Title: Do Not Go Gentle (Prologue/13)
Author: X_tremeroswellian
Fandom: Jericho
Pairing: Eventual Jake/Heather
Rated: PG-13 for violence and language
Genre: Angst, drama, romance
Author’s Note: This is an alternate universe version of “Casus Belli.” Some of the dialogue is from the episode. The rest is mine.
Prologue |
Part One |
Part Two |
Part Three |
Part Four |
Part Five |
Part Six |
Part Seven |
Part Eight |
Part Nine |
Part Ten |
Part Eleven |
Part Twelve |
Part Thirteen |
The Conclusion Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
--Dylan Thomas
Do Not Go Gentle (Part One)
Jake’s eyes widened as he walked up Main Street to see his oldest friend in the world talking to Mary Bailey. “Stanley! I didn’t expect to see you back so soon!”
“None of us did.”
“How are you?” he asked, hugging him briefly. “You okay?”
Stanley nodded a little.
“Where’s Eric?”
“He didn’t come back with us.”
“Why not?”
“When I talked to him, he was still pretty messed up about April’s death. Said he thought he’d stay in New Bern for awhile o get his head together”
“When was this?” Jake asked, worry furrowing his eyebrows.
“Three days ago,” Stanley said, dropping his voice. “Then he didn’t show up for work and I haven’t seen him since. I don’t know what’s going on in New Bern. I asked about Eric and no one could tell me anything. Then the cops starting escorting us everywhere we went.”
Jake’s frown deepened and he chewed on his lower lip.
“Then today. Today Russell says pack it up, we’re going home. Like it wasn’t safe for us there anymore.”
Jake shifted his gaze a little ways down the road, then set his jaw, moving toward his target, Stanley right behind him.
“Where’s my brother?” he demanded.
Russell turned to face him, an almost guilty look on his face. “I don’t know.”
“I know he hasn’t been seen for a few days.”
“Did you even try to find him?”
“I asked Constantino.”
“And he told me they were looking for him. And then this morning he told me to bring the rest of your guys home.”
“What the hell’s going on over there, Russell? Should I be worried about him?”
Russell didn’t look at him.
Jake shoved him up against the truck. “Answer me! Should I be worried?”
“I would be.” His words were quiet.
He stared at the other man for a moment, then released him and headed away.
“I’m going with you,” Stanley stated.
“No. You’ve been gone for weeks. Go home.” He kept walking.
“You need someone who knows their way around New Bern, Jake.”
“I’ll try to find Heather as soon as I get there. She knows it better than any of us.”
The tone in Stanley’s voice made him stop in his tracks.
“Heather’s missing too.”
* * *
“How many officers are there in Jericho?” he demanded, his face close to hers.
She held his gaze and remained silent, barely flinching when the other mad advanced upon her with the thin strip of leather.
“Tell us and we’ll let you go, Heather. We don’t want to hurt you.”
She gave him a dubious look. “No, you just want to take over Jericho.”
Constantino raised an eyebrow, then cast a sideways glance at the other man, nodding slightly.
She heard the leather strap sail through the air and she shut her eyes tightly.
She refused to cry out.
She wouldn’t give them the satisfaction.