About this interviewing thing.....

Oct 13, 2004 06:45

I've come to realise lately that I really don't give much of my self away. I've started posting on various Stargate fans LJ's, people who don't know me from Adam and I realised that they've really very little chance to know me as I rarely post and I've never even filled in my LJ bio/info thingy. I think it's probably very rude of me, at the very ( Read more... )


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Comments 11

ladystarlightsj October 13 2004, 12:19:30 UTC
Hi there! (waves)

I have a quick question for you -- what's the origin of your board/LJ name?


starlet2367 October 13 2004, 13:04:35 UTC
Oooh, nice icon, ladystarlights. :D

Yab, I'm glad you're back. I was just thinking about you!

Hm.... :ponders:

If you were stranded on a desert island, which book, album and person (can be from any time period) would you want with you?

What's your favorite food to cook?

What's your favorite food to *eat*?

It's a rainy Saturday. What are you doing?



yabyumpan October 13 2004, 15:24:40 UTC
Waves at Kel :o) Loving your Farscape reviews, it's bringing back the joy of discovery I had when I got into it a year ago.
So, on with the questions...

If you were stranded on a desert island, which book, album and person (can be from any time period) would you want with you?

I hate these sort of questions ;o) I'm just so fickle that the answer could change by tomorrow...but here's today’s..

Book ; The global brain awakens by Peter Russell. I originally read it as The awakening earth. Peter Russell studied under Stephen Hawkins and then spent a number of years studying TM in India. Since then he's been studying and writing about the evolution of consciousness. http://www.peterussell.com/index2.html Reading the book was a huge revelation but also a big YES! It felt like he'd been rummaging round in my brain and collected all the disjointed thoughts and ideas that were beginning to form and actually managed to make sense of them. I've also got a huge crush on ( ... )


yabyumpan October 13 2004, 14:26:49 UTC
Ah good, a nice easy one to start with :o)

yabyum & pan are/were my cat's names (yabyum died nearly two years ago).


masqthephlsphr October 13 2004, 16:07:04 UTC
Hi Yab! I'm not good at coming up with questions, but here's one: what is it about Star Gate that you like??


yabyumpan October 14 2004, 22:10:10 UTC
what is it about Stargate that you like?

Good question ;o) It's a mixture of things...
I like that it's fluffy,candyfloss, I don't have to think about it too much, I can just admire the pretty. It does occasionally go beyond itself and give us some jaw-dropping eps, but on the whole it's Gilbert & Sullivan (as opposed to Farscape which is pure Wagner). I like that it has a good sense of it's own history, referring back to the original film even after 8 years.
I also like that although I really like the show, I don't really care about it in the same way as I have done with certain other shows. I don't like what they've done with Sam Carter over the last couple of years, effectively having a strong and intelligent women turn into Doris Day, with character development dependent on her hormones. I don't like Sam/Jack, although I think that's where they're going to end up, but at the end of the day, I don't actually care, and that's a real relief ( ... )


masqthephlsphr October 14 2004, 22:37:02 UTC
Hmmm. I couldn't get past the first few disks of Season 1 (of Stargate), but I see the show talked about constantly in my friend's list.

As for fanfic, I don't really read it at all. Which makes me a tad bit of a hypocrite, since I do write it a bit. ; )

Will have to go back and revisit Farscape, I think.


scrollgirl October 13 2004, 16:55:53 UTC
Hi Yaby! So glad to see you again :)

Here's an easy one: Which Stargate folks' LJs have you been hanging out at?


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