NEXT > Yeah! That's right! No dialog! Know why? ...I honestly couldn't think of the exact words they were saying. Hahaha So you get random emoticons and exclamation points to give you a hint at what they might be saying. You also get to determine if they're already in a relationship or if they're not yet. c= All up to you. Here's the general gist:
Panel one: Lassie: *angst*
Panel two: Shawn: Aw snap! Lassie!
jump around a few panels, Shawn babbles on with references to pineapples.
Panel 7: Lassie is not amused.
Panel 8: Something about how Lassie has no sense of humor.
Panel 9: Lassie gets mad 'cause he thinks Spencer's making fun of him.
Panel 10&11: Spencer goes into defense mode!
Panel 12: Lassie confides in why he's angsting. (again, I have no idea)
Panel 13: Shawn is shocked to see Lassie confiding.
Panel 14: Lassie is embarrassed.
...I apologize for the fact that they REALLY don't look like themselves...realistic cartooning is a work in progress for me. XD And a lot of these panels I ended up having to do without references...