I Shouldn't Laugh....But It's Funny

Oct 26, 2014 21:07

Just read on Tumblr that one of those "Destiel is Canon and Dean is Bi." "fans" got kicked out of a Con.

All I have to say is slap it up her and couldn't happen to a nicer person going by the stuff I have read about her.

Also she's blaming J2/Wincest fans!! LMAO Yeah that must be it!!

Here's a tip for people who are lucky enough to go to these con's and get to meet Jared, Jensen and the rest of the cast, ready?! Stop asking shipper questions, Wincest, Destiel, Denny etc etc. It's embarrassing for the actor's and everyone else. Stop asking Jensen is Dean Bi!! Jensen and the writers and even the fucking show's creator as said Dean is straight end of. Just cause you don't like the answer that's your problem.

No but really though if people go to these thing's to ask these dumb ass questions or to start trouble then they should be kicked out. It's not fair on the real fan's who what to ask real questions and just have a good time.

funny, wank, just saying

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