Maple Syrup (Part 3)

Jan 05, 2010 13:26

Title: Maple Syrup (Part 3)
Author: xojemmaxo
Rating: light R
Pairing: Ryden, Joncer
POV: Third person
Summary: What is that thing creeping into Ryan's underwear? Can Brendon turn him gay? Are Jon and Spencer worried about their friends getting lost in the woods? All these questions and more, answered in this, the final part of Maple Syrup!
Disclaimer: I do not own The Young Veins, Panic! At The Disco, Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross, Jon Walker, or Spencer Smith.
Beta: hooray4irony
Author Notes: I'm really sorry. I posted this chapter so much later than I had planned. But the thing is... (yep. Another excuse) My computer got a virus and deleted everything off the hard drive when I had almost finished typing up this chapter. Then I couldn't remember what had happened in the story, and when I finally typed half of it up again, the computer didn't save it! But I prevailed and finally this annoying little story is done. Thank god.

Ryan woke to something warm pressed against his back and something warmer creeping into his underwear. He was too sleepy to register what, exactly, the thing that was slowly wrapping around his dick was. All he knew was that it felt good, so he let it remain.

Until he thought, hey, that's Brendon's hand, and stiffened. He became aware of his surroundings. He was lying on his side in the dirt, and Brendon was spooning him... and groping him.

"Brendon?" asked Ryan bluntly. "What are you doing?"

The hand withdrew promptly from Ryan's underwear and behind him, Brendon was still. Ryan was not going to let Brendon pretend he had been sleeping. No way.

Ryan sat up, twisting his body around to look at Brendon. The other man looked deceptively peaceful, his eyes softly shut and his lips slightly parted. Ryan adjusted himself in his pants and tried again.

"Brendon, I know you're not asleep."

The brown eyes opened sheepishly to look up at Ryan.

"Why were you touching my dick?" asked Ryan simply.

Brendon cringed at the words.

"I..." he said. "I..."

"You what?" Ryan snapped, because seriously, his nerves were beginning to fray.

"I thought you were... sleeping," said Brendon in a little voice, that trailed off before the word 'sleeping' was out of his mouth.

"What the fuck?" Ryan's tone was sharp. "That doesn't give you access to my fucking cock!"

"I know, just...." Brendon rubbed a palm over his face.

Okay. Ryan was freaking out. Understandably. No man, except Ryan himself, touches George Ryan Ross III. No man. Except for Spencer, but that was when they were both kids. And Jon, but that was when they were both drunk. And now Brendon had also touched Ryan's dick, and there was no explanation. No reason as to why he had done it.

"Why did you do it??" demanded Ryan, breaking through Brendon's mumbled sentences that made no sense at all. Brendon looked at him guiltily, like Hobo always did when she chewed Ryan's favourite pair of slippers.

"I don't know!" said Brendon. "I just--"

"Just what?" said Ryan. "Explain!"

Brendon took a breath.

"I just... I was thinking about what Jon must see in Spencer to like him that much, and then I started thinking about all the good things I see in you, and then I realised, hey, I'm in love with Ryan!" he said in one breath. Ryan would have been impressed if he wasn't so shocked.

"So, you have, like, a crush on me. That will go away soon," Ryan concluded hopefully.

"No," said Brendon. He bit his lip as he shook his head. "I don't think it's that simple. I think it's one of those things that I can't stop, now that I know about it."

"Well, that's just great," said Ryan. "What are we meant to do now?"

"I don't know," said Brendon. His shoulders were up around his ears and his head was low as he asked, "Do you, um. Do you like me too?"

"I don't know," said Ryan with alarm. "I'm not gay."

"What about all that stuff you did with Jon when we were on tour?" asked Brendon.

"That was one time! And we were drunk!"

"Nah," said Brendon. "The second time, you were sober."

Damn. Ryan didn't think Jon had told anyone about that.

"That was a mistake,"he protested.

"Which time?" asked Brendon. He smirked at Ryan in an infuriating way.

Ryan glared.

"I'm not gay!"

"How do you know, Ry?" pressed Brendon. "I mean, you haven't had a girlfriend for over a year. You were only going out with Keltie for, like, six months."

"It was seven," hissed Ryan.

"Exactly. And you broke up with her for no reason."

"There was a reason!" Ryan almost shouted. "She was being such a..."

Girl. He was about to say girl.

"Bitch," he finished lamely.

Brendon narrowed his eyes. "That's not what you told me."

"Shut up, Brendon. I'm not gay."

"Oh, come on. Kiss me and tell me if you feel anything. Just once."

