Разведка доложила точно II

Jan 06, 2020 21:26

Два дня назад, в "Разведка доложила точно" я спрашивал: Когда Помпео и другие говорят, что разведка доложила точно, Сулеймани готовил некую атаку на США, которая была imminent, можно ли на это отвечать "ха-ха-ха, эта та же разведка, которая нам несколько лет рассказывала про коллюжен?"

И будет ли этот ответ звучать убедительно для трампистов?
Ответ трампиство в комментариях был, грубо говоря, таким: это не та разведка, это правильная военная разведка, а не те сволочи, которые рассказывали нам о российском вмешательстве.

И don't take my word for it, почитайте комментарии по ссылке.

Ладно, это русскоязычные жжисты. Enter Tucker Carlson. Это его сегодняшний монолог. Видео ниже, но я процитирую часть. The risk of Terror is increased by appeasement. It's a good line, and it may be true, probably is true. Of course, the risk of Terror is also increased by bombing other people's countries, that is also indisputably true.

It is hard to remember now, but as recently as last week most people didn't consider Iran an imminent threat. Iranian saboteurs were not committing acts of terror in our cities. Oh, but our leaders tell us they were about to any second and that's why we struck first.

What's so striking is how many people appear to accept this uncritically. Just the other day, you remember, our Intel agencies were considered politically tainted and suspect. Certainly, on this show they are... were and will be for quite some time.

Keep in mind these are the same people who invented excuses to spy on the Trump campaign purely because they didn't like Donald Trump's foreign policy views. And they are the ones who pretended he was a Russian agent in order to keep him from governing. Remember that, Russiagate? Our friends at the Intel community did that.

And, by the way, these are the same people who lied about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction way back in 2002, and by doing that got us into an utterly pointless war that dramatically weakened our country. The people pushing conflict with Iran are the same people who did that.

It seems like about 20 minutes ago we were denouncing these very people as the Deep State and pledging never to trust them again without verification. But now for some reason we do seem to trust them implicitly and completely. In fact, we believe whatever they tell us, no matter how outlandish.

Iran did 9/11 they're telling us! Oh, OK, didn't know that. 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Sunni Saudi Arabia; none were from Shiite Iran, but if you say so Mr. unnamed CIA official, I'm happy to send my kid to the Middle East a week after Christmas on the basis of your anonymous unverified leak to the New York Times. You've earned my trust through years of lying to me.

That appears to be our position now.

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