Positive (Chapter 5)

Jan 27, 2010 16:15

Title: Positive
Author: xojemmaxo
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: RyWalk, possible others
POV: Third
Summary: On his walk to work, Ryan feels a lot like eating coconut sorbet, like he had once on a date with an old boyfriend at a Greek restaurant. He hadn't liked the coconut sorbet then, but he sure as hell wants it now.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Young Veins, ( Read more... )

ryan / jon, jon walker, coconut sorbet, panic! at the disco, ugly babieesss, brendon urie, ryan ross, mpreg, spencer smith, male pregnancy, the young veins

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Comments 22

i_love_jersey January 27 2010, 07:13:32 UTC
You are possibly the stupidest preggo boy EVER!
but btw this took my phone's slash virginity! (aka first fic I read on my phone.)
nice chapter!
looking forward to the next one!


xojemmaxo January 27 2010, 09:10:18 UTC
Yay! Your phone's innocence is mine!!




pinkichan January 27 2010, 08:02:58 UTC
Cute chapter but I think you have an html problem cause the second half is all italicized D:


xojemmaxo January 27 2010, 09:09:00 UTC
ehe, lol. fixed it :D

Thanks for telling me, I wouldn't have noticed otherwise



what_gaiety January 27 2010, 12:13:40 UTC
Frank is definatly very, very, very awesome.
and oh boy - this chapter was so cute!! the ending paragraph was adorableness, seriously. much love.
i now feel like coconut sorbet 6__6


xojemmaxo January 27 2010, 23:36:30 UTC
Frank will become awesomer as the story goes on :D!

I'm not actually sure if the last paragraph made sense. It was pretty much one massive sentence, I think, well, if it's legible, that's okay.

Mmm... coconut...


mix_thevenom January 27 2010, 12:37:33 UTC
aw, frank is so cute and concerned <3
but ryannnn. stop being stupid about you and your baby's health duder. gah.
but aww, jon is moving in :D

hee <3

oh, and btw this is 555gehenna666. i haz a new acc :D


xojemmaxo January 27 2010, 23:33:52 UTC
Frank is <3

He just... doesn't care, which makes him sound like an asshole :/


I like your new account name :)



mix_thevenom January 28 2010, 06:17:05 UTC
frank is always <3

yeah =/

jontaimnow? whut?

thanks :)



xojemmaxo January 28 2010, 08:06:21 UTC
Jontaimnow = Jon time now. It's a thing i say, lol.


stupidrhapsody January 27 2010, 15:29:19 UTC

holy mother of you. this. is. GREAT.


1. Ryan knows Jon's apologizing for everything. He knows Jon won't do it again, because he's a man of his word and he's also pretty awesome, even though he obviously doesn't know how the fuck to use a condom. I smiled, proud, then laughed. bweheheheheh condom

2. He tells himself it's nothing, though, and kisses Jon goodbye (it's a long goodbye) on his way out the door


"You've been reading Gee's comic strips again, haven't you," states Ryan,


The smell of the coffee is absolutely disgusting; he doesn't know how he ever drank the stuff. OH YEAH OH YEAH

spencer bden is coming soon?

man, Jemma, I never thought THIS FIC is going to be SO COOL. so, I'M SORRY.

YEASH UPDATE next chapter NOW


xojemmaxo January 27 2010, 23:30:33 UTC
YAY FOR SPAMMING! Everyone should do it!

1. He put it on backwards or something, I DON"T KNOW. :P

2. Ryan's gonna be late for work if he keeps doing that *shakes head*

3. I love Frank's... Frankiness.

4. omg me and my friend tried coffee yesterday. It was seriously one of the worst things I've ever tasted. We may have put too much coffee in... (rambling ftw)

and maybe Brencer, if you like that sort of thing. Maybe i should do a poll.

Next update will be... as soon as I actually write the next chapter, lol

Thanks for your spammy comment, Bamby! :DD


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