I Shouldn't Laugh....But It's Funny

Oct 26, 2014 21:07

Just read on Tumblr that one of those "Destiel is Canon and Dean is Bi." "fans" got kicked out of a Con.

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funny, wank, just saying

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Comments 2

jessm78 October 28 2014, 17:06:27 UTC
I heard about this too hon and I have to say she got her "just desserts." I heard about all that too and that she was angry that Clif apparently took one of her tweets out of context (something like "I will try to destroy their show"). Hello? Don't post crap like that in the first place and then people won't be concerned about it.

The shipper questions are so lame. I heard that Gil McKinney was asked if he was into Destiel. Seriously??? They need to stop.

Some parts of fandom have become so entitled and ridiculous. And I'm so sick of people on Tumblr and Twitter defending that girl, eve people who weren't there. I feel like I want to give them all a giant "STFU".


yellowbulma October 28 2014, 23:23:47 UTC
Yes I also loved how she (before she knew why she was throw out.) blamed Wincest/J2 shippers and just kept saying how she was a "out spoken Destiel shipper". Even though that had FUCK ALL to do with it!!

"I heard that Gil McKinney was asked if he was into Destiel."

Wow just shows you that's all these "fans" care about. And say they said "yes I love Destiel." would that be more proof of Destiel?!

It's been 2 days now and I'm sick of hearing about this bitch and once again the SPN fandom is shown in a bad light. She's the one at fault, Cliff was just doing his job. She should say sorry and end it but nope she want's to be seen as the victim.

BTW her friends have been defending her saying how she as a club against bullying etc when she as said some nasty stuff about Jared. \0/

So yeah slap it up her and anyone else who try's to start shit at con's should get kicked out too.


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