ChocoMimi is so much love. And it's getting so gay, I'm not kidding. A quarter of the episode consisted of Andrew and Mika-chin alone. In Andrew's room. With his rainbow carpet.
...Rainbow carpet.
I think Andrew + Andrew's guitar = Mika-chin's OTP. I... don't blame him.
Mika-chin said something about wanting Andrew to explain chords to him or something, I couldn't really understand it.
Whatever it was he said, the reaction was adorable.
skdha;klghasdlkghs so cute.
Is it just me, or is Mika-chin checkin' out Andrew's ass?
...And now we have Andrew checkin' out Mika-chin. OMG Usui please carry a bass everywhere you go from now on. *dissolves into a puddle of fangirl goo*
...And this is the look on his face as he is checkin' out Mika-chin. Does that expression not clearly say, "God, Mika-chin, have you always been this hot?" Sh... shut up.
They then have a discussion about punk music I understood very little of, but I think consisted of Andrew trying to convince Mika-chin he needs to learn bass.
I can think of at least three levels on which this is awesome.
ANDREW. [something about Sid Vicious]
ANDREW. Punk no kami-sama!
In Mika-chin's mind...
... *headdesk* So adorable, yet so clueless.
They then both head out because Mika-chin needs to go home and Andrew needs to go to the convenience store, and on the way they pass Andrew's father, who is singing some love song or something. I didn't understand much of the conversation. So here's Andrew snarking at his dad in Kansai-ben!
The way Mika-chin looks at him is just killing me. SO. CUTE. X3
Once they part ways, who would Andrew happen to run into but...
All logic and fangirlish tendencies tell me I should dislike Choco for cockblocking my OTP, but it's really hard to hate her when this
results in
It doesn't hurt that she's a fantabulous character anyway, but my primary reason for loving her is that she turns Andrew into a giant woobie. WHAT.
They talked, it started raining, blah blah blah, then they parted ways.
So cute.
...WOOBIES. X3 (For the record, this is roughly where I started crying. Because, I don't know. It's what I do.)
Minipicspam of Andrew being adorable in the rain!
And for the cheese factor, Andrew then sings the stupid love song his father was singing earlier.
Kido Yuya is an AWFUL singer. At first I was mildly traumatized, then when he didn't show any signs of stopping, I just laughed my ass off. Possibly to preserve what remains of my sanity.
The second storyline wasn't all that great, and it had too much Mimi and far too little Mika-chin (read: no Mika-chin D= ), but it did have a few high points. Example:
Meet Mumu's slutty bitch of an older sister. Yeah, she's awesome. (Reasoning to follow.)
This would be Mumu's oneechan teaching Mumu to be gangsta. She spoke in English for most of the scene. "Yo, maaaaaan." XD
They go clubbing, blah blah blah, the guy teaching Mumu to DJ inexplicably takes a shine to Mimi, aaaaand...
They, uh, dance to compete for his attention. Or something.
Bonus points if you noticed Andrew's 'you are all made of concentrated idiocy' look before I pointed it out. =D
This made me lol so hard. Don't see the humour? How about... (Yeah, American politics? In my ChocoMimi? It's more likely than you think!)
Okay, it took a lot of restraint to not screencap madly during the ED since I did that last time, but I did feel obligated to point out something I didn't notice the first time around.
Not sure what I'm talking about? Well, how about... LOL Y HALLO THAR MIKA-CHIN'S PINK UNDERWEAR. *DIES*
TO CONCLUDE. The gay. It is everywhere, you just have to look.