Saiyuki [Hakkai/Gojyo] - Senses Working Overtime

Dec 25, 2005 20:41

I'd like to preface this with 'I'm sorry', mainly because I can't write porn, but also because of naff titles, grammatical murders, lack of Beta and OOC-ness. This is my first ever attempt at really real porn (as in thin plot devised in order to contextualise smut) and even now I'm wondering what madness possessed me when I can't write porn, but I guess it was the lure of the challenge. Apologies in advance.

Title: Senses Working Overtime
Words: 4600 approx
Author: Devera
Fandom: Saiyuki
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Hakkai/Gojyo
Prompt: Hakkai makes the first move to relationship and sex. Anything goes: fluff, angst, whatever. Requested by wk_recomend.

Set after Burial. Just after.

It never occurred to him before that there might be side effects. Of course, he'd never taken them off before either. He only realized there was a problem when, two days later, upon seeing Gojyo rummaging around in the laundry for clean clothes after his shower, he found himself standing almost against his friend's back with his nose parting the wet hair at the base his neck.

He didn't know how he got there, but it was nice.

Gojyo nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Hakkai! Whu-?!"

And that might have been the embarrassing end of it, except that just before he jumped, Hakkai felt Gojyo shiver.

And that was even nicer.

"Holy-What the hell, Hakkai?"

Gojyo spun, clutching clean clothes against his bare, damp chest for a moment and looking more freaked than Hakkai had possibly ever seen him. Hakkai stepped back a little and attempted apologetic.

"I am sorry. But you smelled like...something, and I..."

"It's called chamomile, Hakkai." His housemate sounded somewhat annoyed and, oddly enough, embarrassed. "And it's moisturizing. Geez, are you okay man?"

"Yes, fine," Hakkai agreed, pushing his glasses back up straight since they had been knocked somewhat askew, and turned back to the book he had left on the kitchen table.

"Right. Good," Gojyo said carefully. "So, like, warn me next time or something."

Hakkai didn't bother to watch as Gojyo dragged a t-shirt over his head, mainly because he seemed to be able to feel every movement Gojyo made from across the room, and it made his skin tingle like the circulation had been cut off and feeling was starting to return. It was a strange sensation, to say the least.

"Of course, Gojyo. Next time I will certainly warn you."

There was silence for a moment, in which Hakkai thought Gojyo was probably gaping, and then he and his book were alone again.

He and his book and the lingering impression of damp kappa in his senses. For some reason, he couldn't seem to focus on the book.


Seven and three quarter hours after that Minor Incident, as Hakkai had taken to calling it (at least to himself) Gojyo swept back into the house, grinning from ear to ear after a good win at the tables, and oh really now. This was getting utterly ridiculous. He couldn't possibly-

But he could, and there was probably very little point in denying it. Hakkai could smell him. Not the him that was immediately obvious - the layer of scents that clung to his black slacks and white collared shirt, cigarettes and the tang of sake, at least three different floral scents, and something woodier and most definitely masculine that Hakkai was fairly certain was not part of Gojyo's bathroom cabinet - but him and, oh. Exactly what business did he have smelling that good after spending all evening in some crowded casino? Was it some kind of special Youkai power he'd never told Hakkai about? Was it pheromones? Surely Hakkai, heterosexual as far as he knew, not to mention deeply emotionally fucked up, was not, in any way, shape or form, attracted to Gojyo, unremittingly heterosexual (again, as far as he knew but since Banri he'd begun to have his doubts) and somewhat emotionally fucked up. It just wasn't possible.

But then Gojyo slouched against the bench next to him, talking animatedly all the while about his evening, and reached across in front of him for a glass to pour his beer into. Hakkai, standing at the sink in dishwater up to his elbows, breathed in (he really hadn't planned on it, it sort of just happened) and something very close to electricity arced through what he could only assume was his entire nervous system. At which point he concluded that there really, truly was something wrong with him, because Gojyo smelled good enough to eat, and Hakkai suspected he might have meant that slightly more than figuratively.

