Title: Untitled
Pairing: Yixing/Sehun, side Jongin/Lu Han (onesided Yixing/Lu Han & Jongin/Sehun)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, angst, friendship
Length: 2810 words
Summary/Warnings: Drunken kisses can end up in way more than that.
23. Write a pairing you've never written before
“I think I might fall in love with you, if things keep going like this.” )
Comments 2
Though, I have a few complaints. I am aware I barely write half as good as this, and my flow is a lot worse than it of course; but, I just wanna ask, did you rush this one? Because, although I really understood characters, I often found myself thinking 'well, that escalated quickly'. I don't mean the events, they are at great pace; but the emotions kinda seemed like 'oh, gotta add that too because they have to fall for each other'. I do not mean to offend you in any way and I do like and read your other works, but this is my thought solely about this shot. Just to be honest.
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