Positive (Chapter 5)

Jan 27, 2010 16:15

Title: Positive
Author: xojemmaxo
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: RyWalk, possible others
POV: Third
Summary: On his walk to work, Ryan feels a lot like eating coconut sorbet, like he had once on a date with an old boyfriend at a Greek restaurant. He hadn't liked the coconut sorbet then, but he sure as hell wants it now.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Young Veins, ( Read more... )

ryan / jon, jon walker, coconut sorbet, panic! at the disco, ugly babieesss, brendon urie, ryan ross, mpreg, spencer smith, male pregnancy, the young veins

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Comments 22

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xojemmaxo January 28 2010, 08:05:08 UTC

Spencer will be there soon, I'm hoping. Either the next chapter or the one after that.

That was probably my favourite part :P

Thanks for the comment!


helloglasgow January 28 2010, 09:52:44 UTC
I really love this fic,
Ryan is such a stupid pregnant man, and yay! for Jon, who's at least tryna help the situation haha.
Is there gonna be a bit of Brencer when Bden & Spencer join the equation? *looks hopeful*
You've just gotta love the ending of this chapter, they just seem like little children having some fun, it's awesome :)
I mean, you can't be pregnant and not have a little fun.


xojemmaxo January 28 2010, 10:20:11 UTC
...There may be. :)

Ehehehee. The sorbet. :D



iloveprettyodd February 3 2010, 19:50:13 UTC
awesome chapter! :) hahaha stalking people on habbo and listening to the penis song?! you have an eventful life! :D


xojemmaxo February 4 2010, 05:19:05 UTC
Thanks! it is incredibly eventful. I am not even being sarcastic.



souljabarb April 1 2010, 23:17:51 UTC
Oh man. This chapter made me think of when I was pregnant. Cravings and stuff. :) I smoked a little through my pregnancy as well. I would read ahead in the baby books to see when like the longs were super developing and quit for that time. And then, like Ryan, smoke one or two a day. And 9 months later I had a healthy 8lb 16oz baby boy haha. <3 I love this story already. And I have the next 6 chapters already open in tabs. :)


xojemmaxo April 4 2010, 00:11:17 UTC
Hey, that's a good idea! well, you know, the looking through the baby books thing to see when the lungs were developing. Ryan's not gonna do that, I'm pretty sure he doesn't really care much about his baby... (Congrats on the healthy baby boy, btw, although he's possibly not a baby anymore, lol) Aw, thanks!



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