[Summary] Aitsu no Daihonmei, vol 5 ch 5 + random stuffs + random rambling?

Feb 05, 2012 00:24

Man, up here it's been cold as fuck for forever and it FINALLY snowed today. Damnit, 4th February, then it finally snowed. Anyway, hope you'll enjoy this chapter and the part where you SHOULD have your entire self going dokidoki is the later part of the chapter! Let us begin!

In this chapter, it seems Yoshida and the rest of the school has caught a cold. As for Satou, it seems he doesn't remember ever catching a cold. (Really now…?) Girls come around and surround him for the next class and they insist on going together. (It's as if like the girls want him to catch a cold too. You'll see what I mean later on. :'D)

By the next day, Yoshida has taken the day off from school (from flu and fever!) and it seems everyone has also caught the flu. All except Satou.

And then the day after THAT, Yoshida's back in school, and as everyone can see, all are coughing and sneezing bad. Yoshida says that there's no harm in taking a break from school, but (strangely!) Makimura chides him and says that it isn't all right taking a break from school for these two days. (He's strangely hardworking…) But that's because if you took a break you couldn't take the supplementary exams.

Satou cuts in at this moment and reminds Yoshida of the supplementary exams of ENGLISH (ohhh the horrorrr) and of course, the other guys stare at Satou since it's 100% immune to the cold, despite always being surrounded by the disease-infested girls of the school all the while. Taking advantage of his immunity, he pulls Yoshida close and asks, "How about you, Yoshida? Has your fever gone down?" And obviously it'll go up with Satou doing things like that, so Yoshida is insistent on pushing Satou away in case he spreads it to the sadist.

So, the exams just came and went like that. It seems like everyone pushed themselves to their limits for the sake of the exams, even Makimura and Akimoto both took the day off to rest after the exams have finished. Yoshida is still in doubt about how Satou can be so healthy while the rest are so sick, so he asks Satou again if he's really all right. According to Satou, he feels completely fine. When he was little, however, he used to have fevers rather frequently.

On Yoshida's side, it seems he's the exact opposite - he never really had fevers. He did, however, once have a really high fever during his first or second year in elementary school, and that was it.

Scene concludes, and we get to the more...interesting and 'wtf' worthy part. Satou's walking with someone else, and a very tired girl carrying a vase of water sees Satou, immediately recharged yet TOO nervous, spills the water on Satou. She of course apologized profusely, and Satou says its all right, leading her to faint for real.

Scene shifts again, and Yoshida teases Satou about the incident above and his carelessness. They bicker a little (Satou complaining about Yoshida laughing at peoples' unfortunate situations) like the sweet couple they are, and two girls with a large tank of water come by. The girls speak to Satou, asking if he's going home and that they don't really know how to clean the tank, and then go on to notice that Satou's in a jersey, proceed to faint, and repeat process of water splash on Satou again. Yoshida wonders if Satou has a fever since Satou's always had good reflexes, but Satou denies it.

The day finishes, and we're into the final part of this chapter! Everyone's well again, seems like the pandemic is over. Satou comes into class, but Yoshida thinks and notices that there's something different about Satou. The mood is so bad that even the teacher teaching seems to be having trouble continuing.

Then, Satou lets out this SIIIIIGH. And the girls comment that he doesn't seem as wonderful as usual (no shit sherlock). They decide to find out what's wrong with Satou, and Yoshida heads over and says that Satou hadn't even looked his way since morning. (Please excuse translator while she goes away to stop her heart from dokidoki-ing... And right, back!) He reaches out to hug Yoshida and says that he's been holding back and also feels strange when he sees Yoshida. Naughty!Satou also goes on to ask if Yoshida wants to have good/cruel ('cruel' because if you'll remember, Satou is a sadist!) things done to him, and Satou doesn't mind either... (Oh Satou please fall sick more often, because this sort of naughty talk should appear more often.) The girls basically all fall over in shock, and even Makimura himself wants to fall over in shock.

