Sep 21, 2009 22:13

This is the
2009 Crossover Exchange
Sign-Up Post

Open to anything from the final list of qualifying fandoms.
Please read the Rules and FAQ and then copy this form into an email, fill it out, and send it to The Subject line should read: YOUR LJ USERNAME - Sign-Up

Sign-ups will be open until 11pm October 5 (New York time). Note that just before this post went live, the FAQ was updated with a lot more information specific to the sign-up sheet and your writing assignments, so even if you've already read it, you should check it out again before filling out your sign-up form. If you have any questions, please comment in the FAQ post, not here (I've disabled comments on this post; I'm trying to keep all questions and answers in one place).

We know this looks like a really huge sign-up sheet, but crossovers can be hard to come up with, not to mention match, so we're asking for lots of fandoms and prompts in order to give writers as much choice as possible and the mods more matching possibilities. Plus, since you don't know which two fandoms will get written, try to leave prompts for as many combos as possible. There are instructions for each question, as well as a sample form to help you get the idea. If you're anything like me, you'll get addicted to thinking up prompts and won't be able to stop, so it's probably a good idea to take a couple of days and flesh out all the fun ways of getting the combinations together. :)

ETA: HOWEVER, if you are having trouble thinking up all these prompts and would rather just see what your writer comes up with, you have the option of leaving at least seven theme prompts, and then leaving none or only a few scenario and pairing prompts. Just make it clear on your sign-up that you're taking this option.

LJ username:
Email address:

AS A RECIPIENT: This part of the form will be sent to the person writing for you.

Favorite Fandoms You'd Like to Read About:
These MUST be from the final list of qualifying fandoms. The minimum is five, but please list as many as you can, as this will make it easier to match you. Remember that any two of these may be crossed over.

Prompts: The following should be thought of as three completely separate sets of prompts. Try to request different things in each section.

Prompt Type #1 - Themes:
These are general prompts that could be used for any characters in any of your listed fandoms. Don't specify any fandoms or characters. Please list at least five.

**Each of your fandoms must be represented at least twice in the following two sections, meaning the name of the fandom needs to show up at least twice. You don't need to write prompts for every single possible combination of two fandoms (though you can). The more fandoms listed above, the more prompts you'll need to write. HOWEVER, if you honestly are having trouble thinking up all these prompts and would rather just see what your writer comes up with, you have the option of leaving at least seven theme prompts, and then leaving none or only a few scenario and pairing prompts. Just make it clear on your sign-up that you're taking this option.**

Prompt Type #2 - Potential Scenarios:
Here you get to specify fandoms as well as set-ups. List at least 5.
Fandoms: Scenario:
Fandoms: Scenario:
Fandoms: Scenario:
Fandoms: Scenario:
Fandoms: Scenario:

Prompt Type #3 - Potential Crossover Pairings:
Come up with pairings you’d like to see interact, as many as you can think of. Please specify after each prompt if you would like (gen only) or (gen or romantic). Romantic only is not an option. List at least 4.
Fandoms: Pairing:
Fandoms: Pairing:
Fandoms: Pairing:
Fandoms: Pairing:

Rating Limit:
How high of a rating would you be comfortable receiving? "NC17 only" is not an option.

Squicks & Triggers:
Ex., non-con, death, gore, etc.

Genres You Like:
ex., angst, action-adventure, fluff, crack, etc.

Genres You Dislike:

Het, m/m slash, f/f slash or gen only preferences:
List all that you are happy to receive. Gen means not romance-focused, but canon pairings may still be present in a background way.

Characters You Don't Want Your Crossover to Focus On:
Max 1 character per fandom if fandom has six or fewer main characters; Max 2 per fandom if fandom has seven or more main characters. These characters may be mentioned or appear in the background of larger ensemble stories, but they will not be the 'stars'.
Fandom: Vetoed Character(s):
Fandom: Vetoed Character(s):
Fandom: Vetoed Character(s):
Fandom: Vetoed Character(s):
Fandom: Vetoed Character(s):

