I was wasting time on the internet tonite, trying to see if there were any other good ttc obsessed websites besides
www.peeonastick.com well I just discovered
www.TwoWeekWait.com which is a message board dedicated to women essentially obsessed with peeing on sticks.
While I have a penchance for pee sticks, even when I know it's not the right time to
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Comments 8
I started to skim it and then I was like 'CLOSE THE SITE AND BACK AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER' because I can become even more obsessive than I already am.
Personally, I sorta get the the whole cervical mucus thing, then again when I mentioned temping to my ob, he made a face. lol
I think I do like the solidarity within a website like this. And having dealt with ttc issues, and potentially will be seeking out medical interventions in the fall, if I don't get pregnant. I also think a site like this is good, because it will reinforce pee test the day after your period is not going to do any good. Or testing before say your period is due is a waste of time.
If I was willing to admit just how many dollar store tests I go through, just because. I could easily fall into the crazy ranks. you know?
I HOPE I don't have to become that obsessive about TTC, but I very well might next time. C was an unplanned baby that happened when I didn't think I ovulated, so I haven't done the whole chart thing to TTC, more just tracking purposes.
I think that websites like this are great for women who are struggling with fertility issues, etc. I just tend to get a little snarky when women who have no fertility issues get all obsessive about charting and POAS and stuff. I feel like just see if it works the easy way first before you spend so much time and energy into planning every minute detail, ya know?
Ahh, we ttc with Nechama for two years. I see my ob in the fall, a few weeks before Nechama's 2nd birthday and if I'm not pregnant then, I'll get a referral to start the fertility route(fun!)
Oh I get it about being snarky. That's like there's an lj community 'am i pregnant' and while I learned some neat things, a lot of the posts made my head hurt.
I've met some great friends on lj, a lot who are religious and have had if issues. Ironically a few of them also have PCOS. So while I may not have had 'infertility' or needed to see a specialist, these friends were great in terms of understanding the struggle I had in getting pregnant and the overall emotional upheaval.
(expensive- I don't even bother with the line ones I go straight for digital. bc i know with the line ones I would squint and squint and see things that werent there)
I've found even the cheapie ones, when it's positive, you can tell.
I think it's also knowing how much I probably dropped on tests before I got pregnant with Nechama.
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