Positive (Chapter 7)

Feb 11, 2010 07:07

Title: Positive
Author: xojemmaxo
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: RyWalk
POV: Third
Summary: Ryan's thinking ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod, but he's just opening and closing his mouth like a fucking fish because he doesn't know what to say.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the people in this fic.
Beta: hooray4irony
Author Notes: Sorry I took so long to get this chapter up! The ( Read more... )

jon walker, mpreg, ryan ross, positive, panic! at the disco, rywalk

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Comments 10

what_gaiety February 11 2010, 12:34:21 UTC
FC? hey cool, i never get FC! XD
YAY they are ENGAGED. EVEN if it's only because ryan is having a BABY - that just adds to the INTENSITY (that's right, I said intensity) of the SITUATION.
" "Nngh," says Jon, and it pretty much sums up the whole situation."
that = love. cause it's so true : D
--forget homework, write this. Just like I'm forgetting homework to read this.


xojemmaxo February 11 2010, 19:52:39 UTC
:D FC cookies for you! *fireworks go off*

Engagement ftw


I will. Howwork is boring anyway.

Thanks for commenting!


helloglasgow February 11 2010, 21:45:27 UTC
i love this fic :D
hot smex to make my thursday EVEN better? YES.
i just came back from the gym (yes, i am one of those people who loves the gym...) and saw this and was like YAAAY! it made me smile :D
i dont generally like Mpreg, but i realllly like this one :D

hahaha, you procrastinator!!
don't worry, i do the exact same ;P!


xojemmaxo February 12 2010, 05:09:33 UTC
I really hate the gym, but each to their own, lol
I'm glad you like my mpreg :D
I am the Procrastinator.
:D Thanks for the comment!


mix_thevenom February 11 2010, 23:47:09 UTC
ohhh that was so hot &hearts
this is like the calm (uh, so to speak ;D) before the storm, isn't it :(
update soon! and keep procrastinating! that's how i got through highschool :D


xojemmaxo February 12 2010, 05:06:42 UTC
Yup! Something evilly delicious is going to happen soon, I just have to decide what it will be.
I shall (hopefully), and I will put off my schoolwork as much as I can. It's not important, anyway. :D


mix_thevenom February 12 2010, 05:07:58 UTC
lol good to see you plan so far ahead ;)
so true :D


iloveprettyodd February 12 2010, 22:40:34 UTC
ahhh yaaaay ryan said YES!!! i really thought he'd say no! :$


xojemmaxo February 13 2010, 11:10:23 UTC
Nah, I couldnt do that :P
Thanks for commenting!


(The comment has been removed)

xojemmaxo February 13 2010, 21:42:53 UTC
:\ Sorry about your week. Aw thank you! :D


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