the final stretch...

Nov 27, 2007 02:31

So I finally finished my 4-5 page paper that's due tomorrow in 5 hours today. o.o  Yes, I procrastinated.  Big time.

Anyways, I finished watching Yukan Club Episode 6 with Kei-chan in it.  I'll have a rundown of my fangirl spazzfest later today...given that it's 2:30 in the morning already.  Yukan Club has been intresting to me...everything is ( Read more... )

news, random, dorama, school

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Comments 8

juniormint November 27 2007, 18:14:16 UTC
Am I the only one who's not watching Yukan Club? Maybe I'll just download the episode that Koyama's in XD

I put up the other side of the poster since I already have another NEWS poster with their headshots. I don't even know why I bought two of the same issues since I don't even have room on my wall >.


xxtingxx November 27 2007, 20:59:12 UTC
xD That was actually my original plan. Just watch/download the episode that Kei-chan was in. But I was bored at some point and was like "eh...might as well check it out..."

xD I remember you saying that you bought two copies of the duet. My walls are still rather bare...but that'll change once my poster(s) arrive. Then I'll be sleeping beside Massu. >w


dancingpoptart November 27 2007, 21:14:48 UTC
@ Julie - Don't worry, You're not the only one not watching. @_@

@ Ting - I wish I could put NewS posters on my wall, but then my bf would probably have a stroke. (Not like it's that fair - he's got his stupic heavy metal posters on the wall. =.='')


xxtingxx November 27 2007, 22:13:08 UTC

Just put them up there! Ignore what he thinks! =3=

*Bad influence.*

If I get a boyfriend, there's no way I'll take down my NEWS stuff. >:(


marzazar November 27 2007, 22:05:25 UTC
I wanna see your hairrrr. XD

Anyways! Good luck with the last few weeks of school!


xxtingxx November 27 2007, 22:20:53 UTC
xD Apparently the color hasn't quite worn out yet. At least that's what one of my co-workers told me.

Yar for the last few weeks of school~ When's the semester/term/etc. ending for you?


marzazar November 28 2007, 00:56:26 UTC
My last day is December 5th ^^

XD Lucky meee


xxtingxx November 28 2007, 04:27:15 UTC have only a week-ish of school left. D:

Sucks to be me. v.v Though I am slightly looking foward to next semester since I'll be taking Japanese... :3


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