"So you know what he did? You are not going to believe this," Gojyo was enthusing as he leant next to him and poured his beer. "He accused the Master of running a rigged house! I've known that guy for as long as I've been here, and he's the straightest arrow in this whole dodgy town! Saying he runs rigged tables is like... is like... Eh? Err, Hakkai? Is everything okay...?"

Hakkai was cognizant of the fact that Gojyo had asked to be warned first, but he wasn't sure he could speak over the thundering din his pulse was making.

"I- I'm fine, Gojyo. Do please finish your story."

"Riiight. Well, anyway, like I was saying. Even a good guy has his limits, right? This sore loser is mouthin' off and Master's suddenly over the bar in one jump. He knocks this guy flat on his ass, and then he starts feeding him poker chips, beginning with the fivers and... Uh. Hakkai?"

Gojyo stopped speaking and swallowed. Hakkai knew this because his Adam's Apple bumped Hakkai's nose on the way down.

"Hmm?" Hakkai said. His hands were still in the dishwater, but his nose was buried in the hollow under Gojyo's jaw and he in all honesty couldn't find the focus to care what it was Gojyo was saying.

"I-" Gojyo said. "You- That's-"

"Mmm," Hakkai agreed, and breathed in, because he might as well, because any minute now Gojyo was going to deck him.

"I, uh..." Gojyo tried again, with what Hakkai thought sounded like not a little effort. "Call me...uh crazy, but this is kind of...unusual behaviour for you, right?" And he shivered just slightly, like he had that morning, and it probably had nothing at all to do with the way Hakkai was currently shifting to nuzzle into the small, surprisingly delicate hollow just below his ear. Because Gojyo was dedicatedly, unreservedly a lover of women, despite the way he had let Banri paw him the evening he had arrived, and Hakkai had a few words to say about that too, now that he thought about it. Just as soon as he worked out what they were.

Just as soon as he was done here. Really. Just as soon as the hand that had risen out of the soapy water to twist into Gojyo's sleeve and hold him there (although it apparently hadn't occurred to Gojyo to pull away) let him go. Any moment now. Really. He had all intentions of laughing this off in just one more moment.

His body disagreed, adamantly. It was like being hungry, starving, and this smell was mouth watering; like his favorite food or something and good lord, he sounded like Goku, and that just didn't bear thinking about, because if he thought about how Gojyo smelled right this minute, the next logical step was thinking about how he would-

"Ah!" Gojyo said, or rather gasped, and promptly squirmed away, or tried to. "Ah," he intoned again, more carefully, as if it was to be understood that the first 'ah' had never been uttered, and he was only correcting a small error on his part. "Is there something you'd, uh...oh. Something you'd like to tell me, Hakkai?"

Hakkai breathed in and considered this. It was difficult however, and not because of the way his skin was tingling again, or the way his heart seemed to be trying to jump out of his chest, but because he couldn't actually make a decision. When one is faced with having to choose between I realize you're not a popsicle but, well, I was wondering if you'd let me lick you, and It's possible you're going to have to give up that thing you have for women, and I rather meant right now, one could be forgiven for wondering how to proceed.

"Well," he confessed, his breath gusting for a moment across Gojyo's throat (and that, for some odd reason, made him smell even better) before he lifted his head. "I made Honey Snaps this afternoon."

Gojyo stared at him, and it was probably no accident that he looked as if he thought Hakkai was crazy. "Well, err, okay. Great. Yum?"

"However," Hakkai sighed, "they've lost their appeal. I am sorry."

