Welcome Post! (with Rules & FAQ)

Sep 08, 2009 13:01

Welcome to the Multi-Fandom Crossover Exchange! We (it's a royal we) wanted to generate more crossovers in the world, and what better way than with an exchange?

2012 Schedule
Nomination Period: October 16-23
Sign-Up Period: October 24-November 1
Assignments Out: November 12
Fics Due: January 26
Posting Period: January 28th-TBD (depends on number of stories)

1. All fics must be crossovers. Meaning, each fic must feature at least one character from two different show/film/book universes.
2. All fics must be at least 1500 words long. There's no upper limit as to length.
3. All participants will receive a writing assignment. In order to get a fic, you must write one.
4. Pre-written fics are not eligible for this exchange.
5. Anime and RPS are not allowed in this exchange. Not that we don’t like them, but the matching will be very complicated as is, so it's best to set some fandom limitations. There is a long list of live-action fandoms to choose from, though. Hopefully there will be something for everyone.
6. Fics must be beta-read. We'll have more information on beta-ing later on.
7. Fics must be complete. Ie., don't send in only chapter one of a multi-chapter fic.
8. Guidelines for submitting your fics will be posted at a later date.
9. Defaulters from last year are ineligible to participate.


How is this going to work?
Once the final list of qualifying fandoms is posted, we'll post the sign-up instructions. On your sign-up, you'll need to list at least five fandoms from the list that you would like to read about, and at least four that you're willing to write. You'll also provide prompts and info in your sign-up sheet. You will be assigned to write for someone who requested to read at least two of the fandoms that you offered to write, but keep in mind that they could be any two. Now comes the fun part! Based on your recipient's sign-up sheet, think of a way to cross these fandoms and write a story of at least 1500 words by the deadline. Then come here and see what has been written for you and everyone else!

What should I think about when choosing fandoms?
Keep in mind that ANY two of the fandoms you sign up to read could get crossed over, even ones you haven't necessarily written a prompt for together. The mods are using only the fandoms you list to do the matches, with no preferences, which is why it's a good idea to write lots of prompts, just in case. The same goes for what you sign up to write; any two of the fandoms you offer could end up being what you match on, but your recipient's prompts should give you inspiration, even if the two fandoms seem random at first. If there's a show you really like but aren't completely caught up on, you can/should still list it both to read or to write.

Do I need to have previously written in all of the fandoms that I sign up to write?
No! As long as you feel confident that you have a good grasp of the characters and vibe of the show/film, you should be ok. For example, I've written loads of Heroes fic but have never written Supernatural fic; I could write something set firmly in the Heroes universe and have Dean be the only SPN character in the story. One character from each is enough; there’s no need to have the entire SPN cast team up with the entire Heroes cast to save the world.

Do the fandoms I request to read and the fandoms I offer to write have to be the same?
No. If there’s a fandom you love but don’t feel comfortable writing, you should request it. By the same token, there might be a fandom that you feel comfortable writing but don’t really want to be crossed-over with the other ones you’ve requested.

What if I don't know all of a show's canon?
You should still sign up to write it and/or to read it. As a recipient, you can state in broad terms what you've seen (ex. I've only seen up to S3 of Supernatural). We ask writers to take this into account and, where possible, write fic that uses canon their recipient is familiar with.

**Keep in mind that we are matching based solely on what you put as fandoms you want to read and fandoms you want to write, not on things in the prompts or Other Info sections of the sign-up form. Mods are not responsible for what you get, as long as it's a crossover of two fandoms you have requested.

What should I put in the Other Info section of my sign-up form?

Eligible information:

-Broad canon limitations (ex., you quit a show after season 3 but still like what you saw enough to have requested it, or you picked it up at season 2 but haven't gotten around to watching season 1 yet). You can't pick and choose your canon, though, meaning that you can't be like, "I have seen the whole show, but I don't want such and such season or such and such storyline." Please keep it broad; don't list specific episodes you haven't seen.

-Information about the fandoms with special instructions (such as Star Trek or Doctor Who---see Final List of Qualifying Fandoms for more info). Here you can list that you are familiar with Doctor #5 or Star Trek: The Next Generation, and give your writer permission to use characters and canon from those other versions instead of and/or in addition to the default canon specified in the instructions. You can also state something like, "I didn't want the possibility of getting a Doctor Who/Torchwood crossover, so I only listed Doctor Who, but I also love Torchwood. If you want to write a story in which the entire Doctor Who/Torchwood universe is crossed with another fandom, go ahead."

Ineligible information:
-Canon pairings or developments that you dislike
-Ranking of fandoms or characters or pairings or prompts
-Your favorite characters, pairings, and storylines: We want to leave this as open-ended as possible and not put pressure to write about a particular character or pairing. Ideally, your prompts will reference characters you like, so that should give your writer an idea (that's why the more prompts, the better!). But don't use this mentality to put the same character in as many prompts as possible---since you don't know which fandoms will get written, you're better off listing a lot of people once than one or two people a lot of times.

