Positive (Chapter 10)

Mar 21, 2010 09:35

Title: Positive
Author: xojemmaxo
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jon / Ryan, side Frerard and Brencer
POV: Third
Summary: Ryan perhaps thought that Spencer would have other things to do, better things. He had no idea what; maybe a new best friend in New York, one that fit Spencer's personality so well that he completely forgot about Ryan.
Disclaimer: I don't own ( Read more... )

ryan / jon, jon walker, frank iero, gabe saporta, panic! at the disco, gerard way, ryan ross, mpreg, positive, spencer smith, nc-17

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Comments 16

stupidrhapsody March 21 2010, 01:54:06 UTC



stupidrhapsody March 21 2010, 02:13:38 UTC

my my my name is up there. oh yes please *dance

I'm kinda o_O that spencer is 3 years older than ryan. and he's an executive. which means that he's richer than our poor ryan? not fair. at least, you could make jon is rich. but ryan with his idealism never wants fund from jon or something. like that. it'll cause DDDRAMA.

(maybe you can make that jon got a promotion? a sudden rich man? lol)

and wait wait. kinda forgot, how long is ryan? 3 months? SYMPTOMS, CRAVING AND OF COURSE sex mood, man XD

you need to update quickly cos I'm kinda forget about previous chapters. but of course I will re-read them. and also, can I send you my chapter 4, cinta?


xojemmaxo March 21 2010, 03:15:09 UTC

well, it deserved to be up there :D

Yeah, but but but if it was normal age Spencer'd be 21, I think, and to be an executive of a company at that age is kind of a stretch. Si i changed it a little :\ Maybe Ryan with his idealism never wants money that Spencer offers him, in coming chapters :D

(yes. that may happen.)

he is... *checks notes for pregnancy timeline* 7 weeks and one day. Not sure how many months that is, lol. MORE SYMPTOMS. MOOAAR. LIKE FORGETFULNESS. I'm thinking more ridic cravings for like, I don't even know. Vaseline. OH GOD I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THAT. :DDDDDDDDDDDDD

*facepalm* i know. But chapters are definitely going to come (lolcome) quicker now, cause they're getting more fun to write.


stupidrhapsody March 21 2010, 14:06:18 UTC

uh yeasssssh cookies. I've sent you chapter 4, hope that's okay man.

*crossfingersbecauseIwantjontogetrichsoryanandbabyBOYwillbehappy amen

7 weeks and one day, that'd be... one month and a half? YEASH SYMPTOMS PLEASE and stop the smoking ryan, goddammit.

alright alright. just. please don't disappoint me with the baby-sex. please make it a boy. like. I'm totally begging you, and totally will be upset if it's a gi-freaking-rl. uh huh no way man lol ok shut up now


mix_thevenom March 21 2010, 08:35:42 UTC
omg ryan's attitude is annoying the hell outta me right now. i mean, i knowww that he doesn't want the kid and all, but jesus. i do not like your attitude, young man! ahaha.

i was expecting super!angst, but it didn't seem that angsty to me. though i'm not too into angst myself, so i probably have trouble recognising it.

anyhoo, can't wait for another chapter! wanna get to the part where ryan finally wants the baby and starts getting all googley eyed over it. oh, and gets the pregnant glow :0) wait, has he got it already or not? <.< >.>

oo i think this is the longest comment i've ever left on this story. hee &hearts


xojemmaxo March 21 2010, 08:57:10 UTC
i know, i know. He's gonna be like that for a while, though, i hope you won't stop reading because of it :(

it actually probably isnt that angsty. i suppose that its because i wrote it that i see all it's flaws. also, the previous chapters were 99.5% angst too, so. :P

oh, honey, you're gonna be waiting for a looong time. but jons getting googly eyed in the next chapter; imagine what he's gonna be like when its actually born! oh my i cant wait.

maybe long waits = longer comments? not too keen to test that theory again, lol

thanks heaps for commenting!


mix_thevenom March 23 2010, 05:55:21 UTC
oh no of course not! i like teh dramaz :D

jon getting googley eyed will be adorableee! it will almost make up for ryan's poor attitude ^_^ i can't wait either. jonnn &hearts

lol i'm not too keen for you to test that theory either, tyvm! :P

you're very welcome! :0)


indusnm March 21 2010, 14:59:38 UTC
As for gay people getting married- no it's legal in some European countries, and it's legal in some U.S. states (Mass, Vermont, Iowa, Connecticut, N Hampshire) and in Washington DC. Some other states (MD, NY and Rhode Island and some Indian tribe in Oregon) recognize gay marriages done in other states even if you can't do them there.

Great chapter, thanks for posting.


xojemmaxo March 21 2010, 20:13:15 UTC
Thanks! That was a LOT of help!

Thank you for commenting!


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xojemmaxo March 22 2010, 05:42:23 UTC
the next one isn't so uneventful, though, so :D

Thankyou for the info and thanks for commenting!


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xojemmaxo March 23 2010, 10:41:20 UTC
Okay, thank you, that's really helpful!

Neither do I... I live in Australia, lol

Like I could make them fight for more than, like, five paragraphs. :P

Thanks for commenting :D


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