Gojyo quirked a funny, utterly confused smile at him. "Oh. Well, uh, never mind. No big de-"

Hakkai had actually meant the apology in the future tense. It wasn't his fault Gojyo was still with the Honey Snaps and actually, he rather thought his aim was quite good. However, when he turned properly from the sink to clench both hands in Gojyo's dress shirt, splashing water and suds everywhere, and pulled, he may have been a little over-enthusiastic. While his mouth did manage to meet Gojyo's (Gojyo's in the process of something that required it being open although he forgot what), the unexpected momentum sent him stumbling sideways. Hakkai, being led by his abruptly discovered sense of taste, was not about to let that interrupt him. For a moment Gojyo scrabbled at the bench, but then seemed to get tangled up in his own feet, or perhaps Hakkai's (completely accidentally of course), at which point they promptly went down in a heap, Gojyo first, Hakkai merely following by example.

"Mooph!" Gojyo grunted what was probably supposed to be 'Oof', except that Hakkai's tongue seemed to be in the way and was not going to be out of it any time soon, if Hakkai had anything to do with it. Because he tasted incredible, which was to say like sake and cigarettes and something a little musky and had he been asked, Hakkai would not have described any of those things as incredible, but they were. And Gojyo's body beneath him was lean and gangly, as if he could get tangled up in him at any moment and never escape. The idea quite frankly appealed so much he found himself wondering exactly how he might accomplish that without possibly being thrown clear across the other side of the room.

And it was something of a conundrum, until he noticed that his tongue in Gojyo's mouth had somehow taken on the same rhythm that his thigh pressed between Gojyo's legs had at some point started (which was to say he was humping him and it was a feeling that went well beyond nice into the realms of blindingly good). As startling as that discovery was, it was not nearly as remarkable as the obvious hardness he was pressing against. Of course, when he did notice, he pressed again, just to be sure, and felt the breath he was sharing sucked abruptly from his mouth.

"Err, Gojyo?" he managed to mumble without quite removing himself from current activities, and 'Huh?' Gojyo replied after a moment, vaguely, as if his side of the conversation was experiencing a delay. "You know how we threw out my suitcase yesterday? You might want to fetch it out of the trash later."

"Huh?" Gojyo repeated, blinking and his mouth was flushed and there was more colour is cheeks than usual and had Hakkai not actually been in the middle of molesting his housemate, he might have been tempted to do something rash, like jump him. "Why would I-"

Hakkai kindly provided the answer to that by twisting until he could slide his hand up under Gojyo's cotton shirt, and then down under the waistband of his pants, and then down still further over the loose cotton of his boxers and right in that moment he could bless human ingenuity and the simple need for easy access. His questing fingers fell through the gaping fold of the fly and then he was touching skin, hot, silky soft skin, touching Gojyo, who was half hard and getting harder. The feeling, having this flesh under his hand, having Gojyo under him, his smell and taste choking up his senses, made him feel like the world was being remade in heat and electricity and cloying, intoxicating air and he never, ever wanted to breathe easily again.

"Fuck!" Gojyo's breath left him in a rush and his hands were either pushing at Hakkai's shoulders or pulling, it was difficult to tell, but he most certainly, most definitely was panting as Hakkai's hand began to move. And shivering. And he smelled so good Hakkai dipped his head again and licked, from as far down as his chin could push Gojyo's collar to all the way up to the faintly prickling stubble on the underside of his jaw.

"That's a-," Gojyo swallowed heavily, this time under the press of Hakkai's tongue. "That's a pretty good reason. But-"

"I would apologise for having my hand down your pants," Hakkai interrupted, moving to inhale warm skin through the open v of Gojyo's shirt as his spoke, "but actually, I'm not feeling particularly sorry about it." If this came as a shock, it was perhaps not Gojyo's immediate concern, considering he was almost completely hard and Hakkai found himself wondering whether, if he stopped long enough to remove his hand and get the aforementioned pants off, would Gojyo take the lull in activity as an opportunity to kill him.

"You're a crazy - Ow! fucker," Gojyo gasped, his thighs shifting apart a little in an almost futile attempt to make more room for both himself and Hakkai's hand, neither of which really fit in the current dimensions of his slacks. "If you're gonna- Guh... Just let me- Fuck. Shit."

