one hand along the older man's back. "Just like when we first got together." He tilted YoungSaeng's chin slightly so the other man was looking at him.

"And above all, never forget...I love you, and I'll never hurt you," he whispered.

Blinking when he was made to meet KyuJong's eyes, YoungSaeng found himself smiling slightly. "I have never once doubted you, KyuJong, so why would I start now?" Pausing for a moment, YoungSaeng leaned forward, pressing his lips lightly against KyuJong's, eyes fluttering closed.

Smiling softly, KyuJong returned YoungSaeng's kiss lightly. He wrapped one arm loosely around his boyfriend's waist, free hand framing his cheek. It had been so long since they'd shared more than just soft pecks on the cheek, he missed YoungSaeng being this close.

YoungSaeng let out a soft sound when KyuJong returned the kiss, loving the feeling of being held so closely. He continued with the gentle pace before YoungSaeng slowly parted his lips, wanting just a bit more, though completely content with continuing as they were.

KyuJong felt YoungSaeng parting his lips, doing the same after a moment and hesitantly slipping his tongue into the older man's mouth. YoungSaeng tasted even better than he remembered, a low noise escaping KyuJong as he let YoungSaeng set the pace, running his hand up and down the other man's back.

YoungSaeng's breath caught as KyuJong deepened the kiss, startling him a bit with the intense feelings that raced through him. It had been far too long since they had last kissed as they were now, and while he had used KyuJong to get through the first few months in that place, he nearly forgot just how amazing KyuJong tasted.

Running his tongue along YoungSaeng's, KyuJong alternated between deepening the kiss and pulling back slightly for air, sharing softer kisses in between. They were in no rush, taking time to get used to the situation again. Not once did he stop the soothing motion along YoungSaeng's back, whispering sweet nothings against YoungSaeng's lips in the moments between kisses.

Parting for air when breathing became necessary, YoungSaeng rested his forehead against KyuJong's, breath bathing his lips and eyes still closed. "Miss this," he murmured quietly, relaxing at the calming hand on his back.

KyuJong's lips curled into a soft smile. "Me too," he whispered back, placing another gentle kiss against YoungSaeng's lips. "How's 'practice' so far?"

"'m okay," YoungSaeng replied, wrapping his arms around KyuJong's neck and snuggling against him. After a moment, he spoke up again. "Hey Kyu...I'm sorry for making you lose faith in me..."

Blinking, KyuJong shook his head and pressed his lips against YoungSaeng's temple. "I never lost faith in you, Saeng," he whispered, running his hand along his back. "I was just worried."

"I was awake," YoungSaeng told him. "That night after the meeting." He still felt horrible guilt for bringing KyuJong to the point of tears. "I don't want to make you cry or worry anymore..."

Hand pausing in it's motions, KyuJong bit his lower lip, resting his head lightly against YoungSaeng's. After a moment of silence he sighed, smiling sadly as he kissed YoungSaeng's cheek.

"I'll always worry about you...I love you Saeng, I can't not worry about you. I want to help you recover...I'm just not sure how some days."

"I know, Kyu, and I'm sorry," YoungSaeng apologized. "I don't know what to do either. I guess it's just hard realizing that I'm not alone anymore and that he's gone..."

"He can't hurt you anymore," KyuJong shook his head. Hesitating, he wrapped his arms more securely around his boyfriend and pulled him lightly into his lap, kissing YoungSaeng's lips. "Everyone's right here to help you, we can get through this, okay? You're stronger than you think."

YoungSaeng let out a startled sound as he was pulled into KyuJong's lap. It took him a moment to respond to the kiss before he pulled back to meet KyuJong's eyes. His boyfriend's confidence in him was something that he missed greatly. "I'll try," he finally said, small smile playing on his lips.

"You will," KyuJong smiled softly in return, running his fingers through YoungSaeng's hair.

He'd just leaned forward to kiss YoungSaeng again when he heard the doorbell go downstairs. Pulling back, he frowned a little, looking at YoungSaeng.

Footsteps sounded in the hallway, and KyuJong's father appeared a moment later, expression serious. "It's a car we don't recognize. Stay up here, if you hear anything happening then teleport back to the hideout right away," he said quietly to them before closing the door.

When KyuJong pulled away, YoungSaeng blinked in confusion until he heard the footsteps and watched the door open. "Appa, what's going on?" YoungSaeng asked, worried at the serious look on the man's face.

Hearing the answer, all color drained from YoungSaeng's face. He remembered what happened the last time a strange car had approached the house. When the door closed, YoungSaeng turned back to KyuJong, eyes wide. "Kyu, what's going on?"

"I'm not sure," KyuJong murmured. "Sometimes hunters come by because they suspect my parents are helping us, but they can't prove anything...we'll have to go back to the hideout and warn the others if it's them."

Motioning for YoungSaeng to get out of his lap, he stood and went to the door. He glanced back at YoungSaeng before cracking the door open just a little, enough to hear what was going on downstairs clearly as his mother went to the door and opened it.

YoungSaeng got out of KyuJong's lap as he was asked, worrying his lower lip as KyuJong got up to open the door enough to hear the conversation. Pausing, he got to his feet and made his way over to KyuJong's side. taking hold of his forearm with both hands.

When the front door opened, the woman straightened before bowing deeply. When she straightened, her head remained lowered a fraction as she wrung the rolled up documents in her hands. "Kim sshi," she greeted meekly.

KyuJong's mother frowned lightly, her gaze quickly flitting around behind the woman to make sure she was alone. She glanced back at her husband, who went to check the other side of the house, before returning her gaze to the woman at the door. "Good morning, how can I help you?"

Then she got a clearer look at the woman's face, and her eyes widened slightly in surprise. She recovered fast, managing not to look back towards the stairs as she greeted the woman properly.

"To what do we owe the visit...Heo sshi?"

pairing: kyujong/youngsaeng, roleplay: unlock, fandom: ss501, pairing: hyunjoong/jungmin, writing: roleplay

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