i accidentally slept with koki tanaka

Mar 26, 2012 18:41

Title: I Accidentally Slept With Koki Tanaka
Characters: Main - Koki, Original Character; Other - KAT-TUN Members, staff
Pairing: Koki/Original Character
Rating: PG
Warning: none :D
Summary: I won a backstage pass for the KAT-TUN concert and am fulfilling my lifelong dream of meeting my one true love, Koki Tanaka!
A/N: I tried to write this so that the reader is the original character. Please, if you read this, CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM!!! I can’t stress how important this is to me because I am new at writing fics!!!
Written for my friend, granity20, just as she asked me to! Happy Birthday, dear, I did my best!

Tokyo, Japan

My feet hurt, but I hardly feel it.

My head is pounding, but I forgot about it.

It is hot, but I don’t care.

All that matters is that man standing on the stage… Koki Tanaka.

He never failed to excite me. He is my light, my only focal point. He is the entire reason I am here at all. The other members of the group and fans in the room seem to fade as I soak in the man that I had fallen in love with. In fact, every person in the entire world fades into comparison to this amazing man.

I clutch the VIP ticket hanging around my neck to remind myself that I had it, that this is really real. As soon as this concert is over, I and I alone was going to meet the man I had dreamt about for years.

Needless to say, I was incredibly nervous. If I thought about it too much, my palms would become sweaty and I would begin to hyperventilate. I try to simply focus on the concert and not what would happen after…


After the Concert

Nervous can’t even begin to describe what I’m feeling. What should I do? Should I sit? Should I stay standing? Should I casually lean against the wall? Oh no! My hair! Is it sticking up?! What do I do, what do I do?!

I didn’t realize that I had begun pacing the room in a frenzy, which was doing exactly what I didn’t want it to do: show how nervous I am.

Suddenly, the door to my left opens and the members begin to walk in one by one.

Kazuya Kamenashi

Tatsuya Ueda

Taguchi Junnoske

Yuichi Nakamaru

Koki Tanaka

I stop pacing and just stare. I must have looked incredibly idiotic, standing there with my mouth gaping open.

Luckily, these guys are idols and used to such silly behavior.

“Hi,” Kame speaks first. “You must be the contest winner. I’m sure I don’t have to do this, but I will introduce each of us anyway. I’m Kamenashi, and this is Ueda, Junnoske, Nakamaru, and Tanaka.”

My mind is completely blank. I seemed to forget how to speak. I could not form words. Finally, I just nod.

“So, would you like our autographs?”

Again, all I could do was nod.

Kame smiles (probably inwardly laughing at me) and sits down at the lone table in the room to begin signing the poster laying there.

Taguchi starts to ask me questions. I hope that doesn’t mean I will have to actually remember how to talk.

“So, did you enjoy the concert?”

I nod.

“Ok, I have to ask. I always want to know this. Who is your favorite KAT-TUN member?”

I begin to feel uncomfortable. I am too embarrassed to admit that. Unfortunately, even Kame is looking up at me with interest. Every person in the room is waiting expectantly for my answer.

I look down at my feet and finally mumble “Tanaka-san.”

Silence. Were they all that shocked? Why did I even come here? I should have just given the ticket to someone who would actually take advantage of the situation instead of making everything awkward.

Maru breaks the silence, interrupting my thoughts. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that. Who did you say?”

“Why doesn’t she just point? Since she obviously is having problems talking.” Ueda teases. I do NOT appreciate him teasing me like that. It sparked something in me.

My head shoot up and my eyes flash to him. “That’s not a bad idea.” I state, causing a very surprised look to cross his face and amused looks on the other members faces.

I point to the only man in the room who has not spoken yet.

All eyes go to Koki to gauge his reaction. He is emotionless. Finally, he gives me a small smile and simply nods his thanks.

No! I want you to TALK!

Taguchi then starts to whine. “Aww they never say me. How come nobody loves me?”

“I didn’t say that I don’t! I just said Tanaka-san is my favorite. The whole group is wonderful too.”

“But why is he your favorite?”

Maru butts in, saving me from answering. “Don’t pester her! Can’t you see she is uncomfortable?” He then turns to me and bows slightly. “I’m sorry that Taguchi is so nosy. You will have to ignore him.”

“Hey! I’m not nosy! I’m just curious.”

“Same thing.”

Taguchi frowns. It’s his turn to sign the poster so that distractes him from any further conversation for the time being.

“Would you like to take a picture with Koki?” Maru asks me.

Would I?!

“Is- I mean, we can do a group one. That would be fine.” I honestly would MUCH rather have a picture with just Koki, but I don’t think he would like being put on the spot like that.

Maru is too smart for me and he saw right through that. “No, you should just do it with him, since he is your favorite. I’m sure he won’t mind, will you, Koki?”

He is still expressionless, so I can’t tell if he really minds or not. But I don’t feel too bad since Maru is the one pushing it and not me. He stands up from the chair that he had been sitting in and motions to one of the staff to bring a camera.

