bitchy whiny disgusting annoying obnoxious an asshole bitchy bitchy bitchy moody abnormal weird stupid loud outspoken bitchy a complainer an ingrate and bitchy
i've been contemplating about myself and who i've come to be in my 13 years of living but, the thing is, i guess, thats just who i am so i am just going to have to live with it
The First Letter of your Name: One Compliment: One thing you cannot STAND about me: Lyrics to a song that reminds you of me: How long we've been friends/arch nemesis!: And a hint as to who you are:
whoa this is fucking weird i just am going on to lj normally and all of a sudden my entire lj is changed it looks totally and completely awesome if someone did this THANK YOU, ive been needinga change but next time would you mind telling me??
wait, who did i give my passoword to again???????????
wow right now i feel like i love the world i'm living in thats uncommon especially since the world is raging with war and sunamis but i loved my birthday comments i think im grovving into 13 slowly but steadily thanks a bunch world