This article caused me much rage and pain in the morning.

Feb 03, 2012 21:47

It seriously just did and I was basically flipping in anger on twitter and even on plurk. You guys deserve every single right to live and be here with everyone else. You all haven't done anything wrong at all.I seriously just don't get the hate for the LGBT community. Seriously, when you can care about more pressing issues like crime, murders, rape ( Read more... )

echochi, fandom: aitsu no daihonmei, videos, wtf?, !rant

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Comments 30

doodlelover February 3 2012, 22:02:36 UTC
I read that article this morning and just... I know this stuff happens every day, but every time I hear news of it, it still makes me angry and sad. This is exactly why I want to become a psychiatrist, because these teens need help. And it's sad because if those religious nuts and ignorant teens had the decency to act like human beings, they wouldn't need it.


xploded_tb February 3 2012, 22:04:56 UTC
Exactly. I hate how religion has been manipulated in this way. The use of religion is to really promote love, peace and a place where everyone can talk to each other and feel safe and more secure than ever. Doctrines are important, but it shouldn't be misunderstood nor taken the wrong way. These people just do things like that. It's so upsetting.


stharridan February 3 2012, 22:56:47 UTC
*snorts* Can't expect anything better with Nicki.

So many use religion as a barrier, an excuse to hate on the LGBT community like someone that we know oh so well, there hasn't come a day when I don't think that the notion's just plain stupid. Like you said, religion's supposed to be where people can find solace and peace with their inner being; it's something between you and God, so what's the use of dragging someone, an innocent, into your private circle only to mock and condemn him/her?

It doesn't mean that being gay makes them faithless. It doesn't mean that being gay makes them a citizen of hell in a heartbeat. Idiots need to get that and more straight into their heads before the world suffers worse.


xploded_tb February 3 2012, 23:00:17 UTC
LOL but the truth is there's the rapping bit which is supposedly good. I have to agree it's not bad, she can rap but this song just...what the fuck. This raises Bieber's song content from just a 1 to a 10. =.=;;

Exactly! So sad.

Wait I thought it's just BL that's hated and not the general LGBT stuffs?


stharridan February 3 2012, 23:06:26 UTC
I don't listen to Nicki Minaj, but my friend told me that she's horrible and after listening to this... Couldn't even get to the end. ._.

*shrug* She doesn't support gay in general. I take back the word "hate", only because I don't know the extent of her feelings towards gay stuff. But she clearly doesn't support it, says it's "against my morals" and yeah, BL "made me wish that I was blind."


xploded_tb February 3 2012, 23:12:56 UTC
Haha yeah. I don't listen to her either but she's got recognition. Just this song. What the fuckity fuck.

What really. I thought that was just referring to BL only because some people have no opinions towards LGBT irl but finds BL and all quite gross because of overpopulation of a certain pairing or something


backwardsfish February 4 2012, 00:11:33 UTC
Sigh...why am I not surprised. But really, would you expect better? Schools simply brush off bullying against straight students as normal "harmless" teasing, there is even less chance that they will reform their system to be accepting to the LGBT community.

While it would be easy to say that those stupid teens and religious nuts need a change in perspective, society as a whole and the parents of those morons (who should be teaching them to be decent human beings) are also at fault.


xploded_tb February 4 2012, 00:17:38 UTC
Yeah. :\ Sometimes it's just sad we can't do anything about it because of many other factors around that disable it.



meicdon13 February 4 2012, 02:33:41 UTC
I also don't get it. Why do some people hate the LGBT community so much? Aren't they people too?


xploded_tb February 4 2012, 02:52:53 UTC
Neither do I. :(

It's just so upsetting to see these sort of things happening. I guess what's not the 'norm' cannot be accepted. It just goes to show how narrow minded some people are. =.=;;


amelia_seyroon February 4 2012, 11:35:07 UTC
The world would be a much better place if people would just accept each other for who they are. We're all the same species, for crying out loud. =__=

But sadly these narrow-minded people treat the LGBT community like they were aliens or something.


xploded_tb February 4 2012, 12:16:25 UTC
It's sad. Just because you think differently you won't be accepted. :(


laymo520 February 4 2012, 02:36:19 UTC
My gosh I got so pissed off reading that article. The next time some evangelical wants to insult my homosexual friends or preach to me about the evils of LGBT (which has happened before), I'm either going to flip them off or kiss my bestfriend in front of them - Muahahaha!
What scares & worries me too is not just hearing about more suicides, but that someday someone is going to flip out and re-create something similar to what happened in the 1999 Columbine High School massacre.

You know, I heard about Minaj's new music video/song and wasn't sure if I should watch it. And now that I did (thanks to you; lol!), I'm feeling ashamed (T.T) of being her fan right now. I hope she redeems herself soon.

Woo-hoo! I can't wait to read your AnD summary! \(^o^)/


xploded_tb February 4 2012, 02:55:17 UTC
XD I have seen people who are homophobes but at least they don't rage or go around telling the LGBT to change their ways or tell them they're wrong and disgusting and such. It's just heartbreaking that this happens. :(

^^;; Well there are times when singers themselves get subjected to all the shit that the industry puts them in as well. You'll never know what goes on inside unless you become a part of them. But once you become a part of them...well, you know that. :x

\o/ Not working on it right now, but will get to working on it in a few hours... :P


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