hello everyone! im hooooooome!!!

Mar 26, 2012 17:35

wanna know how my vacation went? ok, here is a quick run down

we went to palm springs again, so it wasnt THAT great (it kinda gets old when you have been going to the same place for vacation at least once a year, but it is nice to get out of the house for a bit), but it wasnt too bad either. its just a little difficult since i dont really talk to the kids in the other family that we went with. the oldest one is, like, 3 or so years younger than me and we really dont have much in common. luckily i had my handy-dandy... LAPTOP!!! (lol, i feel like blues clues :D)

oh, but back to the quick run down. so, another thing that made it not so great was that out of the eleven people that went... here, let me show you.

Mrs. DD
Mrs. ML

this is the people who went (just initials cause i dont know if they would like having their names posted on the internet). now the ones that are bold are the ones that got sick! first it was LD, then the next morning ML woke up sick. the next day FL did and then a couple days later, when LD and ML were finally better, DD and CL both woke up sick! the other family went home before we did and the mom sent my mom a text saying that two of the kids were complaining that their ears hurt so she took them to the doctor and they both had ear infections! (ML and CL) today, their mom called us and asked if we could take the older two to school because all the other kids were sick! (that means one that isnt bold up there is now sick [JL])

i hope i dont get it late or anything, cause that would not be fun! x-(

anyhoo... i came home and... wait, let me back up just a tad. about a week ago (a little more than that. a few days before we left for vacation) we got a new cat. ok, now i can tell you what i found when i got home. actually, here, just take a look under the cut

YES THAT IS MY BRAND NEW UCHIWA!!! AND YES THOSE ARE HOLES THAT MY STUPID NEW CAT PUT THROUGH IS BEAUTIFUL HEAD!!! T_T THIS IS WHAT I CAME HOME TO!!! HE KNOCKED IT DOWN AND THEN... I DONT KNOW... USED IT AS A SCRATCHING POST OR SOMETHING!!! yes, i did then take yamapi and knock the cat in the head and now hes terrified of it so maybe hell leave it alone... (ok, for you cat lovers, no, i didnt hit him hard, just a tap, but hes skiddish so it was enough to freak him out. and yes, i did get yelled at but I DONT CARE!!!!)

oh i forgot! ok, while we were in palm springs, one of the girls and my sister got happy with the friendship bracelets and made, like, a billion. well, one of the other girls got bored and she surprised me with this! (yes, you have to look under the cut again)

in case its hard to read, heres a close up!

YAMAPI! <3 she is so awesome :D (yes, kaylaashley985, you are awesome too, i just never got around to taking a pic of that bracelet to share. here ill tell everyone) ok, and my sister made me a bracelet that says "sister" and it is made of blue and red thread (my favorite [cause of ryopi lol {oh, i miss them! *tear*}]) and separating each letter is an orange bead (she asked me what i thought of orange and i was like "its... kind of koyamas color. its usually purple, but sometimes its orange!" lol)

and i did this a couple days before we left (i saw a bunch of bobby pins laying on the counter and had this idea. i really like it :D). yes, its ANOTHER cut, sorry, this is the last one, i promise!

for those of you who dont know, this says "yamapi" but in kanji! hehe

ok, and this last thing is just to inform you that i FINALLY got japonicana downloaded and i have been listening to it like CRAZY!!! but i will talk about it in another post because of 2 things:

1) this post is long enough and
2) not all of my friends are in the fandom so those of you who arent you can just ignore that post. ok, everyone happy? well if you answer is no then TOO BAD!!! and if your answer is yes then GOOD!!! lol

trip, personal life, tomohisa yamashita

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