Positive (Chapter 7)

Feb 11, 2010 07:07

Title: Positive
Author: xojemmaxo
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: RyWalk
POV: Third
Summary: Ryan's thinking ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod, but he's just opening and closing his mouth like a fucking fish because he doesn't know what to say.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the people in this fic.
Beta: hooray4irony
Author Notes: Sorry I took so long to get this chapter up! The next chapter won't be quick either, but I will finish this story, it just has to contend with the amount of schoolwork I'm getting. Anyway, I hope you all like this chapter :)

Ryan's thinking ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod, but he's just opening and closing his mouth like a fucking fish because he doesn't know what to say.

Well, he knows what to say. 'Yes' seems like the most obvious answer, and the one Jon wants. He just can't believe he's being proposed to, and the shock is kind of preventing him from speaking. And because, well. Marriage. It's kind of. He didn't expect this.

"Well?" asks Jon, some of his bravado fading as he looks confused and lowers the ring he's outstretched to Ryan. It's a nice ring. It's not too girly; a gold band with tiny sparkling stones set in the edges.

"I," says Ryan. Jon's eyebrows contract and his shoulders slump.

He looks fucking pitiful, hunched up on the floor like Ryan's just beat him up.

"Yes," says Ryan, and his voice ringing loud in his own ears startles him enough to actually realize what he just said. He is going to marry Jon.

Jon's head shoots up again and he's grinning, nervous like he's still not sure if Ryan's going to pull out.

"Yes," Ryan says again, just to make sure, then, "Come here, you stupid idiot." Jon stumbles up from the floor and nearly into Ryan's lap in his haste, falling headlong into a bruising kiss. It feels like a promise, and Ryan doesn't know where to put his hands like he's in highschool again, which wasn't that long ago, and he's so young.

"We'd better," murmurs Jon, licking his lips once he breaks away from Ryan's mouth, "we should go now."

"Okay," Ryan agrees meekly, his voice coming out in a croak. Jon slips the ring onto Ryan's finger before he climbs off his lap and digs in his pocket for his wallet while Ryan gets out of the chair and straightens it, feeling the eyes of the other customers watching them.

Jon pays for the meal and pulls Ryan out of the restaurant, nearly jogging to the car.

"You really sprung that one on me," says Ryan, once they're both strapped in, "I had no idea what I was going to say." He looks at the ring. It sparkles dully in the light from a nearby streetlamp.

Jon's quiet for a moment. "I thought you were going to say no," he says finally, sticking the key in the ignition as he speaks. The car grunts to life.

"What? Jon, I wouldn't say no to marrying you," says Ryan. He reaches over and touches Jon's arm.

"You would have said no if we weren't going to have a kid," replies Jon, not looking at Ryan as he pulls away from the curb. "That wouldn't stop running through my mind when you didn't answer."

"I-" Ryan can't argue. He knows it's true. He's too fucking young to be married, and if Jon had popped the question this early in their relationship, and lives, he would have laughed in his face. If he wasn't pregnant.

"See?" Jon presses.

"Jon," says Ryan firmly. "Of course I wouldn't want to marry you this young if I wasn't pregnant. But I am, and I said yes, so we're getting married, okay? Anyway, you promised me."

Jon thinks back to the night Ryan had told him the news ("I'd stay at home with it, and we'd get married, and move out of this dump, and we'd be a family, Ryan. Don't you want that?"). He's surprised Ryan remembers. Taking a hand off the steering wheel, he slides his fingers through Ryan's, entining their hands together on Ryan's thigh.

"I did," he says.

"I love you," says Ryan.

"I love you too," says Jon. "Holy shit, we're getting married.

"I know," says Ryan in awe.


"The sorbet," Ryan exclaims suddenly, when they let themselves in to Jon's apartment (Jon's is closer than his, plus Ryan will get a ride to work the next morning).

"Sorbet?" asks Jon, bemused. Then he says, "Oh, the sorbet."

"Yeah. Thanks for that," says Ryan breathily, crowding Jon up against the front door as the other man locks it. He presses close to Jon and kisses him, sliding his tongue into Jon's mouth when it opens obediently for him, then pulls back. "I appreciate you going out early to buy me ice cream."

"It was nothing," says Jon. "I just noticed you ran out. And, like, you've been craving it lately so-"

Ryan cuts him off with another kiss, stomach twisting hot as their tongues slide together.

"You gonna ... thank me?" Jon asks, when Ryan backs off again but keeps him pressed against the door, his spidery fingers tight at Jon's hips preventing escape, not that he's trying to.

Ryan raises an eyebrow. "You suck at porno movie talk," he comments flatly, before resorting back to the voice he uses strictly for sex-with-Jon situations, low and husky. "And I'm not thanking you. I just want to fuck you."

"Now who sucks at porno movie talk?" asks Jon triumphantly.

"Yeah, that was kind of bad," admits Ryan, but cuts Jon off again mid-sentence with his mouth anyway.

"Bedroom?" Jon suggests, muffled against Ryan's mouth. He brings his hands up to cup Ryan's jaw.

"Yeah, okay. Come on." Jon follows Ryan to his room and onto the bed, pushes him down on the unmade covers and collapses with him, clothes being discarded quickly as they kiss and touch.

"Want to-" Ryan pants out against Jon's mouth, rubbing slowly against his hip.

"What?" Jon tries desperately to get his belt off, but the buckle is fucking stuck on something. He makes an annoyed noise and Ryan takes over, Jon removing his hands from the mess and tangling them instead in Ryan's hair, twisting them lightly in the strands and watching as Ryan's nimble fingers open the belt and Jon's pants quickly.

