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Comments 18

hobbit_kate February 3 2013, 20:51:00 UTC
I love this to pieces! From the random Chinese cussin' to wartime Wash/Zoë to River kicking Cylon ass. This is so perfect I can't even :-) I would quote my favourite parts, but I think the character limit on comments wouldn't allow for it.

Now, how's the sequel coming? I'll bet Jayne has at least one former ally on the Astral Queen... ;-)


lls_mutant February 4 2013, 02:47:54 UTC
Thanks so much! So glad you enjoyed it- I had a lot of fun writing this. :)

I hadn't planned a full sequel, but there are interactions that would be fun to write. And yeah, I could see Jayne knowing someone on the Astral Queen. Although I had the terrible idea that Mal and Zoe knew Thorne and he had worked at the camp they were at.... (Not anywhere near as terrible as Gina's plotline, but something mildly nasty.)

Thanks again!


hobbit_kate February 4 2013, 09:06:10 UTC
Ooh. The Thorne plotline sounds great! (in an awful way, obviously) You know, Cain being Tauron, I can totally see her five years ago, being some lowly Commander, wreaking havoc on Serenity Fields.

Also, Mal and Zarek would SO get along. And Inara so wouldn't - lol.


beatrice_otter February 4 2013, 01:29:07 UTC
I was skeptical the crossover would work, but you did a very good job. Thank you!


lls_mutant February 4 2013, 02:48:29 UTC
Thanks so much! I admit- I enjoy crossing these two universes over. Glad you enjoyed it! :)


skieswideopen February 4 2013, 03:17:18 UTC
AWESOME! Thank you so much!

What a great way to merge the two universes! I love the idea of the Browncoats being transformed into part of a Tauron Civil War--that's a nice way to bring in BSG canon. The whole Caprica storyline works really well, and having everyone evacuate on Serenity is a rather nicer ending than they get in BSG. And there's some great Wash/Zoë.

This is wonderful! I love it!


lls_mutant February 4 2013, 03:38:53 UTC
Thank you so much- I'm glad you enjoyed it! You had some awesome prompts! (I'm also trying to write Walter Bishop and Gaius Baltar, because that's just an idea of sheer beauty.) This was a fun fic to write, and I'm glad you liked it :) Thanks again!


skieswideopen February 4 2013, 03:45:12 UTC
Awesome. I look forward to reading Walter & Gaius, if you finish. :D


infinimato February 5 2013, 08:27:10 UTC
still think this is 1000 lbs of awesome


lls_mutant February 5 2013, 12:10:19 UTC
Thanks so much, and thanks again for looking it over! :) (And your icon is a million kinds of adorable!!!!)


fragrantwoods February 6 2013, 03:21:01 UTC
This was amazing! What an incredibly smooth job of integrating the Firefly 'verse and history with BSG's--Mal as a Tauron and Wash as an Aquarian were inspired, and the Third Civil War incorporating Serenity Valley--just perfect :-)

I love how true to character everyone's voices and actions were--this is exactly how I would expect these characters to sound if they were thrown in together, and again, your seamless blending of histories worked wonderfully well to pull it all together.

The hints of Zoe and Mal being in POW camps, and Helo and the rest knowing about that were so strong, and now I'm wondering if they'd recognize any of the older officers...

I'm not embarrassed to admit I got a big lump in my throat at the crew realizing the scale of the destruction on Caprica, and seeing the fate of the ordinary citizens.

I'm already hearing Jayne or Zoe commenting on the Secretary of Education being the president of the Twelve Colonies survivors :-)

Wonderful, and I hope you consider writing more. I'm so glad newnumbertwo recced this fic today ( ... )


lls_mutant February 6 2013, 03:48:56 UTC
Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun writing this one :) A long time back, someone pointed out that the Alliance and the Colonial Government don't really sound THAT different, and the thought's stuck with me a for a long time since.

nd now I'm wondering if they'd recognize any of the older officers...

I deliberately ended before the characters got on galactica because it felt like them getting there was opening too many plot threads, but this absolutely crossed my mind, and I suspect that Zoe and Mal know Thorne. I don't think they were treated half as badly as Thorne treated Gina, but I do kind of like the idea :) (I also would have liked to write some stuff with Book and Cavil and Book and Roslin, and let Book see the map on Kobol if possible, and I can't resist the idea that Felix and Simon would absolutely be friends. And maybe that Badger escaped the Colonies and is living his "real" life as Romo Lampkin or something.)

I'm already hearing Jayne or Zoe commenting on the Secretary of Education being the president of the ( ... )


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