Aug 31, 2014 00:36

For: baoziboy
Title: Voice of my heart
Pairing(s): Chanyeol/Baekhyun
Rating: PG
Length: 2299 words
Summary: Chanyeol is blind and falls in love with the voice of the boy next door.
Author's note: Sorry if this wasn't what you wanted... I felt like I've sort of drifted away from the original prompt, hope you still like it anyway! This had been fun to write. n___n

Sometimes, Chanyeol feels like his life is one very big shoujo manga, A tear-jerking shoujo manga. Probably because of the fact that he’s blind, but aside from that, he’s never experienced any of the ‘ground-breaking’love he’s heard Jongin talk about.

Chanyeol’s just moved into his new apartment and he’s packing his things. There’s nothing much, really. He never puts photos or posters up like Jongin does-then again, Jongin is a different case with his manga poster-since he can’t see them anyway. He’s just taken yet another cap out of his box when he hears his doorbell ring. Weird. He never has any visitors except for his sister, and Jongin of course.

Then he remembers. His life is like a shoujo manga, Right. So maybe he’d finally get to meet his… Kakeru like in Orange? Or was it Strawberry? Or whatever Jongin said-he stands up and slowly makes his way to the door, all the while trying not to trip over the boxes.

When he finally reaches the door, he opens it slowly, peeking out first, calling out a soft “Hello?”

Then he sort of regrets opening it.

“Hello!” The boy clears his throat and tries again, as if not wanting to scare Chanyeol off, voice calmer this time. “Hello.”

Chanyeol pushes his door open fully, head slightly tilted down towards where he thinks the voice is coming from. “Yes?”

“I’m your new neighbour, Baekhyun. It’s… really nice to meet you.” Chanyeol frowns at the hesitancy, but he decides to let it go because he realizes that his neighbour has a really nice voice.

He straightens up and holds out a hand, clearing his throat before speaking. “Hey Baekhyun, I’m Chanyeol, it’s… nice to meet you too.”His own voice cracks as he says his name and he flushes. Baekhyun shakes his hand and they stay silent for a few moments while Chanyeol thanks God for Baekhyun’s ignorance towards his momentary embarrassment. “I have something to give you,” Baekhyun suddenly says, and thrusts his hands out with a box of cookies in between them. Chanyeol reaches out blindly for them until he touches them, hands brushing against Baekhyun’s as he takes the box and oh, he has nice hands too. Baekhyun frowns slightly at that, but quickly takes his leave after saying “I’ll see you around then!” when he feels the atmosphere turn into something awkward.

Chanyeol calls out a “See you around too!” but it gets lost down the corridor as Baekhyun shuts his door, the face of his attractive neighbour still in his mind.

That night, Chanyeols falls asleep to the silence echoing off the white washed walls of his new room, wishing it was Baekhyun’s voice instead.

And Baekhyun wishes he could see more of Chanyeol’s face already.

Zitao has his leg propped up on the coffee table as he flips through the television channels lazily, while Baekhyun frowns over his music sheets.

“So you think he’s attractive?” Zitao asks with that devious grin of his that Baekhyun hates, because it means that he’s never going to live it down and everyone in their group of friends is going to know.

“There’s nothing wrong with finding people attractive, Zitao.”

“It’s been some time for you, Baek.” Baekhyun shrugs noncommittally as he goes back to his composition; it’s never the time for this conversation. He tries playing a few notes on the piano as he sings along, ignoring Zitao who’s turned off the television to plop down beside him.

“You know sooner or later-“

Zitao gets cut off by Baekhyun’s door bell ringing, and Baekhyun mentally thanks whoever who’s on the other side of the door as he gets up to open it.

Until he opens it.

He greets his neighbour after he gets over the initial surprise, trying to cover Chanyeol’s figure with his body and the door just in case Zitao gets curious. Chanyeol’s wearing a different pair of sunglasses from the other day when they first met, and Baekhyun frowns slightly. What time is it?

“Hey Baekhyun, I uh… thought your cookies were really nice the other day. I’m here to ask if you could give me the recipe for it?” And also to hear you speak again, Chanyeol muses to himself.