Ryan looks up at Jon from where he's hovering above his chest, holding himself up with an elbow digging into the mattress. "I'm going to go down on you," he says clearly, almost stating it like the fucking weather. "Then I'm going to ride you, and you're not going to move."

"Okay," says Jon, agreeing without really listening to what Ryan was saying, only knowing that it sounded really fucking hot. He gets the message, however, when Ryan pulls Jon's pants down and off, bringing his underwear with them and dropping it over the side of Jon's bed before settling between Jon's legs, his mouth inches away from Jon's cock.

"Please," says Jon, and he knows asking for it is a bad idea, because Ryan likes to tease whenever the opportunity arises and Jon just gave him exactly what he wanted. He can see it in the smirk Ryan's not even trying to conceal.

"Wait," he admonishes Jon, ghosting fingertips over the stretch of skin where pubic hair doesn't quite reach.

Jon waits. He fidgets and his cock twitches impatiently as Ryan runs his fingers over everywhere that doesn't need to be touched, ignoring Jon's dick like it isn't hard and waiting right in his face. Ryan's settled in comfortably between Jon's legs, and Jon knows he's not leaving until it suits him.

It takes Ryan puffing breath, just lightly, just motherfucking lightly over the head of Jon's cock, hot breath that he can imagine morphing into lips and a tongue and rolling heat everywhere and cheeks hollowed around him, but it doesn't, and he screws his eyes shut before bucking his hips up, sharp.

Ryan pulls away before Jon's cock even makes contact with his skin and Jon whines low in his throat. He opens his eyes and Ryan's smirking again, fuck.

"Please," Jon says again, low, urgent. Ryan chuckles.

"I'm sorry, baby," he says. "You should have told me you wanted it so much before. I didn't know." His expression's innocent, having done away with the smirk, but Jon finds it hard to hate him when Ryan finally grips the base of his cock with his spidery fingers and squeezes.

Jon pushes up blindly into the touch, and before his hips hit the mattress again, Ryan's mouth is closing, hot and wet and just likes he knows it feels, but better, around the head of his cock, causing Jon to thrust up again.

Ryan is jolted down Jon's cock a little, but he doesn't miss a beat as he rubs his tongue against the underside, hollowing his cheeks and swallowing Jon down further, and fuck. Jon groans, swearing as Ryan's tongue does things that draw him close to the edge without even realizing.

Jon's about to come when Ryan pulls off. He whines again, high and pleading.

"Sit up against the headboard," says Ryan.

Jon does so, his arms shaking slightly as he hoists himself into a sitting position. He slouches against the headboard and gives his dick a few reassuring tugs. Ryan's taking his pants off, and Jon watches as more pale skin is revealed, watches as Ryan throws the bundled-up material to the floor, watches and wants as Ryan reaches behind imself with spit-slick fingers and stretches himself open, arching his back when he brushes his fingers against his prostate.

"You ready?" Jon croaks after an eternity of watching, and Ryan twists his wrist once more before nodding and pulling his fingers out (and Jon hears them being pulled out, fuckfuckfuck). "Just let me-" Ryan begins, trailing off as he reaches to the sidetable and grabs the bottle of lube from its surface. He quickly pops the top and spreads some onto Jon's dick. Jon bites his lip, trying not to rut up again.

Ryan drops the bottle in the tangled covers and kneels over Jon's cock, the head brushing Ryan's thigh and making Jon squirm. Ryan reaches backwards again, this time to grab Jon's dick and guide it as he sinks down, and oh. Hot, tight heat envelops Jon's cock and he almost comes right the fuck then; he definitely would have if Ryan hadn't have stopped for a moment or two to adjust. He rises up again almost straight away, though, his knees digging into the mattress. Jon relishes the pull of Ryan's ass around him, hands going to grip Ryan's hips. Ryan grunts a little as he sinks back down and Jon thrusts up to meet him, mouth open and gasping for breath through the sudden heat in the room.

"Don't move," says Ryan, and Jon nods shakily before Ryan plants his hands on either shoulder and continues to fuck Jon.

Jon's struggling not to come; he can feel the twisting knot in his gut getting tighter and he knows it won't be long, but he digs his nails into Ryan's hips and urges him closer too.

"Fuck," Ryan gasps out as he starts moving faster, driving Jon's cock deeper and harder into him and that's it. Jon comes with his toes dug into the covers and his face screwed up with pleasure, sweat running from every pore on his fucking body. He hears Ryan make a distressed noise through the haze and opens his eyes (he doesn't even remember closing them) to see Ryan leaning above him, both hands on his own cock working furiously.

"Hey," says Jon, and his fingers join Ryan's, four hands all working for the same goal. Jon squeezes Ryan's fist, hard, and Ryan makes a strangled groan before he thrusts forward and comes, pearly strands rolling down their fngers, no telling whose. He rocks back and forward weakly through his orgasm and Jon just watches him, noticing how obvious the baby bump is at this angle. He smiles.

Ryan collapses off him -- none too gracefully -- and breathes into the post-orgasm air, wiping sweat off his forehead. They're both covered in sweat, in fact, and come, but they can always shower in the morning.

"Nngh," says Jon, and it pretty much sums up the whole situation.

Ryan sleepily agrees and lets Jon spoon him, bowing his head as Jon nuzzles into the back of his neck.


Things are getting too settled... I'll have to shake it up a bit. :D

I know this was a short chapter, but I thought you guys would rather have smaller chapters and (slightly:/ ) quicker updates that longish chapters and, like three months before I update. (It's happened before).

I hope I will have the next chapter up soon, as I am ignoring all homework from now on, but I can't guarantee anything, sorry :(

jon walker, mpreg, ryan ross, positive, panic! at the disco, rywalk

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