japonicana (the album this time lol)

Mar 26, 2012 18:04

ok, first, my comments on the songs in no particular order:
Thats What She Said - love the song, hate the lyrics. except the dumb ones. i laugh at them (ex. "stupid + kid = stukid" "dumb + girl = durl"... really, jin, REALLY?! *smh*)
Set Love Free - ONE OF MY FAVORITES! very cute, and so unlike any of the other songs on the album!
Oowah - my favorite line "like a latte youre the reason im up on time" i literally lol'd when i understood what he said there! but all in all i do like this song
Tell Me Where - i fell in love with this song out of nowhere, but i find it... different (a good different) but its so hard to sing along to lol (for me anyway). another of my favorites
Yellow Gold - honestly, the first time i heard this song all the way through was at the concert, but as i listen to it the more and more it became another of my favorites! so addicting!!!
Magnitude - not a favorite, but very nice anyway! i do like this song, just not nearly as much as most of the others
Body Talk - this has always been one of my favorite jin songs. its incredibly beautiful!
Bass Go Boom - not the kind of song i would normally listen to, but it grew on me. now, i like it a lot and i think it would be awesome to hear this at a concert (because of all the bass lol! the title is VERY fitting!)
Pindom - just the name makes me laugh (all i see is "pin" lol [you know, pi&jin combined]) this is another kind of song that i normally wouldnt listen too, but, again, it grew on me and i like it! some of the lyrics make me laugh "we represent for the JAP...anese"
Test Drive (fr. Jason Derulo) - i hate to say it, but im tired of this song... i listened to it too much, ok?! but it is a good song (hellooo it was #1 on the dance charts when it came out! still so proud of him for this *beams*)
Aphrodisiac - still trying to sort through the lyrics (he can be very difficult to understand, and its not even because of his accent! they need to turn down the music a bit and turn up his voice cause it shouldnt overpower him. not just in this song, there are others too. and then he is also hard to understand sometimes because of his accent lol) but this is another addicting song (the beginning reminds me of "shake it up" lol)
Like You - this is a catchy song that WAS a favorite of mine, but it got a little old fast (just a little, i still like it!)
California Rock - this song was stuck in my head today! its catchy, and im barely figuring out some of the lyrics (and im barely understanding them too. wait... that sounds redundant. i mean things like when he says "sex on the beach" he means the drink on not sex on the beach lol. i forgot it was a drink. i wondered what it had to do with the line before it!) i do like this song too, though
Sun Burns Down - this also became one of my favorites! its catchy, and fun! (and i can understand everything lol! no wait, i think there was ONE line i couldnt understand... aw man i cant remember now... oh well!)

So there is what i think of each song individually. i like how this album has a huge variety of genres and... i guess song meanings (does that make sense?) its nice and it helps so that the album doesnt get old very fast. good job, jin. you could use a itty-bitty-bit of help, but ill forgive you since you are new at this (english lyrics)!

now, as far as jin... i just found this interview with him and i found it interesting! enjoy~ (lol, i havent even read it all yet *runs to read it*) oh and fyi, he explains where the album title came from!!!

music, jin akanishi

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