Your sign-up will be edited before being sent to your writer if you cheat, just fyi.

Why is there no section on the sign-up form to state things that I won't write (in the way you can state things you don't want to receive)?
Because as long as you are crossing two of the fandoms in your assignment and are basing your story on at least one of the prompts, you are under no pressure to write anything you don't want to. Requested romantic pairings can be written as gen, and you don't have to write any scenarios or characters you don't like. You are in complete control, so there's no reason to let us know about your preferences as a writer.

What's with editing out unnecessarily negative commentary in my sign-up?
People from all corners of fandom are here, with lots of different likes and dislikes. There's no point in alienating your writer by bashing something she may happen to love. It'll just make her less excited to write for you. If you hate a character, or hate het, etc., just veto it on the appropriate line without waxing poetic about it. Your writer will get the message.

Can I mix and match prompts?
Definitely! For example, if someone lists "Dancing the night away" in the Generic Prompts section, and names a crossover pairing in the Specific Prompts section, feel free to have these two characters meet at a night club. However, you could also write about ANY non-vetoed characters dancing the night away; it's up to you.

What if I have three fandoms in common with my recipient? Can I write a three-way crossover?
Sure! Only if you want to, though. :)

What if I get my assignment and am inspired by a prompt for a fandom that I didn't sign up to write?
If you only officially match on Fandom A and Fandom B, but you see a cool prompt for another fandom you're familiar with but didn't sign up to write, go ahead and write Fandom A/Fandom C instead.

Can I write about a crossover pairing that my recipient didn't specifically prompt?
Sure! For example, if your recipient has prompted Hermione/Loki and Spock/Castiel, it stands to reason she likes these four characters. As long as your recipient is open to slash, you are free to use one of the generic prompts to write a story in which Loki and Spock make friends or get together.

Can I write more than one fic for my recipient, if I feel like it?
Sure! Just keep in mind that at least one of the fics you write must be over 1500 words long. Two fics of 750 words each, for example, does not satisfy your responsibilities for this exchange.

What if I get a recipient who loves slash (or het) but I don't?
Matches are made on fandom only, not on het/slash preferences. And anyway, it shouldn’t matter. Any prompted pairings can be written as gen (friendship, teamwork, rivals, neighbors, whatever), and you can use the scenario or theme prompts to write gen.

What if I get a recipient who hates the character or pairing I love the most?
It would be best to leave that character out and write about other people. If you must include him or her (ie., if the ensemble plot you come up with demands it), it should only be in a background way, and another character (or characters) from that fandom should be the main focus. The same goes for fanon pairings; if they have been vetoed, you should feel free to write about those characters together, but only in their canon, non-romantic relationship. However, canon pairings are fair game, and you can write about them, as long as one or both individual characters involved have not been vetoed.

What if the only two fandoms in my assignment that I can write are completely far-out and have nothing in common?
Be prepared to think way outside the box. Crossovers are AU by definition. Almost anything should be possible; it's just a matter of how wildly AU. For example, say you end up having to write Bones/Star Trek (I'm trying to use the hardest ones I can think of). You could have Bones join the Enterprise as a scientist; she's got the same personality and everything, only in this story she "belongs" in the Star Trek universe. Or maybe canon versions of Bones and Booth fall through a trans-dimensional wormhole that takes them to the Star Trek universe, and they freak out about being in this new place. Just remember, the characters don't need to have been born when and where the show tells you, and as long as the characterizations remain recognizable, they don't have to exist in the same circumstances that they do in their show. You can also change aspects of one or both canons to make it work. If you still think it's impossible, email the mods and we'll try to help you brainstorm.

My recipient came up with lots of prompts, but none that cross the two fandoms I matched on.
This sometimes happens. In this case, you should resort to the theme prompts. Otherwise, perhaps there's a scenario prompt for Fandom A/Fandom B that could be tweaked to work for Fandom A/Fandom C. For example, if a scenario calls for Supernatural's Sam and Dean to fight the vampires from Buffy, maybe you could write about Sam and Dean dealing with the vampires on True Blood. The reason the rule about making sure each fandom is represented at least twice in the prompts sections is so that if this happens, at least your writer can read the other prompts and have some idea of what characters and ensemble set-ups you enjoy.

What's the deal with porn?
PWP is not allowed. All stories must have some kind of plot. It's impossible to request only porn, because at the very least, pairing prompts can be written as gen. However, if your recipient says they're fine with any rating, feel free to write porn. Just make sure not to write porn that violates slash/het, squick and veto lists.

I feel weird about giving out my email address.
You'll have to submit your sign-up sheet via email, but please don't worry. I'm not technologically smart enough to do anything with your address, and I honestly don't care what your real name is. If you still feel nervous, then create a gmail or hotmail account for your username and use that. Just remember to check it!

Feel free to comment with any more questions!


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