Thirtieth Steal || Voice/Action - Filtered from Byrne Faraday

Feb 14, 2011 03:41

[ it's late - or early - depending on how you choose to see it. So you may not even hear this, as simple as it is. There's no video, and Kay hasn't been spotted around Ecruteak. That is, of course, because she's been sitting in her room in the dark, turning Little Thief over in her hands. And in the end, she only makes this post because she's ( Read more... )

yay trauma, kay why are you awake, ecruteak city, kay is serious and pigs are flying, daaaaddyyy, ace attorney loves dead dads, sleep is for the sleep-deprived, someone needs hugs

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Comments 147

[voice] usedroar February 14 2011, 11:18:04 UTC

[ Oh god he is no good at this but he has to try! Somehow. ]


[voice] yattagarasu February 14 2011, 11:20:31 UTC
... Leon?


[voice] usedroar February 14 2011, 11:23:39 UTC
[ He hums softly. ]

Will you be alright?

[ Not 'are you alright', because he knows the answer to that one. ]


[voice] yattagarasu February 14 2011, 11:30:41 UTC
[ that earns him a little laugh; she's trying, and it's pretty obvious. ]

Nothing can keep the Yatagarasu down-- the wings are too big for that.


[video; dammit I...still need to tag that...LET'S ASSUME THAT HE HAS SPOKEN TO BYRNE ALREADY...] cheapblusuits February 14 2011, 12:13:47 UTC


[audio; CAN DO] yattagarasu February 14 2011, 19:01:50 UTC
... Hey, Mr. Wright. [ she can't do video right now. She CAN'T. ]


[forever video; I CAN ALSO BE...ABOUT TEN YEARS LATE REPLYING TO THIS dhdgsf I am so sorry ;;] cheapblusuits February 24 2011, 22:27:57 UTC
[Do you see this concerned look, Kay? DO YOU?]

...are you alright?

[question of the year, Phoenix...WHAT DO YOU THINK?]


[forever audio; HI BRO <3] yattagarasu February 25 2011, 05:39:24 UTC
... Half-and-half!

[ why yes, that's clear and coherent. ]


[voice] shellderkillder February 14 2011, 12:17:23 UTC
So, it is him.

Did you sleep at all?


[voice] yattagarasu February 14 2011, 19:02:17 UTC


[voice] shellderkillder February 14 2011, 19:24:27 UTC
You should.


[voice] yattagarasu February 14 2011, 19:58:11 UTC
I can't! I keep thinking either it's a dream or it's not, and I can't fall asleep thinking like that, and knowing he's here!


[action] bakaitoukid February 14 2011, 13:33:05 UTC
[someone had been looking for her since he first caught wind of the network post. Kay is surprisingly difficult to find when she doesn't want to be found, so it takes him a while before he stumbles on her in her room]

... oi.

[he leans against the door frame, tone soft, and waits for her to take notice of him]


[action] yattagarasu February 14 2011, 19:04:39 UTC
[ Kay flinches at the voice-- just slightly, but then she raises her head and turns towards the doorway. She doesn't say anything, because this is Kaito and - like with Crow and Johan - she can't hide how she feels from him. If she tries to act casual, it'll just fall to pieces. ]


[action] bakaitoukid February 14 2011, 19:08:40 UTC
[even in the darkness, he notices the flinch, and it makes him hesitate, just briefly, before he steps into the room fully and closes the door behind him. his hands migrate to his pockets, and for a moment he just stands there, searching for the right words as silence continues to envelop them.

but he can't just stand there forever, so eventually, he speaks]

Do you want to leave for New Bark as soon as possible? [he can understand how she feels, why she might be hesitant, why she might be confused, but if he were in her position, he knows he'd want to see his father in person to make sure it was real]


[action] yattagarasu February 14 2011, 19:56:38 UTC
[ she draws her gaze back down to Little Thief, before she gently tucks it into her pack and takes a deep breath. He gets it. She knew he would, but it's nice to have him say it first before she even has to bring it up. ]

I'll stay for the festival, but then I'll head out.


[audio] miniworth February 14 2011, 15:24:26 UTC

[His voice is surprisingly steady when he finally decides to give her a call.

He'd seen Byrne, he knew that man had already passed away in Kay's past. To Miles, who more often than not wondered if Gregory Edgeworth or Manfred von Karma would appear in Johto, this struck too close to home. Too close. It wasn't difficult to imagine Kay's feelings right now, and it should have been enough to make Miles unnerved as well.

It was.. but this wasn't his time to succumb to it.]


[audio] yattagarasu February 14 2011, 19:06:15 UTC
[ if there's anyone she doesn't want to break down in front of, it's Miles. Not that she doesn't trust him, but he's a little kid right now. And he's lost his father, too, she knows he probably understands, or can at least imagine how this feels. So Kay clears her throat rather heavily before she answers. ]



[audio] miniworth February 14 2011, 20:39:23 UTC
[He's quiet.]

Are you going to go see him?


[audio] yattagarasu February 14 2011, 21:02:19 UTC
... Yeah. I think I need to.


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