© Natalia Jaroslavova-Chistjakova
On December, 23-27rd 2010 г, St.-Petersburg
The full text with illustrations
http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=16&PubID=522 начало Ч 4-1
http://yaroslavova.livejournal.com/60732.html и 4-2
http://yaroslavova.livejournal.com/61473.html … In general, the theme about the relation of Knights «Swan Award» to women - is extremely interesting. For example, Albrecht Brandenburgsky, the archbishop of Magdebourg and the cardinal, had beloved and didn't hide it. «On one of the pictures created by request of Albrecht, Albrecht's mistress is represented as the fornicator from the Gospel from John. The cardinal is represented among crowd, but unlike other people, intending to beat stones the sinner, in its hands there are no stones …».
As we see, Knights of "the Swan Award» had been very well experienced Maria Egipetsky's theme. And they read sermons of the Christ attentively.
Though «refusal to throw stones in fornicators» isn't equivalent to idea «the fornicator - a beloved».
All the same, the ideal of the Lady of "the Swan Award» is «the Genius of pure beauty». However in a XIX-th century after restoration «Swan Awards» it named and «the Award of our Lady». The lady was meant initially, certainly, as "Maiden Maria" - «Our Madam».
But owing to such renaming accents as it is visible on an example of emperor Nikolay I and his wife Aleksandry Fedorovny for whom he created «the Cult of the White Lady» changed also.
I.e. the Cult of his wife for it became more priority than "the Cult of the Madonna». And as a result he dared to destroy the Magdebourg right - the Magdebourg Maiden going on swans was which patroness.
As we see, for the sake of the «the White Lady» Nikolay I "has pressed" the Cult of Bozhiej of mother which has initially been put in an idea basis of "the Swan Award».
Other Knights of the Awards devoted by Bozhiej of mother, did it even more roughly.
I.e. they forgot about the main thing: «the Knights don't exist without the Mother of god» - on what I already paid attention in article beginning.
I think that in this "forgetfulness" about the one to whom "Knights" serve, just and between Albrecht Brandenburgsky and knights of the Teutonic award which medal earths have been given it, after oath of allegiance to its native uncle - to the Polish king, and receptions from it the Prussian earths of the Teutonic award the conflict essence consisted in quality лена. Тевтонцы have considered Albrecht even as "Usurper". But to it CARRIED. And why to Albrecht carried to comprehend Teutonic Knights haven't managed.
I.e. friction with тевтонцами were marked not only at the Prince of Pskov Yaroslav Obolensky in the end of XY centuries, but also at duke Prussian Albrecht, 40 years later.
Thus: both that, and another were «Knights of the Swan».
One - "Princesses Olga-Lybedi", another - «Swan Awards».
And «the Swan Award» as any more once it is told, is an Award «Bozhiej of mother». Whereas, the full name of the Teutonic Award - «the Award of knights of hospital of Sacred Maria of the German House or Germans in Jerusalem» or «the Award of brothers of German hospital Presvjatoj of Maiden Maria in Jerusalem».
I.e. one тевтонцы worshipped to Maiden Maria, as the Virgin. Others understood as Maiden Maria - Jesus companion, «loved Bozhiju» - Maria. And the third in general forgot about female worship in a pursuit for преумножением riches.
Not casually, the author of the book «the Teutonic Award. The history and the Heritage» - Wolfgang Akunov reminds thereupon St. Grigory Bogoslova's words «If someone doesn't esteem Maiden Maria - Bogoroditsej, in that case it - out of God».
I.e. Maiden Maria it is necessary to esteem exclusively Bogoroditsej, and in any way differently.
However, about what I have already begun conversation above, "Knights" not seldom aspire to replace a cult of Maiden Maria-virgin, a cult of the of "the loved White Lady». And, seemingly, to the greatest degree, the men considering with Anointed sovereigns Divine, are inclined to it «deputies of Gods» or "Gods" that is characteristic for carriers of ideas «Higher Race», is false interpreting words: «All people-gods».
To resist a context «the Swan - Love» to men it is difficult. In the same swan Nuremberg there is a fountain «the Marriage roundabout» where marriage from its first stunning days of love - before its destruction in the ending is mythologically presented. And so, this first, higher love - is presented «Enamoured - on a swan bed» and the swans pulling to each other the swan necks. But only in swan steams this swan fidelity manages to be carried by through all life. After all Swans in the Greek and German mythology - birds of love. And their feathers are represented as passion tongues of flame … How here not to remember Kostroma with its fires which gave all the best in the form of Swans … And how here not to remember «fiery Sofia», embodied in the virgin …
In the name of the Teutonic Award that is the Award of Knights became key. It is an award of the Men worshipping to Maiden Maria. And, accordingly, the Teutonic Award was headed by men.
