miscommunications 25/42

Oct 22, 2010 15:30

Title:Miscommunications 25/42
Author: xxlostitxx
Pairing: callie/erica
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or settings.
Authors Note: Thank you to my wonderful beta Rachel. 
                           Although i have got some criticism for the length of my chapters i will be leaving them at there current length.  I update this story a lot when i am able too which is very often compared to other authors.

Chapter Twenty-Five

(Erica’s POV)

Callie was continually rushing round corner, desperately avoiding me. My eyes welled with tears every time I saw her rush off in the opposite direction. Finally, after hours off her avoiding me I followed her into her locker room. She hadn’t heard me come in and she physically jumped when I touched her. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” She just nods and continues to pull things from her locker.

“Was there something I could do for you Dr. Hahn?” She asks me and just that question hurts.

“I didn’t cheat on you.” I tell her and I see her cheeks flush red as she always does when she’s angry. “Well I don’t believe you.” She slams her locker shut and tries to leave but I grab onto her wrist, pulling her back towards me. “I love you. I wouldn’t risk what we have on Dr. Lallie, or anyone else, Cal. I didn’t cheat on you. She kissed me, that was all it was. It caught me by surprise but I pulled back.”

I could see her resolve weakening but I didn’t know if it was enough. “I don’t want to talk to you, and especially not about this. So you cheated on me, it’s over. That’s it.”

She started to walk away. “I never cheated on you. Hell, you cheated on me.” As soon as the words fell from my mouth I regretted it.

“You, you did this to what, get back at me? You bitch, you fucking bitch.” She yelled at me.

“Callie.” I walked towards her calmly. “I didn’t cheat on you.”

“Like hell you didn’t.”

“I love you and I love our twins, I would not risk our family for an affair. I’m not George. I love you with my whole heart. You didn’t see what you think you saw.”

I took her hands in mine and guided her to a bench. I sat down, her hands still in mine, sitting in my lap. “I was upset and I went into the stairwell, so that no body would see but she followed me. She comforted me and I should have seen it coming, and I’m sorry that I didn’t but she kissed me. That was it. I didn’t kiss her back. I pushed her away from me and yelled at her for kissing me.”

I kissed her palm and looked into her tear-filled eyes. I dropped her hands and rested mine on her belly. “I would never risk this. You have to know that.” Callie looked into my eyes and then the tears fell and she wrapped her arms around my neck, crying. I hugged and pulled her close, letting my own tears fall. “I love you.”

Finally I heard the words I once thought I would never hear again. “I love you too.”

(Callie’s POV)

Erica insisted on taking me back to Mark’s to grab my suitcase and take them back to our home. Erica kept one hand entwined with mine as she drove to The Archfield. Mark had given me a key earlier and I opened the door. I grabbed a small bag while Erica told me that there was “no way in hell” that I was carrying my suitcase while I was pregnant.

(Erica’s POV)

Callie and I were cuddling on the couch together, while we watched a movie. “Promise me, you’ll always come home. No matter what you will always come home.”

She turned around and wiped a tear away that had fallen down my cheek. “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. I love you. I promise Erica, I’ll always come home, always.” She kissed me and wiped away the few other tears that had fallen. “I’m sorry.” She said again, as she cuddled back into me. She lifted my arms and wrapped it around her. I held onto her tight. “You are my home.”

Callie and I were slowly getting back on track and the last few days had been filled with bliss. We’d kissed, cuddled and made love frequently.

I’d been at the hospital for a few hours, doing rounds and charting.

I heard Callie’s stern voice yelling. “You lying slut.” I ran round the corner and saw Callie shouting at Dr. Lallie.

“You couldn’t keep your own husband interested, what chance do you have with a woman like her?” She screamed I saw Callie lunge at her but I grabbed her arms holding her back.

“Let me go.” She yelled at me.

“Callie.” Her eyes connected with mine and I pulled her away. “She is not worth it, baby. Come with me.” I could tell that she was unimpressed as I pulled her away to an empty on-call room.

“Callie, what’s going on?” She pulled her hand from my grasp.

“You didn’t cheat on me. Tell me that.”

“What?” I asked her confused. We’d already been over this multiple times. “What’s going on?”

“Tell me.” She said.

“I did not nor will I ever cheat on you.” I saw her visibly relax before she tensed up and stormed towards the door.

“I am going to kill her.”

I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me. Her legs between mine as we stood close. Her mouth was inches away from mine. I leaned forward and captured her lips. “What… would you… rather be…. doing …now? Killing… Dr. Lallie or…. Kissing… me?” I asked between kisses.

“You. God, you.” She moaned. It amazed me how quickly Callie could go from angry to horny. This pregnancy really had her hormones in overdrive.

I kissed along her jaw line, she pushed me onto the bed but I flipped us over. I kissed from the base of her neck, along her jaw line and to her ear. She was wriggling underneath me and twisting to give me better access to her neck. I sucked on her ear lobe and listened as her moans increased.

I grabbed at her scrub top and pulled it off her. Quickly undoing her bra. I massaged her breasts with my hands before taking her nipple into my mouth. I sucked, nipped, licked, bit and played with her nipple until she was moaning . I trailed my mouth down to her navel and swirled my tongue in it.

I continued massaging her breasts as my tongue worked in her navel. I slowly made my way back up her body, leaving a wet trail with my tongue. I kissed her passionately on her lips, her tongue sought entrance into my mouth. Her hands were in my hair while mine remained massaging her breasts. I trailed a wet kisses down to her breast before I kissed her sucked on her nipple. I bite down hard and she came underneath me.

“Oh, god.” She moaned as she rode out her waves. “I, I came without you touching me.”

I smile at her satisfied. “I know.”


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