Doctor Who

May 02, 2010 16:30

Yeah, 5 episodes in and I'm sort of disappointed. I thought the first episode was FANTASTIC. It has been less than stellar since then, though I do agree that last week's episode was marginally better but then I really disliked this week's.

River Song is possibly the most annoying character ever. And that's saying something, because we've had a lot of annoying characters: Donna's mum, Astrid, Christina etc etc. But I really don't even want to WATCH when River Song is on screen.

The angles became not so creepy and just ... there. Blink scared the BAJEEZUS out of me when I first saw it and now I think a lot of that is gone after watching this 2 parter.

I like Eleven. And I like Amy. I just don't like their.. togetherness for lack of a better word. They haven't clicked in my opinion. Even Martha and Ten clicked better than I think Amy and Eleven have.

Also, UGH @ Amy throwing herself at Eleven. So it's totally not okay to have Rose and the Doctor be even HINTED at being intimate but Amy can shag him up against the TARDIS? Riiiight-o.

The vampires look pretty cool next weekend though. I'll get it that.

doctor who

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