Sketch dump time!

Mar 12, 2011 14:01

I practically only draw during classes these days, but it turns out I end up drawing a lot, because if I'm not drawing my mind wanders and I don't pay attention. A couple of these were done at home, while chatting, having coffee. I haven't sat down to draw properly in ages. First one under the cut is a nude, warning for the poor people who can't ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

seraphim_grace March 12 2011, 14:19:26 UTC
you appear to be having a problem with noses ( ... )


yehnica March 12 2011, 16:07:12 UTC
Thanks for the advice! But as for the pens, these were all done in 6B pencil or a regular writing pen in school notebooks with crappy paper. I have good stuff at home but I'm not going to carry it all to school (plus, I can't draw too much attention to what I'm doing, I'm doodling while the teachers are wibbling on about whatever, after all ( ... )


eva_roisin March 14 2011, 20:46:44 UTC
Sigh. I love all of them, but I love the Domino one the most. The world needs more Domino.


yehnica March 15 2011, 11:15:36 UTC
Thanks! It's my favourite too. There's still some anatomical flakyness there but it shows some improvement, I'm happy with that.

The world always needs more Domino. Unfortunately, I don't think we're going to be seeing a lot of her this year. Sucks.


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