Anyway, I somewhat put a suggestion on
twitter and even on
tumblr, got little responses, so I figured I'll get some more here and see who wants this happening.
kumagoro87 suggested a "summarize-as-I-go" review livefeed sort of 'event' where people can come in and it's like...storytelling? Naturally, I won't be able to get like hundreds of people to see this happen, but it is a place where the fans can get together and 'gush' at what's happening?
I'm not sure if there's a possible way of doing this - or rather, efficient way - so I just want to know how many people would like to see this happening. At least if we have random comments and spazzing happening it's harder to copypasta all the text and such AND you still get the idea of what's happening. :3
What better way to do this, in the form of voting! Cast your votes, and, if possible, leave comments suggesting which platform and what I can use to make this happen~ Post can also be spread for voting purposes, or those with no accounts can input their thoughts as comments~~
Poll Summarize-as-I-go