There was a moment of struggling but not, Hakkai's hazy mind noted with the mental equivalent of a stupid grin, the kind that was designed to ensure he never took another breath. It was more like the Gojyo-trying-to-get-his-hands-between-the-press-of-their-bodies-and-undo-his-trousers kind of struggle, during which Hakkai discovered he could actually undo buttons with his tongue and teeth until he had managed enough of them (and accidentally swallowed one) to be able to nose the offending garment aside and wrap his lips around the dark nub of Gojyo's nipple.

"Ah! Hnn!" And Hakkai wasn't terribly sure what that translated to, but as he flicked his tongue, lapping against textured flesh, and then bared his teeth gently, bit down to test resistance, he ventured to guess it might have been quite good. And then he felt the give of Gojyo's pants around his hand and there was only a sense of logical progression then. His fingers bunched Gojyo's shirt up out of the way as he dragged his mouth across skin, tasting everything he exposed as he went, until he had folded himself back onto his knees between Gojyo's splayed legs. The hand still slickly occupied slid out of his boxers, negotiating with the gape of slacks until he had managed to bare that part of Gojyo as well and then it was just like gravity, his head falling, his mouth opening...

And he tasted... Oh, he tasted...

"Hakkai, you- Fuck..."

Hakkai barely heard him, past the suffocating, delirious heat, the tang of sweat and musk and the almost sour slide and texture against his tongue as he flattened it across the head of Gojyo's cock. The vein on the underside stood out like a cord and the tip of his tongue traced it down as far as he could reach, until the top ridge was pressing against his palette. At which point it seemed only natural to close his lips around everything and then he was drinking, sliding off, inhaling as much of Gojyo as he could before the suction pulled him back down again.

And then there were hands in his hair, gripping, and Gojyo's hips were pushing up towards him, his voice a hoarse litany of fuckfuckfuck and Hakkai didn't know whether it was a question or a statement but he thought it sounded like an excellent idea and the heat pooling in his own groin, sharp and insistent, agreed. Blindly, his free arm flung out, his knuckles smacking against a cupboard door before he managed to reach high enough to grab the handle and pull it open.

"What the fuck are you-" Gojyo gasped, groggy and distracted but he must have realised what it was Hakkai was rummaging around for, and groaned in a way that Hakkai could almost taste.

"Fuck. On the kitchen...floor, Hakkai? You're fucking insa- Fuck. Oh shit. Hurry. No, a bit further...ngh... left. The taller bottle. No, that's the soy. The one next-"

Hakkai couldn't see, but he could tell he had the right bottle because a) the lid was slippery with oil as he popped it off one handed and b) Gojyo let him go abruptly and started pushing his open pants down over his hips, twisting and panting and squirming underneath Hakkai's still full mouth. It was a potentially dangerous maneuver, forcing Hakkai to raise his head or risk damaging equipment he knew Gojyo would prefer to remain in working order. But by then Gojyo had successfully shucked off his pants and was starting without invitation on Hakkai's anyway, so that left him free to tip the bottle over, slick his fingers and try and maintain some presence of mind while Gojyo's hands didn't so much brush as crawl all over his erection in the process of freeing it. Later, he'd have to remember to be impressed with that, but not right now. Right now it felt better than it possibly had a right to.

"I take it," he found himself panting into Gojyo's shoulder as his pants proved themselves poor defense against Gojyo's talents and as he slid his now well-oiled fingers between Gojyo's parting legs. "I take it you're not unfamiliar with this activity, ah, practicably speaking, I mean."

Gojyo caught him up in a messy, distracting kiss as Hakkai slid his hand between the cool kitchen linoleum and the warmth of Gojyo's ass and pressed a finger between his cheeks before pressing in...

"Ah! Haa! Hnfuck! You mean, ah...fucking?" Gojyo gasped and somewhere beside them there was a dull clunk as the olive oil went over but Gojyo was already sliding a slick hand around his erection. Hakkai groaned and lost his rhythm for a second before some still-thinking portion of his brain suggested it might be thought inconsiderate to go ahead and take the man without preparing him a little better first, and the absolutely last thing he wanted to be was thought inconsiderate.

