southpaw: “I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal,” Barr says, explaining why he’s ordered an investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation at the FBI and intelligence agencies. “I think spying did occur,” he adds when Sen. Shaheen asks for clarification.
The convergence of the talking points of the Office of the
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Comments 59
Mr. Trump then asked, “Where’s my Roy Cohn?”
"The President wanted his own Roy Cohn and apparently he got one."
Был интересным и ответ на другой вопрос.
Q: Did Mueller say he wanted to leave the obstruction decision to congress?
Barr: “He didn’t say that to me.”
Q: Did he say the obstruction decision should be up to you?
Barr: “He didn’t say that either. But that’s generally how the Department of Justice works.”
- Andrew Desiderio (@desiderioDC) April 10, 2019
Это подтверждает предположение: "Барр не советовался с Мюллером при написании своего письма и мог взять на себя инициативу, которая Мюллером не предполагалась."
Мюллер предполагался найти каллюжен.
Что предполагалась Мюллером - это уже историкам и Голливуду фантазировать.
У Мюллера будет возможность дать свои показания в Конгрессе.
In order to ask Special Counsel Mueller the right questions, the Committee must receive the Special Counsel’s full report and hear from Attorney General Barr about that report on May 2. We look forward to hearing from Mr. Mueller at the appropriate time. 2/2
- (((Rep. Nadler))) (@RepJerryNadler) April 8, 2019
“As I informed the Attorney General earlier this week, Congress requires the full and complete Mueller report, without redactions, as well as access to the underlying evidence, by April 2. That deadline still stands,”
Nadler said in a statement
subpoena выписал или по сусалам схлопотал?
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