Common Fanon Pairings You Don't Want Your Crossover to Include:
You are NOT allowed to veto canon pairings. Common fanon pairings are pairings that are popular subjects of romantic fic, but the characters involved actually are not/have not been together in canon, nor is at least one party romantically interested in the other in canon. Vetoing the characters as a romantic pairing does NOT preclude them from appearing together or indicate that you dislike either or both characters or their canon relationship; it simply means that you would prefer them to be written as they are in canon. All fanon pairings featuring your vetoed characters are automatically out, so there's no need to list them. The same goes for incest, slash, het, etc. pairings if you said above that you don't want incest, slash, het, etc. Any fanon pairings not listed here or implied from your Het/Gen and Squick sections are considered fair game.
Fandom: Vetoed Fanon Pairing(s):
Fandom: Vetoed Fanon Pairing(s):
Fandom: Vetoed Fanon Pairing(s):
Fandom: Vetoed Fanon Pairing(s):
Fandom: Vetoed Fanon Pairing(s):

Other Info:
Anything else for your writer to know. Please see the relevant FAQ and the list of qualifying fandoms for guidelines in filling out this section.

AS A WRITER: This part of the form will be used by the mods to find you a recipient.

Fandoms You Feel Comfortable Writing:
Please list as many as possible, but four is the minimum to participate in the exchange. All fandoms must be from the list of qualifying fandoms. Remember that you may have to write about any two of these.

Are You Willing to Pinch-Hit?:

To give you an idea of what we're looking for, here is a sample sign-up:
(My actual sign-up sheet will have a lot more prompts, but I've kept this barebones for the sake of example.)

LJ username: Aurilly
Email address:

AS A RECIPIENT: This part of the form will be sent to the person writing for you.

Favorite Fandoms You'd Like to Read About:
These MUST be from the final list of qualifying fandoms. The minimum is five, but please list as many as you can, as this will make it easier to match you. Remember that any two of these may be crossed over.
1. Heroes
2. Alias
3. Lost
4. Being Human
5. Flight of the Conchords
6. Doctor Who
7. How I Met Your Mother

Prompts: The following should be thought of as three completely separate sets of prompts. Try to request different things in each section.

Prompt Type #1 - Themes:
These are general prompts that could be used for any characters in any of your listed fandoms. Don't specify any fandoms or characters. Please list at least five.
Prompt: immortality
Prompt: random drunken hookup leads to surprising discoveries
Prompt: next-door neighbors
Prompt: vacations gone awry
Prompt: holiday parties
Prompt: same actor, different character

**Each of your fandoms must be represented at least twice in the following two sections, meaning the name of the fandom needs to show up at least twice. You don't need to write prompts for every single possible combination of two fandoms (though you can). The more fandoms listed above, the more prompts you'll need to write.**

Prompt Type #2 - Potential Scenarios:
Here you get to specify fandoms as well as set-ups. List at least five.
Fandoms: Being Human/How I Met Your Mother Scenario: Everyone thinks Lily has lost her mind because she keeps talking about an apparently imaginary new best friend. Turns out it's just Annie, who got too emotional one day and accidentally teleported waaaaay too far, and now is too scared to get back. Mitchell and George, who have been worried sick, fly to NYC to come fetch her a few days later and they meet the rest of the HIMYM gang.
Fandoms: Flight of the Conchords/How I Met Your Mother Scenario: Either Lily or Robin is a huge fan of the band, and gets the others to come with her to one of Bret and Jemaine's gigs. They all somehow end up hanging out together after the show.
Fandoms: Heroes/Being Human Scenario: George finds a copy of Activating Evolution and wonders if maybe there's a genetic cure for his condition. He, Mitchell, and Annie fly to NYC and show up at Mohinder's door.
Fandoms: Heroes/Alias Scenario: The Company is an offshoot of one of the SD-2's organizations (and powers are SD-2's equivalent of SD-6's Rambaldi). Either SD-2 is competing with K-Directorate for some kind of artifact or information, or else the bosses of the Alliance and K-Directorate form a grudging partnership (like Anna Espinosa and Sydney had to do that one time). Long story short: Company partners Mohinder and Elle have to work with or against Sark.
Fandoms: Doctor Who/Flight of the Conchords Scenario: Bret and Jemaine are the only two people on whom the Tardis's "don't notice me" thing doesn't work, so when it lands in NYC, they walk inside just as the doctor is firing it up. Where in history do they ask him to take them?