"Not...entirely," came the confession as Hakkai pushed two fingers in and twisted gently, massaging and sliding, scissoring until Gojyo was shuddering helplessly and that was a notably nice effect. And the heat, the grip and ripple of muscle accepting him was enough to make Hakkai shake as well.

"With Banri then?"

"That...asshole? No wa-" Gojyo gasped, arching and squeezing involuntarily as Hakkai pressed his fingers against his prostate again, hard. "Agh! Fuck! Alright! Yes with Banri! But not before, when he was- Ahnnn... Hakkai."

"Don't lie to me, Gojyo."

"Hakkai, can we fucking talk about this later and just fuck? You wanna do this - fuck you'd better want to do this - I've been fantasizing about it all day, ever since you fucking put your nose in my hair like some fucking dog, you weird bastard and you got some crazy pheromones or somethin' going on today but I want it. I want it come on..."

"Gojyo, shut up and get on your knees, please," Hakkai told him and wondered how in all the God's Names he managed to sound so calm about it when that confession, that Gojyo had been thinking about this, had been fantasizing, made him go blind for a second with something that wasn't him, could not be him, because it could only think possession, and really, this would never have happened if he hadn't smelled so good... Gojyo had barely rolled over and pushed himself to his hands and knees, the curve of his back arching up against the length of Hakkai's body, the combined tangle of their pants around their legs little deterrent, before Hakkai was pushing the head of his erection against and into heat and resistance. And then Gojyo did something, flexed in some way and Hakkai was suddenly sliding in smoothly, deeply...

He choked on a moan, checked his body's urge to thrust, his arm clutching around Gojyo's waist, his fist tangling in his shirt, because if he moved, Gods if he moved now, his next question wasn't going to matter in the slightest.

"Do you need time?" he demanded, forcing the consideration past his clenched teeth and into the hair at the back of Gojyo's head as he molded himself to him, but he wasn't sure he could give it even if he said yes. Nuzzling Gojyo's nape, breathing him in, he smelled intoxicating, as good as he had that morning, damp now from sweat rather than his shower and it seemed to go all the way through him, as if he'd somehow saturated himself with Gojyo's smell, soaked himself, drenched in the taste and the feel...

"No," Gojyo gasped, managing to shift back against him despite the way Hakkai had him pinned. "I don't. Come on. Just come on, Hak-"

"Oh, good," Hakkai breathed, and thrust.

Gojyo made a strangled noise and scrabbled for purchase, a hand braced against the cupboard not that far in front of his face. Whether it was to give him enough leverage to push back in counterpoint to Hakkai's thrusts, or to keep his head from banging repeatedly against the cupboard door didn't really matter. He was moaning, panting, his back bowed and his head back, the lines of his body tense and shivering, and Hakkai could feel his other arm, the muscles in his back and shoulder moving as he stroked himself. He couldn't even tell if it was enough, or in time, but the hungry, desperate sound he made when Hakkai knotted his free hand into the length of his hair in order to hold him where his mouth could reach him - the almost whine that shuddered all the way down his spine and straight into Hakkai's cock - made him bite down in an effort to hold on, teeth sinking into Gojyo's nape in a ragged need to make it last just a little longer, just a little further...

Gojyo, Gojyo, you're so good, you feel so good, God. God, you're beautiful, Gojyo, Gojyo... Sensations rolled through him and thoughts rambled helplessly after them and he wasn't even sure whether he was uttering them aloud or if they were falling off into the darkness inside him but oh, this had to end, it couldn't go on, it was too much, too good, he didn't deserve...

"Hakkai. Hakkai. Hakkai..."

That whine again, needy and helpless and insatiable, sounding out his name in a way he'd never known it could be spoken until it was clawing its way from Gojyo's throat in harsh, grateful breaths. He was deaf, but for that sound, blind but for the glimpse of Gojyo's face as he moved against him, numb but for the impossible feel as Gojyo took him further in, his entire body coiled, except where it gripped Hakkai's cock, and that shuddered and shuddered and he was moaning, trembling suddenly and in front of them he was probably coming all over the kitchen floor...

