Doctor Who

May 02, 2010 16:30

Yeah, 5 episodes in and I'm sort of disappointed. I thought the first episode was FANTASTIC. It has been less than stellar since then, though I do agree that last week's episode was marginally better but then I really disliked this week's.

My opinions behind the cut. )

doctor who

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Comments 7

dizzydame May 2 2010, 21:37:31 UTC
It was definitely Angel overkill. Blink was so perfect and it did not need to be revisited, especially not in depth. I didn't need to see them move, especially. It made them not nearly so mysterious.

I'm meh on Amy throwing herself at the Doctor and also on the "YOU'RE SO SPECIAL I KEEP MEETING YOU AGAIN YOU ARE GOING TO CHANGE THE UNIVERSE" because - didn't we just do that with Donna? Right down to the red hair and the runaway bride bit. I mean, the story can be done again and I'm sure it won't be identical, but I wish he hadn't worded it almost exactly like Ten did with Donna. It threw me out of the episode a bit.

I have hope for Rory. I don't want him to be another Mickey. Nothing against Mickey, but he was only following Rose. I'd love it if Rory turned out to be all FUCK YEAH TIME TRAVELING and got into it. I don't want him to be an Amy lapdog, either.


yanks_02 May 2 2010, 21:40:44 UTC
didn't we just do that with Donna?

Yes! I was going to say this as well and got distracted by trying to download Britain's Got Talent in the middle of writing on LJ. Donna >>>> Amy.


dizzydame May 2 2010, 21:42:56 UTC
I'm also entirely biased here because while I do like Amy, Donna was FUCKING AWESOME and I enjoy that Donna's awesomeness was shown subtly and not the route they're taking with Amy. Yes, I get it, Moff, you can stop reminding me of how smart and independent and able to take care of herself she is now.


yanks_02 May 2 2010, 21:43:42 UTC
LOL yes. How AWESOMESAUCE she and Reinette were, but how not awesomesauce any female RTD created was. *yawn*


txvoodoo May 3 2010, 05:14:03 UTC
Stay with it. I have peeked at a very few spoilers, and I think it's all gonna be ok.


sarahverse May 17 2010, 10:42:28 UTC
hi, sorry just lurking.

congrats on winning the FA cup btw ;)

i agree- first episode BRILLIANT! but since then The Doctor has been treating the pond as a child. telling her to sit and stay and she's been generally pushed aside and ignored. written badly.

they also abandoned that angels plot "we're going to get it from the ship. oh look everyones an angel. now time is opening up and the angels are gone and we've forgotten the reason we're all here"


sarahverse May 17 2010, 10:45:01 UTC
oh god and please forgive me for confusing you with a chelsea supporter :S


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