JE Fic: Beautiful Days, Koki/Kame, PG-13

Jan 19, 2009 22:06

Title: Beautiful Days
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: KAT-TUN; Koki/Kame
Summary: Kame makes him laugh, and sometimes, if he's lucky, he can make Kame laugh too.
Prompt: News - Summer Time
Warnings: Angst, unrequited love.
Notes: Thank you to my betas for the handholding and crying and for making this presentable.

Beautiful Days )

koki/kame, pg-13, je

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Comments 5

cmere January 20 2009, 03:30:06 UTC
this fic, ugh T____T so angsty and beautiful.


yamapea January 20 2009, 03:51:49 UTC
you ♥ thank you for everything :( ilu.


ky_rin January 20 2009, 04:41:21 UTC
why do you always break my heart in such beautiful ways ♥♥♥


pleyr_04 January 22 2009, 01:46:02 UTC
T______T T__________________________T
i like it though... *hugs*


kazuyachan March 23 2010, 04:06:39 UTC
cries,cries some more
ok so I am an akame's fan
bu8t I don'tmind everybody's love kame too kinda thing...
I just hope Kame happy
whoever he's with
be it Koki,be it Jin
This story of yours surely ;p beautiful!
Thank you Dear.... HUG


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