[ficlet] When Destiny Knocks - PSoH

Jun 22, 2008 18:35

Disclaimer: I don’t own Petshop of Horrors and I make no money from this or any other fanfic I write.
Pairing: None
Category: Angst
Rating: R
Warning: Aftermath of violence and Language
Title: When Destiny Knocks
Author: yellowhorde
Notes: This was written for the LiveJournal community, fanfic100. Prompt #001 - Beginnings

Violence had always been something Leon Orcot had heard about on the news or read in the newspaper. It was graphic video games and gore flicks at the multiplex with his buddies. But it had never been real until one late spring night during his sophomore year at college. The night Tracy Whitaker died.

“There’s so much blood!”

These words caught Leon’s attention as he made his way up the sidewalk with the scent of French fry grease clinging to his uniform, a stack of texts and notebooks tucked under his arm. After putting in a full eight hour shift at McDonald’s, all he wanted was a shower and some sleep, but he still had a lot of studying to do if he was going to pass next week’s finals.

A couple of cruisers and an ambulance were parked in front of the girl’s dormitory. The blue and red police strobes, the yellow crime scene tape and the nearly unintelligible squawk of the police radio had attracted quite the audience. Students pressed against the tape, gawking. The boys jockeyed for a better view, craning their heads over the crowd.

“Hey, man,” Leon sidled up to one of the kids from his psychology class, a tall, lanky boy with hellacious acne. “What’s going on?”

“Some chick was killed right in her door room. Some pretty wild shit, man.”

“Yeah, you’re telling me.” But something, some foreboding, drew into a knot at the boy’s blasé statement. This was Tracy’s dorm.

Glancing toward the scene, he saw Tracy’s roommate, Margaret Thatcher, sobbing hysterically near an officer, who was draping his jacket over her shoulders and pressing a Styrofoam cup - probably coffee, he thought with a growing sense of unease- into her hands.

With his heart lodged in his throat, Leon roughly shouldered his way through the crowd until he reached his girlfriend’s roommate. Her blue eyes were raw and strands of blond hair clinging to her wet cheeks.

“Maggie,” He choked, “What’s happened? Where’s Tracy?”

Margaret’s pretty face crumpled and she collapsed into Leon’s arms, sobbing hysterically. Desperately he tried to make sense of what she was trying to say but she was crying too hard.

“Shh… Calm down,” he murmured, stroking her hair, “It’s okay. Relax. Just tell me what happened.”

Just then he caught sight of a couple of paramedics guiding a gurney down the front steps of the dormitory. And even though he couldn’t see the face of the victim hidden beneath the blood spattered sheets, he knew that his fears had just been confirmed.


Grimly, he blinked back his own tears and held Margaret tightly as she sobbed into his shoulder.

It was that moment that changed his life forever. The scales of innocence dropped from his eyes and he knew that he would do everything in his power to make sure that nothing like this happened to anyone ever again.

Violence had come knocking on his front door. And by God, he was going to knock back.



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