What happened next I never expected.

What I DID expect: Koki to stand next to me with some space in between us, the man to take the picture, and Koki to return to his seat.

What ACTUALLY happened: Koki stood next to me and slung his arm around my waist to pull me in close. And that was the picture the man took, of Koki with his arm around me, smiling his most adorable smile and me probably looking like a total idiot. I almost had a heart attack.

“Are you alright?” Taguchi looks concerned.

I begin to stutter. “I- yes, I ju- just- I’m fine.”

“Hey, Koki, you should give the little lady a kiss on the cheek, ne? I bet she would enjoy that.” Was that Ueda’s way of getting back at me? Was he TRYING to kill me?!

“Hmm… That’s not a bad idea” Koki states, repeating what I had said to Ueda only moments before.

Koki leans in and I feel something warm on my cheek. Then… everything begins to spin and crash before my eyes into blackness. The last thing I heard was someone yelling, “Catch her!” and the last thing I felt were two strong hands trying to get a hold on me…


Some Time Later

I wake up in a strange room. Where am I?

I try to remember what happened. The last thing I remember is taking a picture with Koki and then…

He kissed me. He kissed me?!

Never before in my life had I been so grateful to Ueda. This man had just made my dreams come true!

But… what happened after that? How did I get into this room? Where is this room? I look around and see that it is very simply decorated. The only color I can see is a muted blue. Everything is made of a dark cherry wood: the dresser, the end table, the border around the mirror, the bed I was laying in…


I look across the bed into the mirror. At least I am still wearing the same thing, that’s good. Did I get kidnapped?!

I begin to panic, trying to remember what happened when suddenly, the door opens and all my fears disappear.

There he was.

“Oh, you’re awake. That’s good. I was beginning to worry.”

“Um… where am I?”

“This is my bedroom.”

My heart is racing. If this is his bedroom, then I am at his house in his bed.

“What… what happened?”

“I’m sorry if I made you worry, but we didn’t know what else to do. You… well, you fainted when I kissed you.”

I could feel my cheeks get hot. Could I have embarrassed myself anymore?

“I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be.”

“But… I’m being such a burden to you. I will just get going now. Thank you for taking care of me.”

“Now hold on. I can’t let you leave yet. I really must insist that you stay here the night. I want to have a doctor check you out just to be sure that you are alright.”

“Oh, that’s really not necessary! I’m sure it was just the shock of being kissed by the man I lo-” I stop suddenly, realizing what I was about to say, but the amused smile on his face tells me that he knew exactly what I was going to say.

I bet I look like a tomato now.

“Oh, now, don’t be too embarrassed. I’m flattered, really, that such a beautiful girl has fallen in love with me.”

He called me beautiful! What a stinkin liar. But I don’t mind. Nope. Not in the least.

I can’t think of anything to say to that so I simply smile.

“So, are you going to stay or do I have to force you?”

“Well, considering you aren’t really giving me a choice, I guess I’ll stay.”

“Good. And you don’t have to worry about a thing. I promise to be a good boy.” He winks.

If my heart pounds any harder it will pound right out of my chest.

“You must be uncomfortable in those clothes. Would you like to borrow something to sleep in? I’m sure one of my t-shirts will be long enough on you.”


“Oh, you don’t have to do that! I don’t want to be anymore trouble to you! I will be fine like this.”

“It’s no trouble.” He walks to his dresser and pulls out a plain black t-shirt. “You can put this on.”

He laid the shirt on the bed before leaving the room.

I pounce on the shirt and bring it to my nose. It smells amazing…

After breathing in the scent of him for a few moments, I finally put the shirt back down and peel off my clothes from my body. I put his shirt on and already feel a million times better. I hadn’t realized how uncomfortable I really was.

I look in the mirror to be sure that my hair isn’t a wreck and see that the shirt hardly covers my butt! I can’t stay like this! Just as I was grabbing my jeans to put them back on, there is a knock on the door.

“Are you done? I’m coming in!”

I didn’t get a chance to say anything before he walked in, so I’m sure he got a pretty good view of my butt (I was bent over scrambling to get my jeans on).

I stand up quickly.

“You aren’t seriously thinking of putting those jeans back on, are you?”

“Well… this is a little short, so…”

“It’s fine.”

“I think I would be more comfortable if-”

“I won’t see you when you are in the bed, though, so does it really matter?”

I hadn’t thought of that.

“Now, get on back into bed. I brought you some tea to calm your nerves.”

Is it that obvious how nervous I am?

“Wait, where are you going to sleep if I’m in your bed?”

“Oh, I was going to sleep there too, if that’s alright.”

I freeze. Was he serious?

He begins to laugh. “I’m only joking! Don’t look so serious! I am going to sleep on the floor so I can be sure you are alright and you can let me know if you need anything.”

