Qualifying Fandoms: Nominations!

Sep 08, 2009 13:34

Nominations are now closed.

The final list of fandoms has been posted.

Here is the preliminary list of qualifying fandoms. All fandoms that you request or offer to write on your sign-up form (coming soon!) must come from the final version of this list. These fandoms were chosen based on what seems to be popular, what often gets crossed over in other comms, and to get a good range of genres (comedies, sci-fi, medical shows, etc.).

Right now, we’re taking nominations for other live-action fandoms. RPS and anime are not allowed in this exchange. If there’s a fandom not listed here that you would like to request or offer to write for, please comment below.

Please note that your nomination counts as a vote. The fandoms with the most nominations will be added, so please nominate something even if it has already been nominated. More nominations means there's a better chance it will be added.

You're allowed to nominate up to TWO fandoms not seen here. Remember, in order to participate, you'll need to be willing to read at least five fandoms, and you'll need to be willing to write at least four fandoms (but the fandoms you sign up to read and the fandoms you sign up to write don't have to be exactly the same list). Please only nominate if you genuinely would like to sign up for the exchange, and you would request to receive or offer to write these fandoms on your sign-up sheet.

30 Rock
Battlestar Gallactica
Being Human
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Doctor Who (based on Nine and Ten)*
Flight of the Conchords
Gossip Girl
Harry Potter
How I Met Your Mother
Jeeves & Wooster
Life on Mars (UK only)
Pushing Daisies
Stargate Atlantis
Stargate: SG1
Star Trek (based on 2009 film)*
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
True Blood

*Regarding Star Trek and Dr. Who: The 2009 Star Trek film and Doctors 9 & 10 are the ones being counted, and you can't nominate other versions to be included on the final list. Nothing against Star Trek or Dr. Who (I like them, too!), but we're trying to avoid creating another Buffy/Angel situation (see below). Feel free to list any other Star Trek versions you like on your sign-up sheet in case the person writing for you also knows them; however, these other ones will not count toward the minimum number of fandoms that you have to sign up to read in order to participate. But remember, both as a writer and as a recipient, that if you sign up for Star Trek, you've got to be prepared to write/read based on this year's film. Same theory applies to Dr. Who. The default is the 2005-2009 series with Eccleston and Tennant, but if you know other doctors, feel free to list them as extras on your sign-up sheet. But you probably shouldn't sign up to receive Dr. Who if you only know other doctors. Sorry to be a hard-ass, but otherwise, this has the potential to become a nightmare. If you have questions about this Star Trek and Dr. Who issue, please ask them in the FAQ post, not here.

If you intend to request both Angel and/or Buffy, would you rather have these counted as one fandom, or as two separate ones? We can't deal with this on a case by case basis, so it's got to be one or the other. Please include your preference on this issue in a comment, but ONLY if you intend to sign up for at least one of these fandoms.

Say we count them as separate fandoms: if you request Buffy, Angel and three other fandoms, it's possible that you'd get matched with a writer who, of the five fandoms you requested, is only able to write Buffy and Angel, so you'd get a crossover of those two. Would you find that disappointing? However, if we count them as one fandom, the mods would not be responsible for managing instances where a writer knows only the Buffy canon but the recipient only knows Angel the Series. For example, if we kept them as one fandom, then a writer who only knows Buffy might write a Buffy/something else crossover, but what if the reader is only familiar with the Angel the Series?

I'm not in either of these fandoms, so I'm not sure which is more likely to come up as a problem for you guys: disappointment because you're getting a crossover in the same universe, or getting a fic that you might not understand. Are most people who are familiar with one familiar with the other? Are people who like both still really excited to see the two crossed over even though it's the same universe?

The two ways of handling this outlined above are the only two options being considered and Buffy/Angel is the only fandom up for this kind of vote. For example, Dr. Who and Torchwood are going to be separate, and so are the Stargates. Star Trek is going to be kept as one fandom.

If you have any questions, please comment in the FAQ post, not here. Thanks!

exchange: fall09, !modpost

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