Heat and clenching tension and a thousand unknown needs, swelling up so fast and demanding Hakkai only had time for a shocked breath and then it was rolling through him, brutal and sweeping. For a second, a heartbeat, his senses were abruptly torn free, unanchored and Gojyo was gone and it was like tasting panic until he rushed back to himself, shuddering as he spilled himself into Gojyo in delirious waves, clung to him as if he was the last raft and the whole world an ocean.

When he could breathe again, when he could think something other than Oh, my gods, that was wonderful, so good, you're so beautiful, don't ever leave me, you're mine, we belong to each other, so good... they were both collapsed on their sides on the cool kitchen floor, spooned, entangled, breathing hard. Some part of Hakkai had somehow expected it to be like waking up from a dream he had thought real, but Gojyo still smelled utterly wonderful, and even his clammy skin and the way his body twitched as if his muscles had been overloaded with too much sensation was enough to draw Hakkai close to bury his face once more in the hair at Gojyo's nape to just breathe and be completely, wholly and utterly saturated in him...

"Oh my god," Gojyo breathed after a while, and he sounded horrified, but his hands were holding Hakkai's arms around his middle and Hakkai couldn't have drawn away even if he'd wanted to. "Oh my god we just fucked on our kitchen floor. You just fucked me on the kitchen floor."

"Mmm," Hakkai agreed. "Sorry." But he wasn't so much a hypocrite to actually sound like he meant it. "I'll pack in the morning. Perhaps Sanzo will let me stay at the temple for a while; I'm sure there's somewhere I can live where we won't have to-"

"Fuck, Hakkai," Gojyo interrupted, dislodging him and shifting, rolling onto his back to turn a scowl on him. "Forget that."

Hakkai frowned, resisting the urge to smooth Gojyo's hair back away from his face. Too tender? Too meaningful? He wasn't sure, but his fingertips itched for the feel of Gojyo's hair under them. "Forget that I just fucked you on our kitchen floor? I'm sorry, but even if I could, I would refuse."

"Not that, you idiot. I was trying to tell you before."

"Trying to tell me what?" He sifted through the last few minutes of his memory, but there was nothing that he could remember, no moment of real protest that had penetrated his awareness, no definitive, violent reply except the way Gojyo had taken him, strained to take as much of him as he could and-

"That I can't get your suitcase out of the trash, you moron, because I didn't throw it out in the first place."

He didn't- Oh. Hakkai felt something start to curl up inside him, start to deaden and lose feeling...

"Hakkai," Gojyo said, clearly and deliberately, staring straight at him so he had nowhere to curl to and his eyes were clear and unafraid and fierce. "I fucking tore it into little, itsy, bitsy, fucking pieces. So, no, I won't fetch it for you, and no, you can't go shack up with that fucking monk, and what's more, you can't fucking leave, because I am not going to clean this shit up off the kitchen floor."

"Oh," Hakkai breathed, and it should have been a dream, with what Gojyo was saying to him, but it wasn't. He'd already established that. "Oh, well of course. Certainly, since it's my fault..."

Gojyo looked smug and pleased and glad and all manner of things Hakkai almost recognised and thought he would not be unhappy to gain understanding of, given half the chance.

"Damn straight," he grunted, and reached up to snag the back of Hakkai's neck. "And next time, can we at least do this in a fucking bed? Lino's not exactly soft, ya know?"

"Next time?" Hakkai asked as the lopsided grin that appeared on Gojyo's face got closer and Hakkai found himself leaning over, bracing his weight on the arm by Gojyo's head and meeting that darkening smile with one of his own. "This time?"

"Next next time," Gojyo amended, and this time it was his mouth that met Hakkai's, and Hakkai's senses were overwhelmed once more.
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