Prompt Type #3 - Potential Crossover Pairings:
Come up with pairings you’d like to see interact, as many as you can think of. Please specify after each prompt if you would like (gen only) or (gen or romantic). Romantic only is not an option. List at least four.
Fandoms: Lost/Alias Pairing: Sydney/Sayid (gen or romantic)
Fandoms: Lost/Doctor Who Pairing: Jacob/The Master (gen or romantic)
Fandoms: Flight of the Conchords/Being Human Pairing: Bret/Annie (gen or romantic)
Fandoms: Heroes/Doctor Who Pairing: Lyle/The Doctor (gen only)
Fandoms: Lost/Alias Pairing: Juliet/Sydney (gen only)

Rating Limit:
How high of a rating would you be comfortable receiving? "NC17 only" is not an option.

Squicks & Triggers:
Ex., non-con, death, gore, etc.
Non-con, dub-con, mpreg, parent-child incest, under 18 characters getting together with adults, graphic torture, really kinky sex (like, with accessories)

Genres You Like:
ex., angst, action-adventure, fluff, crack, etc.
Action-adventure, angst, regular life, realistic romance

Genres You Dislike:
Crack, dark, kid fic, genderswap

Het, m/m slash, f/f slash or gen only preferences:
List all that you are happy to receive. Gen means not romance-focused, but canon pairings may still be present in a background way.
Het, m/m slash, gen

Characters You Don't Want Your Crossover to Focus On:
Max 1 character per fandom if fandom has six or fewer main characters; Max 2 per fandom if fandom has seven or more main characters. These characters may be mentioned or appear in the background of larger ensemble stories, but they will not be the 'stars'.
Fandom: Heroes Vetoed Character(s): Claire, Noah Bennet
Fandom: Alias Vetoed Character(s): Weiss, Marshall
Fandom: Lost Vetoed Character(s): Jack, Claire
Fandom: Being Human Vetoed Character(s): Herrick
Fandom: Flight of the Conchords Vetoed Character(s): Dave
Fandom: Dr. Who Vetoed Character(s): n/a
Fandom: How I Met Your Mother Vetoed Character(s): Ted

Common Fanon Pairings You Don't Want Your Crossover to Include:
You are NOT allowed to veto canon pairings. Common fanon pairings are pairings that are popular subjects of romantic fic, but the characters involved actually are not/have not been together in canon, nor is at least one party romantically interested in the other in canon. Vetoing the characters as a romantic pairing does NOT preclude them from appearing together or indicate that you dislike either or both characters or their canon relationship; it simply means that you would prefer them to be written as they are in canon.All fanon pairings featuring your vetoed characters are automatically out, so there's no need to list them. The same goes for incest, slash, het, etc. pairings if you said above that you don't want incest, slash, het, etc. Any fanon pairings not listed here or implied from your Het/Gen and Squick sections are considered fair game.
Fandom: Heroes Vetoed Fanon Pairing(s): Matt/Mohinder, Hiro/Ando
Fandom: Alias Vetoed Fanon Pairing(s): all slash pairings
Fandom: Lost Vetoed Fanon Pairing(s): all slash pairings except Richard/Jacob
Fandom: Being Human Vetoed Fanon Pairing(s): Mitchell/George
Fandom: Flight of the Conchords Vetoed Fanon Pairing(s): Bret/Jemaine
Fandom: Dr. Who Vetoed Fanon Pairing(s): n/a
Fandom: How I Met Your Mother Vetoed Fanon Pairing(s): all slash pairings

Other Info:
Anything else for your writer to know. Please see the relevant FAQ and the list of qualifying fandoms for guidelines in filling out this section.
-I stopped watching Heroes a couple of episodes into Villains, so I am unfamiliar with season 3 characters and canon.
-I have not seen season 4 of Dr. Who. I have never seen Torchwood.

AS A WRITER: This part of the form will be used by the mods to find you a recipient.

Fandoms You Feel Comfortable Writing:
Please list as many as possible, but four is the minimum to participate in the exchange. All fandoms must be from the list of qualifying fandoms. Remember that you may have to write about any two of these.
1. Heroes
2. Lost
3. Being Human
4. Jeeves & Wooster
5. Narnia
6. Doctor Who

Are You Willing to Pinch-Hit?:
No, too busy modding.

exchange: fall09, !modpost

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