I am trying to move in with the girlfriend. It's a little bit of a tight squeeze, so I'm selling all my game stuff, plus there's the fact that I haven't used it in years. eBay is my joy, though capitalism is unknown to my basic psychology.
Haha! Busy. I'm usually on 3 projects or so at work and now I've somehow on SEVEN. So, I'm currently officially insane, instead of the usual unofficial status. Buggers
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So, social dance last Friday. I was doing my thing, asking various people to dance. I asked this tall, good looking woman. Must've been age 34 or so. She was well-built and wearing some sort of party dress
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There I was, minding my own business, which was to get out of Washington D.C. (though not 'under a virtual cloud' this time). And voila! Real clouds show up. The heavens let loose with the original deluge as I sat at the gate, delaying my flight. Then, the real fun started as I boarded the aircraft
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I was sick with the head cold from hell all Memorial Day weekend from Thursday on. The helpful hint mentioned in the post title is: "don't read a book on Stalin's reign of terror over the USSR while you're at Death's Door." Not a picker-upper, as 'twere. :p
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Upgraded to IE 8 at work, which promptly made me switch to Firefox. Where, oh where did Microsoft go wrong? Subsequent versions of software are supposed to be better.