It seriously just did and I was basically flipping in anger on twitter and even on plurk.
You guys deserve every single right to live and be here with everyone else. You all haven't done anything wrong at all. I seriously just don't get the hate for the LGBT community. Seriously, when you can care about more pressing issues like crime, murders, rape cases etc you spend time caring about such 'issues'? Really? Come on! Oh, and yeah, you guys out there did a great thing. You killed off a few teenagers who did "wrong things". Yes, that's right, a few teenagers is nothing much. A few teenagers who did nothing like physically or even mentally hurt others at all. These teens are dangerous. Indeed, so dangerous you needed to torture them mentally and physically you drove them to suicide. Teens who are only 13 and 14 years of age being driven to this is nothing much to you, isn't it. Life isn't precious to you guys, it seems.
Lastly, I hate how religion has been used as a tool. Religion really is supposed to be a safe haven for those who want to find solace and for those who need help. That belief is what makes people continue standing and fighting and band together, not to hurt or threaten anyone at all in any way.
I really have lost hope for humanity. Even more so for the following video I attach for you:
Click to view
I have no idea what the fuck I just watched. I really just... what. I know she's talented 'cause well, lots of people have recognized her from a few songs (??) but...what is this. I really don't understand why they even managed to produce something like that. It's beyond pointless, no message,'s just a weird video. What exactly does it even mean?! Other than, well, "Stupid Hoe" as she repeats. =.=;;
Anyway, finally, I'm writing up the Aitsu no Daihonmei summary for the newest raws just submitted into the comm. Might get that posted up next week or during this weekend. Gonna have a busy weekend ahead for me, more or less. ;w;
Ohh nearly forgot.
Echochi released~ It's just colored pages this time, so you can just sit in and appreciate it. And tomorrow's a Saturday, this means I'm online on IRC longer~ Come disturb me on IRC, please. :'D Oh heck if you also have any questions at all, please go ahead and ask me on IRC as well. More previews for Shiranu ch 2 and maybe Koishite Daddy to come soon!
...I went back to listen to my own singing stuffs and ohgawd I have this urge to delete all of them. I sound so...bad...