Play date for ceruleanquill

Jul 30, 2015 21:57

For: ceruleanquill
Title: Play Date
Pairing(s): Chanyeol/D.O
Rating: G
Warning(s): Poorly ended
Length: 2.8k
Summary: He doesn't know the first thing about babies; he doesn't even know how to make them stop crying.
Author's note: I'm so sorry for sort of butchering the ending, I'm thinking of rewriting it later on so if you're interested, I can let you know when I have a much better version of this for you recipient-nim!

The sky was still a murky black when there was a cry, loud wails echoing in the room, followed by a groan, a lump wiggling under the blankets of the nearby bed. A red mop of hair appearing over the top of the blankets to squint at the digital clock on the bedside table. 5:47am. With a whine, he sat up, ruffling his hair, toes curling when they touched the cold floor. The wailing continued, the figure standing up and shuffling over to the cot where a little baby cried, toothless mouth opened wide and a loud sound blasting from such a tiny being. Toned arms reached down, sliding under the baby’s armpits and lifting him up, the child being settled against a warm and firm chest, a deep humming filling it’s ears as it hiccupped, cries becoming sniffles, wide eyes peering up at the person that towered over it.

Hyunsoo was a healthy one year old, with round cheeks and wide eyes. He liked chicken and seafood but hated haircuts and sunglasses. He spent a lot of time in a little café, sitting in a high chair while his uncle ran around taking orders and making coffee, the boy wasn’t high maintenance at all in public. Chanyeol was a 25 year old man, with varying hair colours and a lanky frame. He owned and ran a small café in the lobby of his apartment complex, not wanting to travel too far in case of emergencies. He had just come out of college when his sister had told him to babysit his newborn nephew of three months, needless to say, she never came back and disappeared from his life. Stuck with the boy, Chanyeol was entrusted to look after him, nurture him and teach him. So instead of pursuing a career in tourism, the man had put it aside and decided to open a café and worked with music on the side, releasing online mixtapes every few weeks when he had time to unwind and relax. Together, uncle and nephew tried hard to survive in the harsh reality they were left with, the man having to budget his food so that he had enough money for milk powder and diapers, the women in the baby section always cooing at the boy while he fumbled around trying to find the right items for the baby. Obviously, he always had to point out that the boy was not his son but his nephew and he was being a good uncle and helping raise the boy. Hyunsoo really looked up to Chanyeol, sometimes.

But as of late, the boy was much more difficult, always crying and throwing tantrums at the slightest problems. Chanyeol didn’t know what was wrong, he checked the diaper, tried to put him back to sleep, tried the pacifier and even made some milk but the boy just continued to wail every time he was put down or moved somewhere, staying in his uncle’s arms and sniffling. Groaning with frustration, Chanyeol sat on his bed, letting the baby chew on his shirt, the fabric becoming scrunched and a wet patch started to form, the man was too tired to care anymore. He fell asleep with Hyunsoo in his arms, his head resting against the wall and a line of drool making its way down the side of his mouth. Chanyeol wasn’t sure what the boy did but when his alarm went off at 7, the boy was fast asleep on his arm, the said limb completely numb from the restricted blood flow. With a sigh, he slapped the bedside clock and moved to carry the boy back to his cot. It was going to be a long day for him, the start was already difficult. Everything he did in the mornings, from his shower to brushing his teeth and changing, he had to do it at record speeds in case the boy woke up without him there. The cot being a good kind with wheels, Chanyeol would wheel the bed with the sleeping baby to the living room where he would keep watch from the kitchen where he was preparing and eating breakfast.

That morning however, Chanyeol had barely finished his shower and changed when there was a cry from the cot, the boy holding onto the sides and wobbling inside the cot, tears already in his eyes. The red haired man quickly pulled on a shirt, reaching to pick up the boy carefully. Looks like he would be having cereal and instant coffee that morning, not wanting to risk cooking something while the boy was in his arms. Making his way out to the small kitchen, Chanyeol hummed as he prepared the milk for the child first, measuring the powder with one hand, four scoops to 250mL, enough for Hyunsoo’s age. Once the lid was sealed tightly, he shook the bottle hard, glad he still had the strength from back in college when he used to play tennis. When the powder had dissolved, no clumps in the formula, he placed it in an ice bath to drop the temperature quickly. Milk ready, he carried the boy to the couch where he sat down, letting Hyunsoo lay on his lap before slowly easing the bottle into his mouth. The boy drank eagerly, small hands clutching at the bottle as he slurped and suckled the drink like it was the tastiest thing in the world. It didn’t take long for the bottle to empty, boy slumped over his uncle’s shoulder, one large hand rubbing the boy’s back while the other dumped the bottle into a filled sink to soak.