"Are you sure you don't want to kiss me just for your own pleasure?" asked Ryan dryly.

"...Maybe," said Brendon. "But I want to test your gayness as well."

"If I feel nothing, will you shut up about this whole 'me being gay' thing and get over your crush?"

Brendon hesitated. "I can't make any promises."

Ryan huffed irritatedly. "Whatever."

"So you're gonna kiss me?" asked Brendon. His eyes were wide.

"Yes," said Ryan.

He had expected Brendon to make the first move, lean in or close his eyes or something. But he just sat there and stared at Ryan with his stupid eyes wide and his stupid mouth hanging open.

So, Ryan lurched forward and pressed his mouth to Brendon's.

Ryan expected the kiss to be gross and wrong.

Brendon expected it to be perfect, the best kiss he'd ever had. Fireworks would erupt over the lake and Disney music would swell, creating the perfect 'first time kiss' atmosphere, only it would have to be 'second time kiss' atmosphere because Brendon and Ryan had already kissed once before, but that was when they were horny teenagers, and it didn't count.

Instead of the kiss feeling wrong, Ryan found, even though his stubbornly heterosexual brain wouldn't admit it, it felt kind of... right. Like maybe this was meant to happen, however stupid and romantic comedy that sounded. He maybe relaxed against Brendon's mouth and let the other man slip his tongue past his lips, but who would know?

Brendon was kind of disappointed about the lack of fireworks, but at least there was Disney music, even if it was only in his head. He didn't have to force his tongue into Ryan's mouth like he thought he'd have to; the soft lips parted of their own accord to let Brendon in.

So what if, by the end of the kiss, Ryan was possibly feeling a little harder than he should have been? It wasn't his fault. In fact, the finger of blame should be pointed at Brendon. He was the one who got Ryan into this mess, after all. They wouldn't even be in this situation if Brendon hadn't been so fucking stupid and gotten lost in the woods!

"So... how do you feel?" asked Brendon, hopefully, when they parted.

"I don't know," said Ryan, his sharp tone making Brendon recoil a little. "I feel like I just kissed you."

"Oh," said Brendon. "I meant... like, do you feel, um, turned on?"

Ryan was so not going to admit he was half - hard. But like he could lie to Brendon while the idiot was looking at him with those big, brown eyes.

"Maybe a little," Ryan admitted. The three words had to fight their way out from between his gritted teeth.

"A little!?" exclaimed Brendon, like Ryan had just proposed to him. "So do you want to maybe... be more than friends?"

"What?" asked Ryan, his voice high. "No! I'm not even gay!"

"But you just said you were kind of turned on by kissing me!" protested Brendon.

"Well, yeah, but..."

"Are you attracted to me?" demanded Brendon.

Ryan looked at him, really looked, took in Brendon's eyes and his cheekbones and his lips. He was kind of surprised he didn't immediately say no to the question.

"Well, yeah... a little..." Ryan hedged.

"Not good enough. Yes or no answer, Ross. 'No' being 'hell no'."

"Okay, then, yes!" snapped Ryan.



"Are you attracted to me sexually?" asked Brendon patiently.

Ryan looked down at the rest of Brendon and decided, yeah, he would tap that.

"Yes," he said.

"Then what's the problem?" asked Brendon. "Obviously you're kind of gay, otherwise you wouldn't find me sexually attractive. So what's stopping you? Enlighten me, Ryan."

"Did you think that maybe going from 'straight' to 'going out with a guy' might be kind of fast for me, Brendon?" asked Ryan loudly, his voice almost a shout.

"Jesus, we wouldn't be going out, I said more than friends. I meant fooling around. I don't want you to be my boyfriend straight away," said Brendon.

Ryan's heart did not just flutter at the mention of the word 'boyfriend'. He hesitated. "Jon and Spencer-" he began, but Brendon cut him off.

"I don't think Jon will care if we're fooling around, to be honest," he said dryly, remembering the events of 'that' fated night.

"Spencer will-"

"Spencer will what, Ryan? He won't want you to be happy? He won't understand? He's your best friend, Ryan! He only wants the best for you!" Brendon practically yelled the words in Ryan's face as his patience wore out.

Ryan realised Brendon was right. Spencer would only want the best for Ryan.

"Okay," he said, not quite believing he was agreeing to this.

Brendon grinned, the anger fading as fast as it had flared. "So do you want to?"

"Want to what? Fool around with you?" asked Ryan.

"Well, I was going to say 'kiss again', but that'll do just fine," said Brendon, shrugging before he launched himself at Ryan and knocked him to the ground.

