Positive (Chapter 1 of many)

Jan 12, 2010 22:05

Title: Positive
Author: xojemmaxo
Pairing: Ryan / Jon, possible Brencer.
Rating: NC - 17
Disclaimer: I don't own the Young Veins or its members, or Panic! at the Disco.
POV: Ryan's
Summary: Ryan is pregnant and doesn't like kids. Jon is the father and loves kids. Dilemma!!
Beta: hooray4irony
Author's Notes: A pilot chapter for a fic I've been thinking about for a while. The next chapter will be posted within a week. Tell me in the comments if you think I should continue or have used a plotline so horribly cliche` that there is no point in carrying on... Also, this is kind of written in a parallel universe where it's normal for men to get pregnant. They have vaginas in their asses or something, I don't know. If you find this too unrealistic or whatever, or don't like Mpreg, or Ryan / Jon, I wouldn't read this. (Wow, about two people are going to read this... *sigh*)

I never thought I'd get pregnant.

I never thought I'd get pregnant with Jon, either. I mean, the relationship we were in wasn't long term. We'd been going out a couple of months at the most, and all we did is fuck. And, obviously, break condoms.

I was waiting for him to come home to his apartment (he'd given me a key to his place the week before), sitting on his big blue couch. Usually I would be sprawled out comfortably, but today I was uptight, sitting right in the center of it with one leg crossed over the other. Every time I looked at the four pregnancy tests showing positive sitting on the coffee table in front of me, my foot bounced and hit against the leg of the couch.

Thump, thump, thump.

Thump, thump, thump.

I heard keys jingling in the lock of the front door and I jumped up, leaning against the counter in the kitchen as Jon came in with about ten million bags of groceries.

"Fuck," he said, as he dropped his keys.

Then, "Oh, hi, baby. What are you doing here?" When he saw me standing in his kitchen.

"I have some news," I announced, deadpan.

"Oh?" he asked, sounding curious. He set the paper bags bulging with food onto the counter I was leaning against.

"Is it good news or bad news?" he continued.

"Depends," I said. Suddenly tears were prickling at my eyes.

"Hey," said Jon, coming over to me and wrapping me in a hug when I wiped harshly at my eyes and my mouth turned down. I whimpered a little; I'd been holding emotions in since I'd found out I was pregnant.

"Tell, me, baby," he coaxed, rubbing my back and speaking into my hair, "what's wrong?"

"I'm - oh my god." I choked on a sob. "I'm. Jon, I'm pregnant."

He stopped comforting me and went completely still against me.

"You're pregnant?" he asked, and I nodded shakily when he pulled back far enough to see my face. He looked shocked, but he didn't look angry, or like he was falling apart, like I was.

"Are you sure?" he asked, his eyes wide. I nodded again and collapsed back into tears. He held me against him and rocked me slightly, whispering meaningless shit into my ear.

"How many tests did you take?" he asked, once I had calmed down and we were looking at each other again. I felt dizzy, like I'd fall down if I didn't concentrate.


"Oh." He thought for a moment. "What do you want to do about it?" he asked.

"What? The... fetus?" I couldn't bring myself to say 'baby'.

"Yeah, our baby."

Damn him.

"I don't... I'm not ready for a fucking child, Jon."

"I know," he told me. "Neither am I, but, you know... it's us in there." He brushed his knuckles against my (for now) flat stomach.

"You're not actually suggesting we keep it," I said. I wanted to discourage this idea. I really wasn't ready for a child. I was 20 and had my whole life ahead of me. I didn't want an accident to turn me into a househusband and not get a job, not get to see the world.

"What else would we do with it?" he asked.

"Have an abortion," I said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Which it was.

The shadow that passed over Jon's face told me he didn't think the same way.

"You want to kill our baby?" he asked, trying to guilt me into seeing his way.

"Yup," I said as nonchalantly as I could while tears were still drying on my cheeks.

"No," he said. "That's... so wrong. We can't kill a human being."

"Bet I could," I said. I knew I sounded disgusting, like Hitler, but I had to be flippant with Jon to avoid losing. Then I could end up with a baby, and who wants that?

"I'm not letting you kill him," he said firmly.

"What-" The fact that he thought he could tell me what to do made me draw myself up to my full height (which was way taller than him) and flare my nostrils in anger.

"You," I said, "will never tell me what to do. Especially with the... thing... that's growing in me. Not you, but me. I have to push the fucker out my ass, I have to feed it and take it to school and stay home with it and not even get a job and waste my life-"

"How could making new life and looking after it be wasting your life?" Jon asked me.

"Try staying home and changing diapers for about three years," I shot back. "Then you'll see how."

Jon shrank back a little. "I could stay home with him," he suggested timidly.

"You? You'd have gotten sick of me by then, Jon. I'd be fat. You'd find someone else without baggage." I gestured to my stomach angrily at the last word.

"I would be a father. I wouldn't leave you or our baby," he said, defiant.

"Well, too bad, because we're not keeping it," I said."In three days I'm going to the doctor to have an abortion."

"No," said Jon, and now his tone was pleading. "Please don't kill it."

I crossed my arms and held back tears. I didn't know why I was crying, anyway. It was a baby, for Christ's sake. Not even that, at the moment. It was a bunch of cells, nothing more.

"Please," continued Jon. "I'd stay at home with it, and we'd get married, and move out of this dump -" He gestured around us -"and we'd be a family, Ryan. Don't you want that?"

I wanted to say no, but the look of hope on Jon's face was heartbreaking. I didn't want to know what he'd look like if I went through with the abortion.

"I don't know. "I'll think about it."

"Alright," he said, sounding relieved, like I'd already agreed to have the baby. He pulled me into another hug and said, muffled by my shoulder, "We're gonna be okay."

My first Mpreg. If you have anything to say, leave a comment. <3

jon walker, mpreg, slash, ryan ross, panic! at the disco

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