With the boy on his shoulder, Chanyeol only manages to make himself a large bowl of cereal, crunching the flakes while continuing to rub Hyunsoo’s back. There was a wiggle and then tiny lips parted with the loudest of burps, the boy gurgling and giggling at how loud it was. Learning the responsibilities of a child at this age was not where he had imaged himself, yet there he was, managing to survive and raise a second person on his limited income.

They left the apartment in a hurry, the boy already starting to cry in his baby carrier, tiny fists holding onto Chanyeol’s hair tightly. He was in such a rush that he almost tripped over the boxes that lined the hallway, those weren’t there the day before, and he looked over to see that the apartment door opposite his was open, the rooms inside were bare and there were cardboard boxes stacked in the middle of the lounge. The red haired man blinked, tilting his head, his previous neighbour had been a nice woman, always secretly making extra food so she could offer him some when he was really struggling at the start. He was unsure of what the new person would be like, are they old, young, man, woman, family, couple? There was no one around at the time so Chanyeol didn’t want to intrude, instead retreating to the elevator to head down to the café. He hoped whoever became his new neighbour is nice.


Kyungsoo wasn’t much of a people person. He had chosen to live away from home, in a small one-person apartment than share with his colleagues or live with his parents. Working as a pastry chef had its perks and disadvantages, it meant he could do what he loved, spend a lot of time in the kitchen with very few interactions with strangers and create works of art; on the downside, he would have to eventually move away and work with new people but for Kyungsoo, he was fine with that, he didn’t really want to stay with his family (who questioned his choices as a pastry chef) and he was fine with working with other people so long as he wasn’t put on the spot by them (like that time his friend Baekhyun had left him with an insanely tall dancer he met at a coffee shop). Out of a whim, he had decided to pack his bags and move to the big city, receiving a job offer at a small dessert bar in the apartment building he was moving into. With no regrets and little tears, he watched as his life was packed into trucks and carried away, following after in the last van.

Though Kyungsoo is said to be an anti-social person, his heart wasn’t all ice and cold, it was quite the opposite. When they had first taken him to a pet store, it was to see him beat down the cute mewls and whines of the animals there with his coldness. What they didn’t expect was for him to crack a smile, spending more time talking and playing with the animals there than the combined time of him interacting with them for a whole year. He was much more open when it came to animals, they showed their affections physically and listened when he was emotional. That day he went home nursing a little white furball in his pocket, the tiny thing mewling so softly, shaking when he took the kitten in his hands but curling happily into the warmth of his shirt pocket. Having the responsibility of looking after a pet kept him grounded, budgeting and making sure he was looking after the tiny thing well, feeding it regularly and keeping it warm. He named him Sehun, and he brought along his oddly lanky cat with him when he moved, knowing that the cat liked his family and friends just as much as he did, which was not a lot.

Little did he realize how much content he actually had, until they were stacked up in his new and empty apartment and littered the hallway outside, he hoped no one would get hurt or steal his things. With a spatula in hand, Kyungsoo walked over to the kitchen, taking a deep breath before yanking open a cupboard door, pointing the utensil like a sword and making a ‘HAH!’ noise. It was clean and empty to the man’s delight, not wanting to go through the pain of fighting off some giant rat like his first ever apartment in a rundown building back in his hometown. After confirming that there were no mutant vermin in his apartment, the short man got started on unpacking and settling into his new home.

He was fixing up his wardrobe when he heard the scuffle outside his apartment, it sounded like someone tripped over his boxes and in a panic, he quickly stood up, hitting his head on the shelf and ended up back on the floor nursing a sore bump on his head. Whoever it was didn’t call him out on it and there was the sound of a baby gurgling before the footsteps padded away, an elevator ringing in the distance and once again, Kyungsoo was left in the silence, only this time with a throbbing head. If he ever met the man with the baby, he would apologize for the inconvenience.

But it wasn’t until the end of the week that he even had a chance to greet the elusive neighbour that lived across from him. He had already met the old lady next door who smelled like apples, and the couple down the hall that spent more time doing PDA than anything else. But the apartment opposite his own was always closed, leading him to think that perhaps there was no one living there and the baby he had heard the other day was just his imagination. Then one morning when Kyungsoo had been entrusted into open shop by himself, he had heard the wailing of a child coming from the apartment before a deeper murmur hushed it, a soft humming following soon after and he knew that he would eventually have to meet them sometime.