Baekhyun blinks, because that’d mean that he’d probably have to invite Chanyeol in, and Zitao has this habit of making awfully accurate judgements of people in seconds. He doesn’t really want to hear about what Zitao thinks about Chanyeol right now.

He sighs defeatedly after he fights his interal war and opens his door wider to lead Chanyeol in, mumbling for him to take a seat as he goes into his room to dig out his recipe.

Of course, he doesn’t know that Chanyeol can’t actually bake. Not only because of his disability, even if Jongin was there to help him, he was sure he wouldn’t be able to get along with the appliances well. Plus Jongin would probably be sneaking bits of the food into his mouth instaed of helping him anyway. That brat.

When Baekhyun comes back, crumpled piece of paper in his hand, Chanyeol is talking to Zitao, and Baekhyun takes a deep breath before he walks towards them with a small smile.

“Hey, I found it.” He hands the recipe to Chanyeol, and quickly shows him the way to the door, closing it with a sigh after Chanyeol leaves.

Baekhyun walks back to where Zitao is and picks up his pencil. From his peripheral vision, he sees Zitao open his mouth, and opens his to beat him to it. “Before you say anything, I only think he’s cute. Period.”

“He’s blind.” Zitao says, with an unreadable expression on his face.

Baekhyun blinks and doesn’t reply. Zitao gives up on having the conversation.

For the next few days, Baekhyun’s left to think about what Zitao said and Chanyeol’s wondering if he should go over to Baekhyun’s again… even if he has no reason to.

Baekhyun wonders why Chanyeol would tell Zitao something like that when they’ve just met anyway, he then pushes the thought away, settling for the answer that Zitao always gets what he wants anyway. He snorts at the thought as he puts down his cup of coffee, looking up at the sound of the bells at the door handle ringing. Chanyeol walks in with yet another pair of sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose, making his way through tables with what looks like ease, and Baekhyun watches intently.

He talks to the barista like he’s known him for ages (he probably has, Baekhyun wouldn’t know) and orders the same drink Baekhyun had ordered. Oh.

He walks over to a table at a corner of the café and Baekhyun knows that this might be a decision that he might come to regret later on, but he starts picking up his things and moves over to the table Chanyeol is at, plopping down opposite him.

Chanyeol’s head immediately turns towards the direction of the noise Baekhyun made when he set his things down and Baekhyun lifts his hand to wave before sighing and dropping it back down.

“Hey Chanyeol.”

That voice sounds familiar-“Baekhyun…?”

They start off with small talk awkwardly, and to others it might almost seem like a normal café date, only that all they had for each other was shallow attraction.

Who would’ve known?

“So you’re telling me… the two of you sat together in a café and you asked him creepy questions just to hear more of his voice?” Jongin sips on his can of Coke as he played with his phone, checking out the latest manga releases.

“It’s not like that-it’s just- ugh.” Chanyeol buries his face in his hands. He also sort of hopes that Jongin would stop taking his cans of Coke and act like Chanyeol doesn’t know it.

He does.

“So what’s it like then? You think he’d make a great voice actor for porn animes then?”

Chanyeol gropes around for the nearest cushion and throws it at where he thinks Jongin’s face is. “Get out.”

He knows he’s missed when he hears Jongin snicker and take another can of Coke later.


Then again, it’s also thanks to Jongin that Baekhyun and Chanyeol get to spend time together in a place that doesn’t smell like coffee. Or love, for that matter.

Chanyeol knocks on Baekhyun’s door hesitantly as he struggles to keep Jongin’s dog in place, commands of sit! falling onto deaf ears.

Baekhyun opens the door to Chanyeol standing with a dog beside him, and he doesn’t remember Chanyeol mentioning a pet dog anywhere before in their conversations.


“I have to babysit this kid for the day… and I felt like you might want to spend some time out. We can also get to spend some quality time together. I can guarantee that he’ll be a really cute one. When he’s not busy trying to find something to chew on, of course.” Chanyeol doesn’t realize that he’s babbling, and it only takes two beats for him to realize so. He’s only asking Baekhyun to babysit Jongin’s dog with him, it’ll be okay, right? Right.

