Positive (Chapter 8)

Feb 12, 2010 22:05

Title: Positive
Author: xojemmaxo
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: RyWalk
POV: Third
Summary: Ryan thinks 'can't I have any time for my fucking self,' and looks over the back of the couch to tell Jon off, but his mouth freezes open when he realizes that not only has Jon just walked into the apartment, but he's brought Spencer, who is in New York, with him.
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jon walker, gabe saporta, panic! at the disco, brendon urie, ryan ross, mpreg, positive, spencer smith, rywalk

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Comments 21

what_gaiety February 12 2010, 14:22:24 UTC
Gabe was HILARIOUS in this i thought aha, and Jon was adorable. again.
/raises awareness. with signs and banners and EVERYTHING.
This is probs the first time that Spencer Smith has CALMED someone's hormones haha.


xojemmaxo February 12 2010, 22:11:45 UTC
I thought I'd add something interesting in this, it was getting kind of mundane.
Ryan has a Spencer homing device or something, lol :D He's like smoking pot :D
Thanks for the comment!


spindlelimbs February 12 2010, 16:25:08 UTC
omg poor Jon :( *hugs him*
also yay Spencer!! It's so good to see him around :D Hopefully he'll be able to distract Ryan somewhat.

sorry for not commenting on the previous chapter but I didn't have internet for a few days. I loved it though ♥


spindlelimbs February 12 2010, 19:40:16 UTC
also, I didn't know there was a new chapter cause you don't post on the comm anymore! :(


xojemmaxo February 12 2010, 22:15:35 UTC
Did I post chapter 7 to it? I thought I did... but i was tired when i posted that chapter so that's probably why. And i was going to post ch. 8 to it last night, but my internet started to do that annoying thing where heaps of windows pop up and i couldn't be bothered dealing with it. *Is doing it now*

ryan's mean to Jon. :(
Oh, that's okay. I just thought everyone had, like, forgotten about it or something lol :P
Thanks for commenting!


vivheartsrydon February 12 2010, 22:07:45 UTC
Ohh Ryro has mood swings!!Blehh i hope he quits smoking soon before it's too late!And yay Spence is here so some peace that is much needed is expected!!!!!Yayyyy!! x


xojemmaxo February 12 2010, 22:17:46 UTC
Evil mood swings >:D I'm going to have so much fun with all these symptoms
I'll try to make him stop, but it's a big thing he depends on atm.
Spence fixes everything!
Thanks for the comment!


stupidrhapsody February 13 2010, 00:51:09 UTC



stupidrhapsody February 13 2010, 00:57:37 UTC

I was going to make the coolest FC ever, but. ah.

oh well here's my comment: did Gabe just arrive or did you mention him before? RAWR
Ryan takes as meaning Gabe likes to dress manequins, especially the male ones, much more than he should dammit so freaking hilarious, man.

and I dunno, ryan being irrational again man, again. wtf you ryan ross-soon-to-be-walker. huh. anyway. you're updating. update more. oh plus, don't fool me with rating, I thought this one is going to have... sexy times o_______________________O

rawr jkjkjk man \o/


xojemmaxo February 13 2010, 05:50:18 UTC
So close... well, not really. :P

Yeah he pretty much just appeared out of nowhere. That sort of stuff happens in my stories. lol

He's pregnant. Blame it on the hormones! :D He's allowed to be irritated at people

Thanks for commenting!


stupidrhapsody February 14 2010, 09:02:41 UTC

no problemo my man. and are you going to make spencer a couple with brendon because lately I just realized brencer isn't my thing. just saying. but this is RYWALK. MPREG. THIS IS YOU. so m.m


(The comment has been removed)

xojemmaxo February 13 2010, 05:51:11 UTC
It'll probably be okay. I suck at making bad things happen :P
Thanks for the comment!


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