11 декабря 2015 г. принята новая техническая спецификация МЭК 62257-5:2015 «Рекомендации для систем возобновляемых источников энергии и гибридных систем для сельской электрификации. Часть 5. Защита от электрических опасностей» (IEC TS 62257-5:2015 «Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification - Part 5: Protection against electrical hazards»). В её справочном приложении В «Типы заземления низковольтных систем распределения» использованы терминология (см.
http://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/12912.html) и требования к типам заземления системы из ГОСТ 30331.1-2013 (IEC 60364-1:2005) «Электроустановки низковольтные. Часть 1. Основные положения, оценка общих характеристик, термины и определения» (см.
http://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/7044.html), действующего с 1 июля 2015 г.
В подразделе 312.2 «Типы заземления системы» ГОСТ 30331.1 приведены более точные и развёрнутые требования к типам заземления системы, чем в первоисточнике - стандарте МЭК 60364-1:2005 «Низковольтные электрические установки. Часть 1. Основополагающие принципы, оценка основных характеристик, определения». Предложения по уточнению и дополнению требований были сформулированы в монографии (Харечко Ю.В. Основы заземления электрических сетей и электроустановок зданий. 6-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: ПТФ МИЭЭ, 2012. - 304 с.) и статьях, опубликованных мной в 2011-13 гг. в четырёх журналах.
Ниже приведены извлечения из приложения В технической спецификации МЭК 62257-5 и для сравнения - аналогичная информация из подраздела 312.2 стандарта МЭК 60364-1 (английский язык).
Техническая спецификация МЭК 62257-5
Annex B
Types of LV distribution systems earthing
(B.1 см.
B.2 Types of system earthing used in DRES (Figures are from IEC 60364-1:2005)
B.2.1 General
The following types of system earthing for a.c. and d.c. electrical systems are taken into account in IEC 60364-1:2005.
NOTE 1 Figures B.3 to B.7, B.9 to B.12 show examples of commonly used three-phase systems. Figure B.8 shows an example of single-phase system. Figures B.13 to B.16 show examples of commonly used d.c. systems.
NOTE 2 The dotted lines indicate the parts of the system that are not covered by the scope of the standard, whereas the solid lines indicate the part that is covered by the standard.
NOTE 3 For private systems, the source and/or the distribution system may be considered as part of the installation within the meaning of this standard. For this case, the figures may be completely shown in solid lines.
The letter codes used for designations of the types of system earthing have the following meanings.
The first letter determines presence or absence of earthing of live parts of the power source:
- T - one live part of the power source is earthed.
Additional earthing PEN, PEM, PEL conductors and protective conductor (PE) in the distribution network (if any) may be provided.
- I - all live parts of the power source are isolated from the earth or one live part is earthed through a high impedance.
Conductors of the distribution network (if any), as a rule, should be isolated from the earth.
The second letter specifies the earthing of exposed-conductive-parts of the electrical installation or electrical connection presence between the exposed-conductive-parts and the earthed live part of the power source:
- Т - the exposed-conductive-parts are earthed irrespective of presence or absence of the earthing of any live part of the power source;
- N - the exposed-conductive-parts have direct connection with the earthed live part of the power source executed by PEN, PEM, PEL conductors or protective conductors (PE).
- Subsequent after N letters specify how an electrical connection between the earthed live part of the power source and the exposed-conductive-parts of the electrical installation is performed in the distribution system, and also assign features of the arrangement of conductors which carry out the functions of protective conductor (PE) and the neutral (N), mid-point (M) or earthed line (LE) conductor in the distribution system:
- C - the specified connection is provided throughout the distribution system by means of PEN, PEM or PEL conductors. Functions of the protective conductor and the neutral, midpoint or earthed line conductor are provided throughout distribution system by means of the single conductor accordingly - PEN, PEM or PEL conductor;
- S - the specified connection is provided throughout the distribution system by means of the protective conductors (PE). Functions of the protective conductor and the neutral, midpoint or earthed line conductor are provided throughout distribution system by means separate conductors - the protective conductor and the neutral, mid-point or earthed line conductor;
- C-S - the specified connection is provided in a head part of the distribution system (from the power source) by means of PEN, PEM or PEL conductors, and in other parts of the distribution system - by means of protective conductors (PE). In the head part of the distribution system the functions of the protective conductor and the neutral, mid-point or earthed line conductor are provided by means of PEN, PEM or PEL conductor, and in other parts of the distribution system are provided by means of separate conductors - the protective conductor and the neutral, mid-point or earthed line conductor.
B.2.2 AC TN systems
B.2.2.1 Single-source distribution systems
TN power systems have one live part directly earthed at the power source. The exposed-conductive-parts of the electrical installation are connected to that live part by protective conductors. Three types of TN systems are considered according to the arrangement of the neutral or earthed line conductor and the protective conductor, as follows:
- TN-S system in which, throughout the distribution system, a separate protective conductor is used (see Figures B.3, B.4 and B.5).
NOTE Additional earthing of the protective conductors PE in the distribution network and in the electrical installation may be provided.
Figure B.3 - TN-S system 3-phase, 4-wire with separate neutral conductor and protective conductor throughout the distribution system
Синим цветом на рисунках технической спецификации МЭК 62257-5 обозначены отличия от аналогичных рисунков стандарта МЭК 60364-1.
Стандарт МЭК 60364-1
312.2 Types of system earthing
The following types of system earthing are taken into account in this standard.
NOTE 1 Figures 31A1 to 31G2 show examples of commonly used three-phase systems. Figures 31H to 31M show examples of commonly used d.c. systems.
NOTE 2 The dotted lines indicate the parts of the system that are not covered by the scope of the standard, whereas the solid lines indicate the part that is covered by the standard.
NOTE 3 For private systems, the source and/or the distribution system may be considered as part of the installation within the meaning of this standard. For this case, the figures may be completely shown in solid lines.
NOTE 4 The codes used have the following meanings:
First letter - Relationship of the power system to earth:
T = direct connection of one point to earth;
I = all live parts isolated from earth, or one point connected to earth through a high impedance.
Second letter - Relationship of the exposed-conductive-parts of the installation to earth:
T = direct electrical connection of exposed-conductive-parts to earth, independently of the earthing of any point of the power system;
N = direct electrical connection of the exposed-conductive-parts to the earthed point of the power system (in a.c. systems, the earthed point of the power system is normally the neutral point or, if a neutral point is not available, a line conductor).
Subsequent letter(s) (if any) - Arrangement of neutral and protective conductors:
S = protective function provided by a conductor separate from the neutral conductor or from the earthed line (or, in a.c. systems, earthed phase) conductor.
C = neutral and protective functions combined in a single conductor (PEN conductor).
312.2.1 TN systems
312.2.1.1 Single-source systems
TN power systems have one point directly earthed at the source, the exposed-conductive-parts of the installation being connected to that point by protective conductors. Three types of TN system are considered according to the arrangement of neutral and protective conductors, as follows:
- TN-S system in which, throughout the system, a separate protective conductor is used (see Figures 31A1, 31A2 and 31A3).
NOTE Additional earthing of the PE in the installation may be provided.
Figure 31A1 - TN-S system with separate neutral conductor and protective conductor throughout the system