Ryan grunted a little as his back hit hard dirt, but he smiled at Brendon's eagerness when the other man took his lips once more.


Ten minutes later, the two men had realised just how awesome a dick pressing up against your own could feel - although Ryan had been a little apprehensive about touching Brendon's dick in general - and were, well, pretty much dryhumping in the grass. To be honest, it looked absolutely ridiculous. Ryan let out a soft snort of laughter when a fleeting thought of someone finding them like this flashed through his head, but covered it up by pulling Brendon back down to him for another kiss.

Brendon was ecstatic. Humping Ryan was the best thing he had done in his life so far, including all the sex he'd had with Audrey. But now was not the time for thinking about his ex girlfriend! Ryan was underneath him, panting and needy and wanton! Brendon made up for his lapse in concentration with a particularly hard roll of his hips. Ryan moaned, deep and guttural, and a thrill sparked down Brendon's spine, because he made Ryan do that.

"Close," panted out Ryan, and indeed he was very. Fucking. Close. Brendon doubled his efforts above him, beginning to look like a small, horny dog, especially with the way his bottom lip was clamped betweeen his teeth, the eagerness in his face...

Ryan came, arching himself into Brendon and muttering the other man's name. Brendon came a few humps later, pressing down into Ryan and making this ridiculous whimpering noise.

Coming down from his orgasm, Ryan realised that maybe coming in his pants wasn't the best idea. They still had to walk back to the cabin, after all, and now his underwear was going to be all gross and slimy. He shuddered at the thought, but then Brendon leaned down and kissed him again and Ryan forgot about his underwear instantly.

"That was... pretty awesome," panted Brendon, breaking off the kiss and still trying to catch his breath because musicians don't get much excercise, okay?

"Yeah," agreed Ryan. He cleared his throat. "We should, um, get back to the cabin. Spencer and Jon will be worried."


Unbeknownst to them, Jon and Spencer were not worried, hadn't thought about Ryan or Brendon all day, actually. They were much too busy fucking on the living room floor, as Brendon and Ryan found out when they entered the cabin (after about six million hours of walking, oh my god) and found Spencer and Jon in the position they themselves had been in six million hours previously. Only Jon and Spencer were... naked. And kind of loud.

"What the fuck?!" screeched Spencer when he saw his missing bandmembers standing, bemused, in the doorway. Spencer used Jon as a kind of barrier to block his naked body from the other two, yelling obscenities as he did so. Jon just looked around sheepishly and waved a little.

"What the honest fuck?" asked Brendon, because the last time he looked, Spencer and Jon had NOT been on fucking terms.

"Well, Spencer and I, we're kind of..." Jon trailed off. "Fucking."

"Yeah, I can see that," said Ryan dryly.

"Yeah. Um. Yeah," said Jon, embarassed.

"But what about the other night?" asked Brendon. He pointed to Jon. "You were jerking off... and moaning Spencer's name!Explain!"

"Oh," said Jon. "That."

"Mmmhmm!" Brendon nodded vigorously.

"Well, Spencer was kind of... watching me," admitted Jon.

"What? How come I didn't see him then?" demanded Brendon.

"I don't know... I guess you just didn't notice him," said Jon.

"So, what. You two have been fucking for how long?" interjected Ryan in a monotone.

"About thirty minutes," snapped Spencer. "And I'm fucking close, so can you piss off and leave us alone?" Apparently, Spencer was a bitch when denied orgasm.

Jon leaned down and said something into Spencer's ear. It sounded suspiciously like 'later'. Brendon cringed.

"No," said Ryan impatiently, "How long have you guys been going out?"

"About six months," said Jon.

"Don't answer his questions! You'll just encourage him!" hissed Spencer.

"Six months and we didn't know?" asked Ryan, shocked.

"See?" Spencer threw up his hands. "Now he won't go away."

"Shut up, Spence." Ryan directed his next question at Jon. "So how did you keep it secret?"

Jon shrugged. "We didn't fuck when we were around you guys. We tried not to act like... you know, like we were going out in front of you. We thought you'd be freaked out."

"My erection is drooping..." said Spencer pointedly. Jon stretched out a hand to help and Ryan and Brendon turned back out the door, yelling, "Wait, wait, we're going! We're going!"

Once outside, Ryan said, "So we can get back into the cabin by the front door. My room, or yours?"

Brendon grinned and took Ryan's hand as they rounded the side of the house.

So that was the first chaptered story I've ever actually finished. I is proud. :B

brendon urie, jon walker, ryan ross, maple syrup, panic! at the disco, spencer smith, the young veins

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