And the Swan Award is Orden Bozhiej mothers. Therefore and head of the Award there was a woman - the queen of Prussia Elizabeth Louis Bavarsky. Such female, medal power, is closer - to English mentality where the woman could be Head, including, both the states, and the power was "by right of succession transferred not only on a man's line.
On one of versions, the name of the city of Brandenburg is connected with the monastery of St. Brendana based in local places in VII-VIII centuries by the Irish missionaries. Брендана named the Seafarer and the Traveller. It, was trained under the direction of St. Brigity and "Edema" has become famous for searches of "the Fascinated country», «Pleasure Islands». One consider that it has found these Blessed islands. Perhaps, even - Canary. Others - that it the first has peddled old stuff. Anyhow, but for me that the woman of St. Brigita was its Teacher is now important and he searched for the Happiness country - Edem.
I think that for whom the main words in the Award name are words: «the Heavenly Virgin» - have the purpose search of Happiness, Edema and create «Happiness Projects»
http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=30&PubID=94 The same for whom a keyword "Knight" - search for Force. For Hitler building the Third Reich just like the Teutonic Award, such search of Force, became end in itself. Hitler at all hasn't understood that that required it Vril, is integral, female "form" of Jara with which it and its colleagues primitively replaced with beautiful female bodies, "declaring" their «White Ladies» ("Modern" fascists »like Hitler chase Vril»
http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=20&PubID=476 ).
I believe that Tevtontsy knew much more Hitler. But they bore in themselves "defect" of a man's sight at the Awards devoted to "Woman" - Maiden Maria.
Here these «ideological friction», probably, also defined a competition between Albrecht Brandenburgsky and Teutonic knights, for the earths of the Teutonic award. Choosing between «Bozhiej Mother» and «Knights of Bozhiej of Mother» the Polish king has preferred to give these earths - to Albrecht Brandenburgsky carrying a sign «Swan Award» over it «a Teutonic raincoat».
Has probably put, in this case also that the Polish throne consisted in consanguinity with «Yaroslav the Wise House», conducting the sort from Sacred Princess Olga - from a sort «Tsarinas of Lybedej» and from Pskov «Destiny of Bozhiej of mother».
But sights close to it were professed also by numerous pro-German party of Pskov of times of the Middle Ages, considering that preservation of Russian identity demands integration with Europe. «I.e. Russia will cease to be Russia if it will separate from Europe. Therefore Pskov and the Teutonic Award repeatedly concluded military alliances. Besides, prosperity of Pskov historically was necessary for the periods« западничества »when Pskov was in friendship with Swedes and Germans». I.e. the union with the earths of the Teutonic Award was necessary to Pskov, but thus it had ideological contradictions with the Teutonic Award, similar, described above.
Here in it, most likely, there was internally a contradiction, a duality and dissonance of prince Yaroslav Vasilevicha Obolensky. On the one hand he, as the man, worshipped to a sword and force. On the other hand, it belonged to a sort of princess Olga - Lybedi. Also was, possibly, it is ready to dress on itself a sign «Swan Award» as it was made by Albrecht Brandenburgsky. An ancient inscription on a stone: «Se Jara - the Swan», in this sense, - about it.
When I worked over article: «Secret of last sensational Decree of the Prince of Pskov Yaroslav Obolensky - the ancestor of princes of Jaroslavovyh»
http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=15&PubID=520 , me there was «a Crying of Pskov» from «to Move about the Pskov Capture». And many troubles of a city in this "Crying" contact occurrence of a two-headed eagle in symbolics of Pskov, and also loss of Glory Pskov.
«The author regrets for a former Pskov will and can't without grief and grief to write about the end of glory Pskov. The emotional culmination« to Move about the Pskov capture »there was a crying of Pskov about the former will and glory:« About славнейший among cities - Great Pskov! About what you complain, about what you cry? »The hailstones Pskov also answered:« As to me not to complain, as to me not to cry! The eagle has flown on me многокрылый, and wings are full of claws, and has pulled out at me cedars Lebanese ». God has punished us for our sins - and here our earth have devastated, and our city have ruined, and people in a captivity took …» («Princess Olga Kievsky - the founder of the Kiev Russia»).
Continuation with illustrations