I noticed the bags under his eyes now and realized that he must be exhausted. I had forgotten that he just did a concert and now he has to take care of me.

I quickly jump into the bed. The sooner I sleep the sooner he could sleep.

I pretend to yawn as if I’m incredibly tired and say, “You know, I think I’m too tired to drink anything. I should probably just get to sleep.”

“Nice try. Don’t worry, it’s nothing gross. You’ll like it, I promise. If you don’t, we can add sugar or whatever you need to make it taste good.”

He thinks I’m trying to get out of drinking it!

“Oh, no! It’s not that! I really am tired!”

“You have been out cold, do you really expect me to believe you are now so incredibly tired that you can’t even drink some tea?”

I sigh, defeated. He is just way too smart.

“But I really did not do that because I don’t want to drink it.”

I could tell by the look on his face that he didn’t believe me. Great, that means I have to explain it.

“I just figured you need to sleep so if I hurry up and go to sleep then you can sleep too. You look tired.”

Now, he was surprised.

“I’m ok. You should only worry about yourself.” He starts to lean down to kiss my forehead, but seems to change his mind and pats it instead.

“Now, drink your tea and go to sleep whenever you wish. I will be fine. I am used to being tired. You, on the other hand, I can’t have you fainting on me again.”

“Did I faint ON you?!”

“Calm down, that’s not what I meant.”

“But did I?”

“No, you fell straight down, but I caught you.”


“Now, relax.” He pushes me down, and where his hands touch my arms seem to burn.

“Here.” He hands the cup of tea to me. “Drink.”

I comply. It was good, and definitely helped me relax. I sigh.

“Are you hungry?”

“No.” I lied. This man had done enough to take care of me, and he just needs to sleep, no matter how much he denies it.

Unfortunately, my stomach growls. I grab it in embarrassment.

“Liar. Let me make you something.”

“No, you don’t have to do that!”

“I don’t take ‘no’ for an answer. I will be right back.”

Before I could protest he was out of the room.

I want to cry. His sweetness touched me in such a way that I was even more in love with him than ever. To have him so close to me, caring for me like he has been, is such a miracle. I was determined not to take it for granted.

I finish my tea just as he returns into the room with a bowl of some wonderful smelling soup.

“Sit up. Is chicken soup ok? It was all I could make on such short notice.”

“It’s perfect. Thank you.”

I notice him beaming as he looks in my cup. I was glad that I could do something to make him happy as well, even if it is something as small as enjoying what he gives me.

I was sure to eat all of the soup and he takes the dishes, along with some clothes.

I really did begin to feel tired and I look to the clock. 1:30 am!

This poor man! I will not allow him to do a single thing more for me. I lay down and get under the covers.

He walks back in wearing only a pair of sweats and looks at me. “Are you ready to sleep now?”

I nod, completely speechless, staring at his naked chest.

He quickly lays some blankets and pillows on the floor next to the bed.

“Don’t hesitate if you need anything. Even if I’m already sleeping, it’s fine if you wake me up.”

“I’ll remember.”

He shuts off the lights and I can hear him settling in. I wonder if he can hear my heart pounding.

“Ko- er… Tanaka-san?”

“Hai?” She could hear a smile in his voice.

“I just wanted to say thank you. For everything.”

“Don’t worry about it. It was nice to take care of someone for once.”

“I’ll faint for you any day if it makes you that happy.”

That caused him to burst into laughter. Could he make my heart ache any more?

“Well… goodnight.”



The Next Morning

Sunlight creeping through the window is hitting my face, causing my eyes to hurt. I reach up to block it out, but my hand brushes against something soft.

I realize I’m not in the bed anymore. Underneath me is something firm and uneven, completely opposite from his mattress.

Beneath me I hear a groan, then “What the?!”

I roll off as quick as I can, but I accidentally elbow him in the process! He cries out in pain.

“I am soooo sorry!!!”

“How did…?”

“I have no idea! I… I must have rolled off the bed or something!”

He began to chuckle, but it instead turned into a wince.

“Are you hurt?”

“Just a little. I’ll be fine though. Are you alright?”

“Yes. It looks like you broke my fall.”

He smiles. “Glad to be of assistance.”

He is awfully close. I look down and remember that he has no shirt on. There is nothing blocking my view of every muscle in his chest. My fingers ache to touch them, but I restrain myself.

I look back up and look into his eyes as he props himself up on one arm. He is staring right back at me. I roll onto my back, never breaking eye contact.

He holds my gaze for a few moments and I feel his hand travel down my arm.

“If I kiss you, you won’t faint again, will you?”

“I… uh… I hope not…”

“Well, should we find out.” It wasn’t really a question.

I gulp as he begins to advance. I close my eyes and wait…



I open my eyes and am no longer on the floor. I am in bed once again… my own bed.

It was all just a dream…

The door to my room opens.

“Good morning, my love. Did you sleep well?”

…Or was it?

birthday, tanaka koki, kat-tun, fanwork

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