Satou just elaborates that he wants to treat Yoshida gently, but also wants to break him, so he's unsure of himself... Yoshida himself gets all dokidoki, and reaches out to touch Satou, but oh hey, guess what.

Yoshida screams "Hothothothot!" and rushes Satou to the infirmary. Satou, apparently, has a 42 degree Celsius fever, and he doesn't know about it. (......really? 42 and you don't know about it??) Then again, this is Tanaka-sensei, and this is Satou Takahiko so he completely heals THE VERY NEXT DAY and returns to school like nothing happened. The guys warn him not to ever catch a cold ever again, while the girls in a corner are saying how sexy and erotic he was when he was very sick. As for the guys, they thought it was "dangerous". (How you interpret that, hah hah, it's up to you!)

Anyway, this is finished! Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed~ If you have any questions or if you just wanna chat, you can PM me, or just find me via IRC right now (here are instruction on how to get there). I'll be on for the next 2 hours or so since I post this summary, so feel free to chat with me. (I'll be on again tomorrow anyway so... xD)

IN OTHER NEWS. I've been trying to grab more Gintama episodes but alas, the downloads are so, so slow. :( I get so sad because the fastest, which was MegaUpload (RIP!!) is just...gone. And the older episodes from episode 1 onwards just...gawd. /weeps I really want them! ;w; ZOMG is very very slow... Ah well, there's nothing I can do about it I guess, except wait. And the later episodes GAWD you have Hijikata awesomeness coming up with some more Gin-san. This is what I want to see:

Hijikata Toushiro + Sakata Gintoki = serious collaboration and proper fight scenes against the enemy

Seriously. This has to happen in this arc. We've had the Shinsengumi arc with that rebellion side, and Gin-san has already gone as far as to wear the Shingengumi uniform, all the more it's going to be possible to have the two of them fight seriously alongside each other. Aaaahhh. I can't wait for the next episode. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ So now some image spam of Gintama. Mainly...Gin-san being moe. <3

YAY~! Itou Kentarou in Gintama! Finally! Along with Toshiyuki Morikawa, the 'fan' of Shinsengumi. These two awesome seiyuu gave me a great surprise when I watched the episode so, I can't wait for the next one. also lol all the hilarious swearing in this episode <3 And now, have some moe!Gin-san :D

omg nuuu Gin-san. If I were there I'd ask for you every single day even if it means burning out my wallet and completely running out of money. ;w;

Hnnnnngggg Gin-san being so moe and blushy. IT HAS TO HAPPEN MORE OFTEN. Preferably when he's Paako. :D Also, last one, which I found incredibly sexy it's so wrong yet so right:

I'M NOT KIDDING YOU BECAUSE c'mon what are the chances where you'll see Shinpachi being totally dragged into the non-tsukkomi side of Gintama, and strike funny poses like that? It's...very sexy, yes.

MORE OTHER NEWS, here you go, two videos of a guy who is paid to rage with swear words:

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image Click to view

I actually find QWOP hilarious. I ran a few meters myself and I had fun doing many splits. ;D Achievement Hunter is just freakin' amazing (especially with all the Halo stuffs in there) with a lot of things to watch and watch them rage at a lot of different things, or show you the funny. If you're in for games, this is the channel you really sort of want to tune in to. ;D

Now for the last video, one that you HAVE TO check out. Aitsu no Daihonmei fandom, and Naruto and also Bokura ni Matsuwaru. Here you go:

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Yes, this was posted at daihonmei before but her original account was deleted. I believe it was by YouTube (those idiots, they don't recognize talent!) but hnnngggg doodlelover is amazing like that and needs more people watching her amazing things. <3

Hope everyone's doing well, and see you again soon with updates of more previews for Echochi's stuff. I'm slow, I admit, I'm sorry! xD I'll update my top post here perhaps in the next week or so with some progress.

videos, translation, so sexy i can't even, sasunaru, fandom: aitsu no daihonmei, why do i have so much time?, fandom: gintama, fandom: naruto, fuckyeah!

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