Positive (Chapter 1 of many)

Jan 12, 2010 22:05

Title: Positive
Author: xojemmaxo
Pairing: Ryan / Jon, possible Brencer.
Rating: NC - 17
Disclaimer: I don't own the Young Veins or its members, or Panic! at the Disco.
POV: Ryan's
Summary: Ryan is pregnant and doesn't like kids. Jon is the father and loves kids. Dilemma!!
Beta: hooray4irony
Author's Notes: A pilot chapter for a fic I've been thinking about for a ( Read more... )

jon walker, mpreg, slash, ryan ross, panic! at the disco

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Comments 12

wikidchik101 January 28 2010, 04:18:51 UTC
That made me giggle and smile like a cheesed up idiot.
Goooood so far, running off to catch up with everyone else lolz.


xojemmaxo January 28 2010, 05:30:13 UTC

Oh, you're reading from the start? Awesome!

I love your icon, by the way. Cute little nerdy Bren.



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