Category: Fiction Title: Unfelt author: velvetmajesty Genre: yaoi romance (boy-boy), angst Type: short story Length: 18,670w Characters: Luhan, Sehun, Kai Description: A love story where love can’t be felt.
Title: It Was Supposed To Hurt Pairing: Sehun/Luhan Rating: PG Genre: Romance Length: Oneshot Summary: Luhan ends up in a tattoo shop with all kinds of wrong ideas.
Title: ligaments (in time and space) Rating: PG-13 Word Count: ~9.2k Pairing: Sehun/Lu Han Summary: Fragments of a tragedy that spanned 500 years. Warning: Major character death (as part of reincarnation!AU), mentions of violence and torture, suicide, implied/off-screen homophobia
Title: interlaced Pairing: Luhan/Sehun, Luhan/Yixing, Sehun/Yixing Word Count: 4700w Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance, Femslash Summary: Sehun lives too fast, Yixing wants to take things slow. Luhan ... doesn't have a clue.
Title: you're in my heart Pairing: Luhan/Sehun Word Count: 9k Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance, Fluff Summary: In which Luhan is a barista and Sehun is his most loyal customer. Maybe even his favourite.
Title: stealing seats and stealing hearts Pairing: Sehun/Lu Han (with side!Baekhyun/Yixing and brotp!Minseok/Sehun) Word Count: 8.5k Rating: PG Summary: There's this guy that keeps stealing Sehun's seat before class, and Sehun is So Not Okay with that.