Friday evening of his first week had come around, the man flicking through books of recipes before sighing, his limited budget not allowing him to cook the foods in there. That was when there was a knock at his door, three strong knocks and a gentle scrabble. Blinking like a deer in headlights, the dark-haired man approached the door, fingers twisting around the silver knob before he opened it a crack, the chain lock still intact.

On the other side stood the most handsome man he had ever seen before, and Kyungsoo is so sure he’s seen all the good looking men out there but it was obvious he was wrong. With flaming red hair and a wide grin, teeth glinting brightly in the light under a pair of eyes that rivalled his own in wideness. In his arms, he had a plastic bag of take away boxes, in the other he was carrying a child, a young boy with round cheeks and wet, pink lips. Kyungsoo almost died on the spot but he knew his face was set into a hard look of contempt for the world, seeing the way the smile on the man’s lips faltered ever so slightly.

“Hello. I’m Chanyeol, I live across the hall from you. This is my nephew, Hyunsoo, I’m his permanent carer since my sister upped and left, and I’m sorry for only greeting you now, but I hope you haven’t had dinner yet because I brought some over?”

The man named Chanyeol held up the bag of food innocently, the child in his arms chewing on his chubby fist as he stared at Kyungsoo with the prettiest eyes, wide and framed with long lashes. How could he say no to that look? With a nod, he unlocked the door and held it open, allowing his taller neighbour into his recently furnished apartment.

“Thank you for the food. My name is Kyungsoo.”

The food was placed onto the table with a small swish of the bag, the man moving to the couch to let the child down, the boy starting to tear up and whimper softly. Kyungsoo frowned, wondering why the child seemed so clingy to the man, he barely had experience with children so he was unsure if there was anything for him to do to help.

“I’m sorry, he wasn’t always this difficult, it’s just lately he’s just been that extra clingy and I don’t know why he’s like this.”

The shorter man waved his hands in an ‘it’s okay’ manner, smiling sheepishly as Chanyeol sat down with the child in his lap, pulling out a baby bottle from his jacket pocket and feeding it to Hyunsoo. The boy seemed to forget about his uncle for the time being, the taller man able to cushion him on the sofa while he escaped to the kitchen to help serve the food.

“It’s nice to finally meet you.” Chanyeol started the conversation easily, sliding himself onto a kitchen stool as Kyungsoo dished out the noodles and side dishes into serving bowls. “I heard from the other neighbours that you work in the patisserie in the lobby? I own the café next door, I don’t know why we haven’t met before this.”

“I guess it’s because our working schedule doesn’t match?” Kyungsoo shuffled around his kitchen with ease, as if he had spent the whole time settling down in there instead of the bedroom where most people would usually spend their unpacking time. “Since I open shop now, I start much earlier so there’s pastries for people when they head to work. I often hear Hyunsoo crying, I thought it was my imagination at first. I really thought that your apartment was empty until I heard voices and told myself the place was haunted.”

They laughed, Kyungsoo moving to grab the bowl of food when there was a giggle from the couch. Chanyeol’s eyes widened almost comically as he whipped around, searching for the child. It had been a while since he fed the boy, usually the baby started to cry as soon as he finished the milk and then didn’t part from Chanyeol’s side until the next feeding. But this time, there was no crying, no whines or whimpers, just the occasional gurgle coming from the floor. Kyungsoo gasped, remembering that Sehun was probably on the prowl for food, his heart hammering as he ran over and praying to the gods that his cat hasn’t hurt the cute little baby.

What they saw next surprised them both.

Hyunsoo was on the floor, leaning back against the couch while a large fluffy cat curled and rubbed against him, the soft fur tickling the boy and making him giggle happily. Kyungsoo had never seen Sehun act like that with anyone apart from himself and it made him really surprised at the sudden turn of events. Chanyeol felt some sort of relief, there was finally something to keep Hyunsoo happy and he could actually have some rest. With a cheeky smile, he turned to his new neighbour, leading him back to the kitchen as if they were already good friends.

“So it looks like we’ll be visiting more often, it’s been ages since I’ve had this much freedom. Shall we have dinner now, then?”

rating: g, 201, pairing: do

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