the final stretch...

Nov 27, 2007 02:31

So I finally finished my 4-5 page paper that's due tomorrow in 5 hours today. o.o  Yes, I procrastinated.  Big time.

Anyways, I finished watching Yukan Club Episode 6 with Kei-chan in it.  I'll have a rundown of my fangirl spazzfest later today...given that it's 2:30 in the morning already.  Yukan Club has been intresting to me...everything is intresting to me.  Randomly assigned movies for my paper are intresting to me.  o.o  You could probably take me to the theatre and choose any movie, and I won't complain.  I'll probably even turn out liking it.

Awesome girlfriend.  No.  That was not self-promotion.  Things like that happen when I am disoriented after begin drained of brain cells from doing school work.

そうだ! I finally stuck up my NEWS poster from the November issue of duet!  I've got it on the headshots side on my closet, so when I lie down, I'm still facing them.  Maybe it'll make sense when I take a picture in the near future.

*Has yet to take picture of hair.*

My sister has been smexing the Tesshi part of the poster...I just hope it doesn't break. o.o''

I really need to catch up on in, non-school related stuff. =3=

Only a little over 2 weeks of school left.  Winter break FTW!

I might even have time to do that, sending around cards/gifts to LJ peoples.  We'll see. ^w^


End of Story.

~チュー <33

news, random, dorama, school

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