They make their way to the nearest park in silence, Baekhyun with his hands stuffed into his pockets and Chanyeol being busy with trying to keep his grip on the leash. Like dog, like owner, they say. Chanyeol snorts to himself.

Baekhyun decides to take a rest after a walk, and they sit down on an empty bench, Monggu’s leash secured onto the armrest of the bench.

It’s also in silence that they sit, noiseless save for the rhythmic thumping of Monggu’s tail against the grass and the sounds of nature and Baekhyun finds that silence has never been so loud. He feels like he has so many things to say, yet nothing to say all at once. Maybe he’s falling too fast.

What he doesn’t know is that Chanyeol is also struggling, he doesn’t know what to expect when he slowly reaches out to find Baekhyun’s hand, interlacing their fingers together as they sit.

There they sit, with many unspoken words around them until the sun starts to go down. They walk back home afterwards, bidding each other goodbyes before closing the door, spending yet another night thinking about each other.

Maybe it wasn’t really quality time after all, but he still owes Jongin one for this, Chanyeol thinks.

In between.

Baekhyun really shouldn’t be finding Chanyeol’s facial twitches when he laughs endearing, he should also stop staring at the way Chanyeol’s brows furrow when he tries to think of something smart to say.

It also takes Chanyeol somewhere between a hundred steps and uncountable cups of coffee to fall in love.

If anyone asked, neither of them would they that they couldn’t remember how this started, but they would both say that they enjoyed it.

Sunday evening calls for the two of them to sit on their couch, phone close to their ear as they watch the same television programme. On some days, they even make small talk after they retreat to their bedrooms.

For Chanyeol, it probably isn’t watching as much as it is him enjoying Baekhyun’s witty commentary about how the main character of the drama should just get his shit together, or how he sings along to the songs if they watched music shows. All in all, it’s really his voice.

For Baekhyun-let’s just say he enjoys the company.

This week, they’re watching an animal documentary and Baekhyun scrunches up his nose as he watches a snake take a rat into its mouth in one bite. God. “Maybe we shouldn’t have chosen this,” he mumbles, turning his face away from the screen when the snake starts to swallow the rat, lump moving down its body slowly.

“I’m fine, I can’t see anything anyway. The sounds are really interesting though.” Chanyeol laughs.

Baekhyun whines and turns off the television, of course Chanyeol would.

It’s almost two hours later, they’re still on the phone, only that they’re now lying in their beds on their backs, phone still close to their ear.

Maybe silence can be their thing.

As much as Chanyeol loves Baekhyun’s voice, they seem to spend half of their time together in silence.

Chanyeol hasn’t done much, really, but he’s already tired by the time they get into their beds.

Baekhyun opens his mouth the same time Chanyeol closes his eyes, says “I like you” the same time Chanyeol falls asleep.

Maybe they never regretted opening those doors then at all. It’s been two weeks since Baekhyun said those three words, only to hear Chanyeol’s soft snores afterwards. They now sit together beside each other, television playing almost as background music as the tension between them makes the air stuffy.

Then, Chanyeol turns to Baekhyun and cups his cheeks with his hands. He starts moving his fingertips along Baekhyun’s features slowly, gently, as if mapping him out in his head. It all feels too much for Baekhyun, until-“Your jaw is pretty sharp.” Chanyeol laughs, keeping his hands on Baekhyun’s face still. Baekhyun slaps at Chanyeol’s arms playfully, trying to move his face away from Chanyeol’s hands.

“Don’t worry, I still like you anyway-“

Baekhyun freezes, staring at Chanyeol with slightly widened eyes. Really?

Chanyeol’s mind goes into panic, internally repeating oh shit oh shit oh shit over and over again.

Later that day, many words would be shared between them, the silence finally broken as the air of questions clears up. Chanyeol would tell Baekhyun about how he’s counted that it takes a hundred steps to Baekhyun’s living room, how it takes more than that to Baekhyun’s heart, and Baekhyun would tell him more.

rating: pg, pairing: baekhyun, 2014

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